JACKLYN || Yin and yang

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|| Ying and yang || AU

There will be other ships I promise, its just the plot of a story usually only fits with one specific ship. So. in this one the story fits well with Jacklyn.

Brooklyn -

I was always jealous of Andy, he was so confident with the person he is, even though he gets so much hate from our fellow students at our school. He wore light colored clothes, he wore pinks and light blues that were seen as feminine. Andy had a signature look to him, he loved wearing nail polish. And this was one of the main reasons I was so jealous of him.

Even though he was terrorized by naïve bullies and ignorant students, he still wore the different colors of the rainbow on his nails. I wanted to so badly wear those colors but I was always so scared. I wouldn't even wear them in the safety of my own home. Not that my parents would disapprove of it, I was just very insecure about it. Plus, not knowing how to properly apply the soft liquid had been a problem.

I would ask Andy or any of the other boys but yet again I am slightly insecure about it. I wish I was just confident as the other blonde In our group.

As I walked down the hallway to my locker I meet up with my closest friend in the group, Jack. We were mostly inseparable, never leaving each others side only when we had a different class. Everyone in our little group had "shipped" us. I knew what it meant, I just didn't really see it, we couldn't possibly be more than just best friends.

I give Jack a small soft smile as I open the metal cage, he replies as I look for the right books for my first lessons of the day. "So, me and the guys talked and we thought that for your birthday we would just go round someone's house and chill out. Cause as you said numerous times you don't want to do anything for your birthday."

(A/N just pretend its the end of September as it makes sense for the story, thank you)

I close the metal door and nod in thought, "yeah sounds good, who's house though?"

"So Ryes would be too full, with his large family and the tree house is under renovation, don't ask why. Andy's mum is having her work friends round on that day and Mikey's mum just doesn't want five rowdy boys messing her house up."

"What about yours?" I asked in confusion.

"Ireland, remember?"

"Oh yeah, forgot you live with Mike. So I'm guessing we're going to mine."

"If you don't mind?"

"Um... let me think. Parents said something about a business trip and the siblings will probably at their mates, so yeah mine it is." Jack smiled widely whilst wrapping an arm over my shoulders, leading me to class.


It was lunch now, and the day was quite slow. Nothing much happened, got some new homework but that was as much excitement that occurred. I walked into the large room full of conceded people and head to my usual table. When I arrive I spot that the boys are already sitting around and eating their preferred lunches. "yo guys." I nod my head to them and they all greet me in their own way. I sit down between Jack and Mikey.

"So anything exciting today?" I ask the table desperate for some excitement. Mikey started laughing and we all looked over at him in confusion, "Jack fell in front of the whole class today." I cracked a smile and the others giggled into the drinks. "Its not funny guys, I got really hurt." he pouted as he rubbed his arm, acting like it still hurt. This made everyone release their stifled laughs and I awed at Jacks little pout as he shot everyone a glare.

"Aww, baby. Did little Jackie get a booboo." I cooed babying him, I hear the laughter rise. Jack huffed and moved away from me. "Aww Jack don't be like that" I raise my voice slightly as I try to hug him, trying to move him back to me. "Then stop laughing at me," he looked over to me, "and babying me." I look at him for a while before a defeated breathe falls between my lips, "Fine, I'll stop. Don't know about them though" I point over to Rye, Andy and Mikey trying to contain their laughs.

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