JACKLYN || Suicide watch

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|| suicide watch||

By the name of the title, you could probably tell that there will be some suicidal things so...


I guess but its not too bad, I think.


Jack -

"Jack" it was muffled but I understood they were calling my name. I slowly open my eyes, squinting slightly as the cold water hits my eyes. As my eyesight adjusts and the stinging subsides, I see small bubbles rising to the surfaces. My lungs had burnt the first few moments of being in this water, but for one reason that I can't explain it had slowed down.

And all I felt was numb. Water moved around me rapidly and I suddenly felt two hands below my armpits. I started to panic slightly now as my mind came back to reality. And when we broke the surface of the pool, I gasped for air like my life depended on it, which in reality it did.

I had now finally seen who was the one to stop this process of mine. In any day I would be happy to see him but now I was not. "Jack, what the fuck were you doing? you could if drowned." I frowned shaking my head.

"That was the point," I mumbled as I swam to the edge and lifting myself out. "What does that mean?!" Brook shouted behind me. I stood straight, facing him as I rinse my soaking wet clothes. "Forget about it," I state in a monotone. I lift my eyes at him, still in the middle of the pool. He had concern and confusion written all over his face.

I sigh, "Brook, just forget it." He slowly nods even though his expression hadn't changed one bit. I nod in finishing the conversation and walk out of the pool room, wet footsteps following behind me.

I huff as I reach my room. Sometimes I really do wish that I lived alone but what can you do. That's a way of life. With struggle, I try to take my wet clothes off and dump them in the corner of my room. I'll wash them later.

Brook -

I'm getting worried about Jack. He's been acting strange and doing weird things. They're very concerning. I mean I have never really been good at reading people or situations. So most of the time I get in trouble when the room is serious and I do something dumb. But this kind of behaviour I can read.

There is something going on with Jack and I'm scared.

"Brook, why are you in the middle of the pool?... actually don't answer that I don't wanna know." Andy startled me. I look up whilst I float, "I'm worried about Jack"

"Brook, I can't take you seriously when you're in there." I sigh and swim up to him and lift myself out. My clothes sticking to me straight away. "What were you saying about Jack?"

"Uh yes, I just found him face down in the pool not moving. When I got him out I explained him that he could of drowned, he replied with 'that was the point' I'm worried about him and I don't know what to do Andy!"

I waved my hands as I spoke and I felt myself getting worked up over this. Other than Andy and Rye, me and Jack are one of the closest. I didn't know what to do, if he was keeping something from me.

"Ok Brook, calm down. that does sound weird but If you are that worried then go talk to him." I sigh nodding. I seriously hope my friend is ok.

"Just change before going, don't want the house to get wet. It was just cleaned." I nod and figure out the quickest route to my room. Struggling to take my clothes of rinse them out and walk through the kitchen, making sure I don't make puddles as I walk. I really don't want an angry Andy on my hands.

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