JACKLYN || Figuring it out

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|| Figuring it out || High school AU

Ok so this is a very long oneshot, this was going to be a book but I cba so have this long ass story. :) oh and there is a bit of Randy as usual.


Brooklyn Gibson Avraam Wyatt.18. Rich, posh and has everything that he has ever wanted. Well, except one thing. He lives with his mother and farther, he hardly sees them. 20 servants that cook and clean for him, the only people he is close to is the head cook, Fiona and his best friend, Jack. Everyone at school thinks he's rude and stuck up because of his money. But he isn't, he can be the kindest and sweetest guy on the planet, that is if he ever lets you in. Because of his past with his parents never being home, he never learnt how to become close with anyone.

Well except Jack of course, he kind of forced Brooklyn to be friends with him and Fiona was there since he was born so that bond was there from the beginning.

Jack (cant remember his middle name) Duff. 18. Not as wealthy as Brooklyn, but he gets by. He loves his family to bits. With two older siblings and a mother and farther who like to spend every night having dinner with their family. Both parents working two jobs, paying for school, rent and food. You would think that they wouldn't have time but they try. He's best friends with Brooklyn, because everyone told him that he was rude and stuck up. He didn't want to believe them, never judge a book by the reviews, or something like that. It was hard at the beginning but one day Jack broke the walls of Brooklyn Wyatt.

And its the best thing that has ever happened to both of them.

Remember when I told you that Brooklyn had everything except one thing. Well, that was love. Love is something that has been hard on Brooklyn. From girl to girl he has never found the right one. Either, the girl only went out with him for his money or she just wasn't the right one. There was always something in his mind telling him that she wasn't the one and as much as he hated to admit it that thought was right. But that didn't stop him from trying. He needed to find love, even if it broke his heart at times. He kept on looking to fill the hole that his parents have left him.

And this broke Jack's heart too, to see his best friend go through every girl that laid eyes on him. Every girl that wanted him for his money, or for his looks. There were many accusations that Jack was in it for the money because of his situation. But that was not true. He loved Brook for his personality not his wealth or looks, well Brook was very handsome and beautiful but it's not all about that. He hated seeing Brooklyn go around trying to find The one, when the one was in fact right in front of him, comforting him with mint choc chip ice cream after a bad break up. Yes, Jack liked Brooklyn, but he isn't gay or bi. Yet he isn't straight either. He doesn't like putting labels on things, so he doesn't. He likes who he likes, it doesn't need a stupid label to be put on it.

Some days, Brooklyn really does want his parents home, to have parents like Jack's, to comfort him and share stories about their day. But he will never have that. Having a job that requires them to travel across the world, sucks. But I guess having Fiona helps. She's like a second mother to him, she loves him like he's her very own son and he enjoys the time he has with her. She's sweet and caring towards him and she is amazing at making Tiramisu. It's his favorite dessert. He tells her everything, and I mean everything. From what he did at school to what color Jack dyed his hair next. Fiona loves listening to Brooks stories.

Jack loves Fiona too. Whenever he's around, her eyes always light up and it brings warmth inside of him, knowing that he can make her smile.


Brooklyn woke up this morning with a groan as he hit his phone multiple times. Trying to turn his alarm off. He then finally decided to just throw it across the room, not knowing that Jack was in the room as well. "Gee wizz Noodles, you almost killed me." Jack laughed at his friends as he rose from his bed. "Sorry Jonk, didn't know you were here." Brooklyn looked over at Jack and saw that he wore a blue buttoned up shirt and black ripped jeans. For a second Brooklyn bit his lip at the sight but then let it go as he realized what he was doing. "You ok there Noodles?" Jack asked as his Irish accent flowed through his words.

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