Brooklyn + ??? || I hate you too Wyatt

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|| I hate you too Wyatt || AU

Here's one I wrote earlier ;)

*Warning: A lot of swearing*


"Move out the way Dickhead!" Jack gritted as he pushed past Brooklyn in the college hallway. "What's got your pants twisted, Asshole?" Brooklyn asked. Jack spun around, an angry glare against his features. He stepped forward, into Brooklyn's face, staring him down. "You wanna call me an Asshole again?" He angrily suggested, waiting for an answer he drilled his stare into Brooklyn's eyes.

"Ass-Hole." Brooklyn slowly said, stepping even closer to the brunette. A crowd forming around the two boys, Jack's blood boiled and his fists clenched. Rage filling both of them, they spent the next few seconds just staring each other down. Rye walked up next to the two, after seeing a lot of people crowding around something. "Boys, you wanna calm down. Before someone gets hurt or in trouble." Jack and Brooklyn ignored Rye.

"What's going on down there?" A teachers voice rang down the hallway. The people in the crowd had dispersed and Jack tore his eyes away from the blonde. He looked at Rye then back over to Brooklyn, "Watch where you're going next time." and he stormed away, Brooklyn and Rye watching him walk away.

"Why do you hate each other so much?" Rye asks, Brooklyn tears his eye away from the empty corridor and onto Rye.

"He just really fucking pisses me off."


It was first period, Brooklyn was getting changed for physical education, he was tying his shoes when he felt a pair of eyes burning on his skin. He leaned up, and looked round the room. He locked eyes with the ones that were on him, Brooklyn's face stiffened but relaxed as soon as the guy had shook his head slightly and nodded towards to the showers.

Brooklyn walks over to the showers and heads to the furthest away from everyone. He leaned on the wall waiting for the guy to come over. He watched the floor as he thought, a pair of feet entered his vision and he looked up to met with the same eyes in the changing rooms. They were glazed with lust, "I cant stop thinking about this morning." He whispered walking closer to Brooklyn. Brooklyn frowned placing his hands on the guy's face, "No words," he pushed his face closer to his own. "Please." He spoke again close to the guy's lips.

The guy smirked and kissed Brooklyn roughly, pushing him up against the cold tiled wall. Brooklyn kissed the guy back, moaning as he had pushed a leg in between Brooklyn's. Brooklyn threading his hands through the guys hair, tugging at it. The guy, moved away from Brooklyn's lips and to the blondes neck. Sucking and biting Brooklyn let out breathy moans. The guy moved away fully, making Brooklyn release a small little whimper, "clothes off." The guy stated. Both of the boys quickly ripped away their clothes, leaving them naked and exposed in front of each other.

They collided, in another heated make out.


When they had finished they started to pull their clothes on, "You got something to cover that?" The guy asked. Brooklyn pulled a confused look, the guy chuckled to himself before tapping Brooklyn's neck. "Hickeys."

Brooklyn pulled an exasperated look, "I thought we said no hickeys!"

"Sorry?" He guiltily smiled. Brooklyn shook his head.

"Well, I don't. So, I'll think of something." Brooklyn patted the guy's chest and walked out of the showers.


"So, where were you Brook?" Andy asked as Brooklyn walked up to the table. Brooklyn looked over to the other blonde and sighed. "And who's the guy?" Brooklyn looked away slowly, thinking of an answer. "Quick hook up and not telling." Was the only thing that came to mind.

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