JACKLYN || The Hoodie

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|| The Hoodie ||

Still soft content...
If there is confusion later on...
status: together for three years.


Brook -

As I sat on my bed, a cold breeze wafted into the room. I place my controller down next to the bed and look behind me to see that my window is closed. Yet it was raining outside so I only assume that the coldness is from that. I jump off my bed and quickly go over to Spyro to check if his cage is at the right temperature, when I see that is I go look for my favourite hoodie.

I look and I look, yet I can't seem to find it. We did have a clearance of clothes yesterday so maybe I dropped it there by accident. I open my door and walk down the corridor a bit to reach a huge pile of clothes. I bend down and sort out through the different fabrics, I groan slightly as I don't find it.

I would wear another one I have but I really like the one I'm looking for, it makes me feel safe. I stand up and jump slightly as I see Andy standing there with a blank look, "god Andy you scared the crap out of me!" I say in a frantic state.

"Sorry brook" he smiled "what are you looking for?" He asks as he looks down at the mess of clothes.

"I'm looking for my green hoodie. Have you seen it?" Andy shook his head and climb over the pile and down the stairs. I sigh and try to think of where it could be. Before going down I decide to see if Jack seen it, I step closer to his room and hear a soft hum from the music. I open his door and pop my head to see that Jack's fast asleep, covered in blankets.

I don't bother asking him as he'll just groan at me for waking him up. I quietly close the door and skip down the stairs. I'm not really cold anymore but I kind of want to still find my hoodie.

Pushing the door open to the kitchen I see Alex and Robbie in the kitchen. Andy and Rye in the living room. I stand in the middle and try to ask if they've seen my hoodie. "What one is it?" Rye asks.

"My green one that says 'don't worry it's a Brooklyn thing' across it" I say as I walk in more into the room. I look round the room and they all shake their heads. "Haven't seen it mate, have you asked Jack?"

"He's asleep, I didn't want to get punched if I woke him" they all chuckle at my statement, I just sigh and sit by the fish tank. I drop my head in my hands and try to think of where it could be. "Why you looking for it anyway?" I heard Andy ask.

"It's really cold in my room"

"You have millions of hoodies why don't you just wear one of those?" I raise my head up to look over to the other blonde. "Cause I really need that one" Andy was about to speak when he was interrupted by the door of the kitchen opening. I look over and spot Jack walking in, but that wasn't what I was slightly angry about. He had my hoodie on, the one I have looked almost everywhere for.

"Jack Duff can you explain yourself?!" I almost grit out of my teeth. He looks at me with confusion written all over his face. "explain what?" I tut and walk over to him, in the corner of my eyes I see everyone looking at us. I point my finger around his top half, wiggling it around. "what is this?"

"A hoodie?"  I squint my eyes at him and slowly nod,

"God this is taking too long, Jack your wearing Brooks favorite hoodie and he's mad at you." Andy spoke up. I kept looking at Jack as his face turned into realization. "Brook we all share clothes why are you angry now?" I tried to think up of something, but nothing came to mind as I frantically looked in between everyones eyes. "look, I just need it ok?"

"What's so special about it?" Jack asked. I was slightly getting annoyed at the constant questions forwarded to me. I just huffed and walked past Jack, mumbling "just keep it" and I run upstairs with the last noise that I hear is of my name before I reach my room. I jump on my bed and wrap myself up with my blanket. I snuggle in as much as I can, to soak up all warmth that I can get. I hear my door open but I ignored it, I felt my bed dip but I ignored it. I even felt the knowing scent reach my nose, but yet I still ignored the feeling of his warmth consume me. I kept staring forward onto my wardrobe.

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