JACKLYN || Broken *2*

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|| Broken ||

A/N Make sure to read part one to understand the storyline :)

"Well, I fucked up..."  Jack looked up into Andy's eyes and saw mostly concern but also a little bit of anger. "What did you do Jack?" The blonde slowly said. He felt like whatever Jack did, he would need to protect Brook. Rye stood in the door way listening as well.

"Well, first of all I wanna say that I never wanted this to happen and I'm sorry that we... I might of messed the band up" Jack said correcting himself at the end.

"This must be really serious then" Rye spoke moving next to Andy. Jack slowly nodded whilst moving his eyes between the two oldest boys. Jack sighed, thinking about how to start all of what has happened in the last year.

"So... let's start at the beginning. Um... well me a brook had a... thing, you could say. We didn't make anything official it was just for fun" both Rye and Andy were shocked. They knew they were close but not that much. "It started whilst we were in the flat. Brook would always create these innuendos and hyping up Jacklyn that it started play on my nerves, and one day I just snapped and kissed him. Never knew that I would actually like it," Jack nervously laughed. Andy and Rye looked at each other knowingly and smiled.

"So, we started a thing, I didn't know what it would be called, friends with benefits? or something like that. But when we moved here something changed, something just seemed different between us. I don't know if it was us not sharing a room together or something else but we kind of distanced ourselves." Jack sighed, "we talked and decided to try... I guess. But, I think we pushed it to far and I was really feeling overwhelmed."

"So, you were pushing something that may of not been there?" Andy slowly asked.

"Yeah, and I fucked it all up... we were trying so hard to make something happen between us that I snapped. Again. And this time it was bad. I walked away in a mess and met some one at a café and things happened. Things still kept happening even though, I loved Brooklyn. But I didn't realize that then. Brooklyn then caught me with this someone and everything just went to shit."

"Oh Jack," Rye sympathized for both boys. Brook was cheated on and its devastating to see him so upset, but Jack was conflicted and pressured to keep something that wasn't working. "I never meant to hurt him. I just..." and Jack broke down, he couldn't imagine how hurt Brooklyn was feeling and he was afraid that he would never forgive Jack for what he did. Andy pulled Jack towards him in a side hug, comforting him. Jack was broken.

And so was Brooklyn, he sat hunched over on his bed. Hands gripping his hair as he sobbed. The first time in weeks that he had spoken to Jack and so many different emotions rushed through him in such a powerful wave.

Two broken boys in a messed up house.

When Andy and Rye had spoken to the rest of the boys telling them what had happened, they were all surprised and upset. But they all agreed that they would try to work it out in the morning as the moon shown over Hogwarts and everyone went to sleep.


Andy woke up first, he wanted to see if Brooklyn was ok, so put his robe on and headed to the younger blondes room. But as he stepped inside he saw no one but a note placed on his bed. He went to pick it up and read it to himself;

Dear all,

I'm sure that Jack has told you what happened by now. And I'm sure who ever is reading this is worried but I, Brooklyn wyatt am ok. well... I think will be anyway.

I have decided that the best thing to do right now is to take a short break away from everything, from everyone and decide what I am going to do and just sort out my feelings.

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