SACKLYN || Tension

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|| Tension || Requested By  procrasinatinglife (slightly different from what was requested but still the same)

This had slightly broke my heart to write but I kind of like how it ended up.



It was everywhere, it was beginning to overtake the "ship" of the band, Randy. Everyone was always anticipating their next move. The arrival of the new Roadtrip member had sparked something in the band that nothing had ever did. Sonny Robertson had arrived at the house and it had excited Brooklyn in ways of beyond belief. Jack being closest to the boy had expected it would only last a few days. But as weeks even months had gone by, he was getting sick of seeing the name 'Bronny'.

It had always been Jacklyn and as much as Jack had pushed away his feeling for Brook, this new ship had sparked his true jealous self. Seeing them two had been hard and he knew that he needed to do something before he lost his friend for good.

"Brook?" The brunette walked into Brooklyn's room, with high hopes that he would accept his offer. The older boy hummed as he walked around the room. "You wanna hang out?"


"Yeah," Jack's hopes we're slowly disappearing as he can sense a 'no' coming. "Or is now not a good time?"

"Well, I'm going shops with Sonny." Jack sighed sadly. Briefly pouting to himself as he thought that he could have some free time with his friend. But no, he was determined. So he did the one thing he didn't want to really do but had to. "Can I come with?" Again that hope returned and with all his might he wished that Brooklyn would say yes. "Uh, sure bro. We're leaving in five." Jack quickly nodded, smiling to himself. Although a sharp pain went through his heart at the name 'bro' he knew they were nothing more but he couldn't stop the hurt that went through him every time they used the platonic names.

He jogged to his room grabbing a hoodie and his phone. Meeting the two boys downstairs, he couldn't avoid the little look of anger Sonny shot the brunette. Trying to contain his smile they walk out to the Uber that was waiting for them.

The journey there was tense. Well between the two brunettes. Brook on the hand was totally oblivious to the hard stares between Sonny and Jack. Even the driver had felt some kind of uncomfortable atmosphere between the two sitting at the back. With glancing ever so often through the rear view mirror, there was just a weird tension.

And a sigh of relief fell through the Uber drivers lips as he saw the supermarket come into view. Stepping out, Jack goes to get a cart. Leaning on his elbows against the handle, they walk in looking around the place to decide where to go. "So, what do we need?" Jack asks as they walk through the first isle.

"Well, we need the basics. Milk, bread and eggs. Then some stuff for dinner. And Andy asked if we could look for some snacks, for long nights in the studio." Jack nodded pushing off the ground and riding the cart further down the isle. " let me jump in?!" Brook shouted, making Jack jolt to a stop and spin around to face Brooklyn.

The blonde jumped in with a struggle, making the two brunettes laugh at his small grunts. He flipped them both off and Jack pushed Brooklyn like a little kid as he picked things from different shelves.

Not even half way through they had found out that maybe one wasn't enough, so Jack mistakenly volunteered to go get another one. Arriving back to the two boys, he slowed down his pace as he saw them both play fighting with a bag of spaghetti. He watched as Brook's smile was so bright and playful, when he was with Sonny and he sighed to himself.

Maybe it was time to let this go. Let him go. Pushing the empty trolly he stopped by Brook and Sonny and once they gave him a full on happy smile, he was only able to muster up a weak false one. Brook knowing Jack's fake smiles, frowned. He wandered what had happened to pull this off. "Sonny can you go get a pack of tomatoes? I forgot to grab 'em."

"Why don't you get them?!"

"'Cause I CBA!" Sonny groaned and walked back to the previous isles. This was the blondes only chance to get Jack to talk. "Jack, what's with the fake smile?"

"What do you mean?" Jack tried to play dumb and innocent, but Brooklyn didn't fall for it. "Jack." He warmed, keeping strict eye contact with the boy. And with a failed pleading look, Jack sighed in defeat turning towards the cart and grappling the handle. "Can I ask you a question?"


"Are you happy?" Brooklyn frowned at the question thinking it was weird to ask out of the blue. Jack caught on to his weird look and silence and re-phrased the question. "Are you happy with Sonny?"

"Yeah I guess."

"Would you say you were happier with him than with me?" Brooklyn frowned, their eyes had connected and Brook saw the small broken heart painted across Jack's jade eyes. Things had started to click together and the blonde sighed, "Jack, you said you didn't like me like that."

"I know, I know. It's just-"

"I've moved on." Brook interrupted.

"What?" Brooklyn looked down not wanting to meet Jack's intense eyes. "Before your mind over runs with me and Sonny. It isn't him..."

"Then who is it?" Brook was about to reply but Sonny came back. They exchanged looks of 'we'll talk later' and carried on shopping. The next few minutes were of them playing around and trying to forget about the tense atmosphere around them.

Carrying their bags, full of food and other things needed, Sonny stood to the side talking to the taxi service on the phone. With an Uber they would have to wait half an hour until they arrived and it looked like it was about to rain so a taxi would be a lot quicker. "You don't have to tell me who it is but can we at least stay best friends?" Brook looked up at Jack and smiled. "Of course Jack." Jack grabbed Brook and hugged him. "I missed us." He whispered next to the blondes ear.

"Me too."


Jack was lazily spread across his bed, not really doing much. Just staring at the ceiling and listening to music. He heard his door open and close, so he moved his head to look over. He saw Sonny's tall figure standing there with a pout. Taking an earbud out of his ear he looked up at him with an expectant look. "Brook said he was going out with Harper." Jack had a small smile against his lips.

Thinking back to the store, Brooklyn said that he had moved on. And he was happy for him, he really was. He still had his feelings but he knew he could move on with the knowing of them still being friends and Brook being happy. Plus Harper was a really good guy, I hope he takes care of my Brooks. "That's good."

Sonny frowned, "What? I thought you liked him."

"I did but I talked to him and he said he moved on. We are friends and I trust his judgement with making himself happy. And if he's happy with Harper then I'm happy."

"Wow, never knew the Jack Duff was so responsible with his feelings." Jack laughed. "So what are you doing?"

"Nothing much really."

"Wanna hang out?"



Hope you enjoyed this little one-shot. Laptop is fixed but uploads will still be slow as I'm on holiday. :)



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