JACKLYN || He Promised

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|| He Promised || AU FOUR

WARNING: It's Dark, so read at own risk. (Death)

Read until very end, I have a question.

Jacklyn x Harplyn



Heavy breathes fall past my lips as I run. My legs and lungs burning as I push myself to the very limit. "What did you do?" A voice echoed through my head. I keep a steady pace, when I shake my head.

"Why did you do it?" I keep running, maybe if I keep going I can run away from him. "Why did you kill me?"

"Leave me alone!" I shout as I stop.

"Never." I spin to see him standing in front of me. He steps closer, "I will never leave you." He said deeply. "I can't." I sigh and continue my run. Away from him and towards my house.

Running in, I lock the door and walk up the stairs to get into my bathroom. I rest against the sink with my hands, dropping my head towards the sink. I close my eyes and try to catch my breathe. "Your nose is bleeding." I look up into the mirror and sigh.

Grabbing some paper towels, I wipe my nose of the red blood. Looking down at the tissue, images flash through my head. My hands start shake as I imagine them covered in blood and nothing but. "Just admit what you did." I glance up at him and ignore him, looking back down at my hands, which seem to be clear of the blood.

"Please leave, so I can shower."

"That didn't stop you before." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and started to strip. "Just go."

"I can't. Not until you stop thinking about me." I sigh once again and step into the shower.

"Then stay, Jack."


Walking out of the steamy room, I walk in my bedroom. Dropping the towel on the bed, I walk over to my wardrobe for a new pair of boxers. "I definitely miss that." I bit my bottom lip, as I pull my boxers on.

"But mostly I miss my family." I stand up straight and look into my wardrobe. "Are you trying to guilt me?"

"Is it working?" I spin and look at his hopeful face. "No." I mutter and get into my bed.

"What I don't miss is your stubbornness." He says. I wave him off, placing my head on the pillow and I close my eyes. I hear him sigh and then silence falls upon the room. I open my eyes and he's gone.

Looking down in slight sadness, I get comfortable and try to fall asleep.



"What are you doing?" I jump at the sudden voice and spin to see Jack standing there in the doorway with a frown on his face. I look down at his phone and gasp. "It's not what it looks like?!"

"Oh really? Because it looks like your looking through my phone." He steps towards me to take his phone off me. "What were you looking for?"

"I saw a text and I don't know, curiosity became the best of me. I'm sorry Jack." I look up at him with my puppy dog eyes. He sighs and pulls me towards him. "I can't stay mad at you." He wraps his arms around me in a hug.

"So, what did it say?" He asked.

"It was just a text from your mum. She says she misses you." He chuckled and pushed me away from him a little. "Why are you so precious?" A blush rose to my cheeks as a small smile plays along my lips. "I love you Jack."

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