ROADTRIP (RANDY) || Detention

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|| Detention || AU

I have another very long one for you guys... (and that sounded dirty)

There might be mistakes, but I cba...


"No phones, No talking and No leaving the room. I'll be down in my office if you need me but lets all hope to god that you don't." Five boys were scattered across the tables of the library.

Two were sat together, the two members of the Dreelan high school football team, Mikey and Rye. They were sat across from each other on the middle table, one slouched and the nervously tapping onto the wooden table. You see Mikey rarely ever gets detention, he was raised by strict parents that would go ballistic on him when he returns home. So, he was a nervous wreck, tapping his foot away at the carpet and biting at his nails. The other guy, Rye, is simply just sitting there slouched, no care in the world. It's a regular occurance that he's in this room, his parents don't care, as long as he gets good grades he could do whatever the fuck he wants.

He looks over at his best friend and laughs quietly to himself, "It's going to be ok, Mike" Mikey shoots his eyes over to Rye and rolls his eyes at him. "Rye, they are going to kill me. You know how my parents are like." Rye only shakes his head. "No they wont, trust me. I talked to dreelan and conviced him not to call your parents" Mikey's posture slightly relaxed.

"What am I going to do without you Rye?" Rye leaned forward, placing his hand on the dark brunnetes shoulder, "you would be dead." They both laugh and get back into their original positions.

Another brunette was in the room, leaned back in the desk chair with his legs cossed over on the table in front. His hands linked together against his stomach. His head back and eyes closed. Jack was also a regular in the large book filled room. He would either be in here for a fight, got caught smoking on the school grounds or just simply graffitiing the back wall of the school. He's kind of the rebel of the school. Jack loves mischief, he cant seem to get enough of it but yet he still gets caught every time, There's got to be a snitch. Who though, I bet it's Cantwell. He's such a goody two shoes. Next time I'll see him, I'll give him a stern talking to.

A blonde, Brooklyn. He loves pranks and seeing people laugh, he likes doing all sorts of pranks, gluing the teacher to the chair, playing random song through the speaker of the school or his favourite painting the headteachers bald head on the wall of the gym. He was walking down the isles of the different books looking for a good one to read, even though he was not quiet good at it. So, he was looking for a good picture book to look at.

And now lastly Andy, he was the musician and quite a bad mouth. He got into this room by talking back to the most strictest teacher at this school. Music was his passion and he would do anything for it and ironically the teacher that he bad mouthed was his music teacher. He loved his music and his songs, but apparently Mr. Martin did not. He was sat on the window sill of the library, staring off outside. Looking over to all the free students walking around, not stuck inside a heated room full of people he hated. He would rather be sitting in the park playing some guitar and writing songs.

Jack huffed out of boredom and dropped his feet onto the floor, his eyes landed on the front teachers desk and he moved over to the wooden surface. Looking at the drawers, his eyes land on one that he knows very well, he reaches for it and tries to open it, but unfortunately it's locked. He patted his pockets to look for a pin of some sort. No luck, "anyone got a paper clip or bobby pin?" he talks out loud. Looking round the room he gets the attention of three of the four guys, they shake the heads a no and Jack sighs. "Why?" Brooklyn asks,

"Phones are in here, I need something to open it." Brooklyn's face slightly dropped, but masked it with a smile in realization. "Ask Fowler" Rye simple says.

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