RANDY || I Don't Care

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|| I Don't Care ||

My whole house is ill, including me so here's a sappy sickfic thing.

Kinda happy with this one as well.



Rye -

Sitting inside the home studio, I watch as Charlie and Andy work the logistics of the new cover. Today hadn't been that busy, we mostly stayed in the studio, but for some reason I just felt really tired. I decide to lay down and rest my head against the arm rest of the sofa.

As I train my eyes on the two blondes, the soft playing of the cover started to send me into a lullaby and my eyes became really heavy. I felt really warm and cosy and I couldn't stop myself from falling into a deep slumber.


Third -

Andy looked behind him from the computer and spotted Rye laying across the sofa with his eyes closed. He sighed and spotted his rosy cheeks and small beads of sweat against his forehead.

He walked up to him and lightly pressed his hand against the brunette's forehead. His hand instantly felt the heat of the boy's head and Andy looked down at him with sympathy. The only time Rye takes naps is when they've had a really long day or he's ill. And seeing by the small symptoms, Andy only guesses it was the latter.

Andy being the best friend he was left Rye to sleep, and told Charlie to try and be a little quieter than usual. He agreed and they continued on the track.


When they had finished, he decided to wake Rye up. Andy sat down next to the boy and lightly shook his shoulder, "Rye, wake up." He whispered. Trying to be gentle, he watched as the brunette stirred and slowly opened his eyes.

"How long have I've been asleep?" Andy looks at the clock on the wall, "about two hours." Rye nodded and slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes to get rid of the sleep. Rye rested his head on Andy's shoulder and sighed. The blue eyed boy wrapped an arm around Rye's shoulder and squeezed him into a side hug. "I think you might be getting ill."

"What makes you say that?" Rye asks. Andy lifted his hand up and rested it below Rye's hair on his forehead, feeling the heat from before. "You're burning up."

Rye moved away slightly and looked into Andy's eyes, "it's just warm in here, that's all." He states as he got up. His head spinning a little as he did so. "I'm not ill." Andy shook his head disapprovingly and stood up with him. Rye placed his hands on top of Andy's shoulders and stared into his eyes. "I'm fine Fovvs."

Andy switched between Rye's chocolate brown eyes and sighed. "If you say so."

"I do." With a nod of his head Rye walked out of the studio and went to the kitchen, with Andy following behind. As Rye stood there watching the kettle boil, a pressure built up in his head and he winced as a sharp pain went through it. This was one of the things he hated the most about taking naps. The unnecessary headaches he gets afterwards.

Every time he would take a nap during the day he would get a headache. He didn't understand why, but he couldn't be bothered to ask a doctor either. So he just dealt with it.


The next morning...

Andy knew Rye was ill, even if the brunette denied it. So he let him sleep in a little. But it became midday and he wanted to see if his bandmate was ok. He walked out of his room, and from the small distance he walked, he opened the door to see the duvet half on Rye's body and half on the floor.

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