MACK || Thank you Rye

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|| Thank you Rye ||

Not really sure about the title, if you have any better titles then please help me out.

Jack -

I was at a party, I was fucking dragged here by my friend Rye, I didn't want to come but he wanted me to be his wingman. He liked this blonde guy that I had forgotten name of. Anyway, I did my job and now they are off somewhere probably making out. And as Rye was the one who could drive I was stuck here standing against the wall sipping my cola. I don't really like to drink, I only drink when I'm at an important event or just a small little chill sesh with my friends.

Anyway, as I said I'm stuck in this crowded house alone against the wall. I look round at all the sweaty bodies and wander 'why the fuck do people like to be in such a tight space with strangers humping each other?' But what can you really do, I'm a good friend, and I helped my mate out, finding a guy to love or lust, his choice really. I look down in my cup and sigh, I'm such a fucking good friend. I mean I didn't have any plans tonight but still...

I look up slowly and meet someone's eyes, across the room. I keep eye contact with him, my vision is moved to his hand that is holding a bud, I'm guessing weed, as this is a party and I've seen what weed buds look like. I've wanted to try weed but I've never had the opportunity to do so. I look back up and I see that he smirks. He stands up and slowly walks through the crowd, and as he does so, I check him out. He's wearing a pair of black vans, black jeans, a white t-shirt and a leather jacket. His hair is dark almost black and looks so soft I want to run my hands through them already. As he pushes past the grinding teenagers and stands in front of me. A lustful look against his face.

He takes a puff from his bud and leans closer to me, my mouth opens slightly in amazement and he stands only a centimetre from my face. He slowly releases the smoke between his lips and through to mine. The smoke travels across and into my lungs. I close my eyes and take in the effect that one huff of smoke has taken over me. I slowly open my eyes and meet his once again, his eyes blue as the ocean, and I am mesmerised by the crystal that they show. He leans in once again and places his lips against mine. His lips so soft and sweet.

I was shocked for a second but I came to my senses and kissed back, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pushed me closer to the wall, him moving with me. He places his hands against my waist and I moan as he slowly bites my lip, asking for an entrance. I let him in and our tongues dance together, and I taste the beer and slight sent of vanilla against his skin. I feel like Im on cloud nine as I kiss him, I loose myself into him most of the effect that I am feeling is from the weed but it was also him and his taste.

We pull away and I stare again into those crystals, "Hi, my names Mikey" he whispered slightly against my ear, so that I could hear him. "Jack" I whispered next to his ear as well. Mikey smiled at me, he mouth 'nice name'  and I mouth a 'thank you' and smiled back. He lifted his hand up and offered another huff of the bud. I nod and grabbed it taking in a huff and kept it inside. I grabbed Mikey's neck softly and pushed it towards me. I open my mouth and breathed the smoke out in between his lips. He hummed in content, and I watch as the smoke exits through his nose.

"Wanna get out of here?" I look out to the crowd and look to see if I spot Rye, luckily I did and I catch his eye, he nods and brings a thumb up. The blonde kid in front of him quickly turns Rye's head back and starts kissing him. I slightly smile and look back a Mikey, "Yes I would love to" he grabs my hand and pushes though the crowd to the front door. We stepped out and I felt the cold hair hit my face. Wow, that house was a sauna and I didn't even realize it or it could just be the UK weather. I'm still holding Mikey's hand when we reach his car.

He opens up the car and lets me in "Ma lady" I laughed and say a thank you.

"Such a gentlemen." As I step in I hear him mumble,

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