JACKLYN || Everything Was Just Perfect *2*

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|| Everything was just perfect ||

Make sure you have read the first one to understand this one.

(Part one: "So, what you gonna be?)



"So what's it gonna be?"


So, we were in a stand off. One big man holding Brooklyn, whilst the latter was struggling to contain his groans of pain. Harold standing there pointing his gun at the said blonde staring at me. I stood there with my gun pointed at Harold, staring at him. Waiting until he did something. A police officer standing behind me, watching us carefully for any wrong movement.

It was a clear stand off, everyone waiting for the next move...


I stare into those cold brown eyes, wandering what is going through his messed up brain. I start to get irritated at the lack of words between us. Why do people all of a sudden want to be quiet?

"I'm sorry, Harold." Harold's face washes over with confusion, as I quickly lower my hand to shoot him in the leg. An ear piercing ring going through the air, that was quickly met with Harold's cry for pain. He dropped to the floor holding pressure against where I shot him.

I look over to the man that was holding Brook and he looked fearful, so he instantly dropped the boy. I quickly dropped the weapon and ran over to Brooklyn. Wrapping my arms around him he started to sob into my shoulder.

"It's ok, it's ok. I'm here now." He grabbed onto my shirt when a sob wracked in his body. I just hold him close to my body, as I try to calm him down. "Jack, you gotta go before the rest of my team get here." I hear officer Cobban day.

Mikey Cobban. He was a childhood friend. He was loyal and kind. So, he helped me and the Silversmiths whenever someone got in trouble. He wasn't a dirty cop, he just was our inside help whenever police where involved. He's all about morals, just not when it comes to us. That's the only thing he turns his head away from.

I quickly nod, and turn my attention to Brooklyn, "Brookie, we gotta go. Okay?" He slowly nodded. I helped him get up, wrapping his arm around my shoulder to steady him when walking. We were stopped by Mikey, "I buzzed Rye, he's out the back with a car." I Thank him and try to move with Brooklyn slouched against me, we move through the kitchen and then the back door where I see, surprisingly both Andy and Rye. Andy being in the drivers seat.


If you were wandering, every member involved with the Silversmiths has a button. That button when pressed, sends out an electric signal to the warehouse and to the main cavalry, to show them that one of us is in danger. It shows a message, in which you can speak into the button the description if the situation, and a map of where the signal came from. 

So, Mikey being involved with the gang had a button. And I'm assuming when he came into the cafe he sent out that signal.

Anyway, I had taken Brooklyn out into the car. Where Andy was sat in the drivers seat...

"We were on a date, when the signal was sent out." Rye explained. I nodded as I tried to make Brook as comfortable as possible on the back seats of Andy's car. "You better not get any blood on the seats boys. Do you know how expensive it is to wash it all out?" Andy warned us as he sped out of the back alley of the café.

I looked down at Brook and tried to sooth his pain whilst threading my fingers through his hair. His eyes were closed but I knew he was awake. He lifted his hand and took my free hand to link them together. I smiled down at him and sat there in comfort.

ROADTRIP || ships and shit (oneshots)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя