Wrapped Up (Thomgelica)

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Requested by CezzDahPerson

Angelica had gotten up bright and early to set up Christmas lights for the house and proudly shared with Thomas Jefferson. They had gotten married over the summer and this would be their first Christmas as a married couple, she wanted it to be special. So far she had gotten the lights on the roof secured and they dangled perfectly making her smile, this was perfect.

They had already done the tree last night while drinking eggnog, it was full of kisses. She smiled as she remembered it and set the reindeer decorations out on the lawn, she shivered hard from the cold wind and bit her lip, "Geez." She mumbled. As she put the red nose on one of the reindeer for Rudolph she saw a snowflake and smiled. She looked up to see snow coming down and she giggled, she had wanted a white Christmas!

Angelica shook her hair making white flakes scatter and knew Thomas was going to laugh when he got home from work. She pulled her coat on tighter and looked around the house before decided she should go grab more lights. So Angelica ran to the shed and got some lights out which she carried through the snow to the door. She began to make a tree shape when she heard a car pulling up so she turned and saw Thomas's car.

She smiled and got up, attempting to run to him for a hug and a kiss but the lights dangled her up and she fell down with a squeak. She heard laughter and looked to Thomas, "Help me would yah?!" She called, trying to wiggle from the lights which had tied her up, "Thomasssss!"

He kept laughing but eventually, he did come over, "You're all wrapped up." He commented and got on his knees, "And you're covered in snow." He told her and began to undo the lights as she sighed heavily.

"Funny," She commented and looked up at him, "Do you like the decorations though? I worked hella hard on them." She asked and blinked up at him.

Thomas nodded and kissed her forehead, "I love them, Angie. Thank you for doing all of this, it's amazing." He finally got the lights off and she sprung up, "Ah! She's free!" Thomas cried in fake fear. Angelica rolled her eyes before a shiver took her body, "Oh shit you're freezing. Come on." He took her hand and hurried inside.

"I'm fine," Angelica argued, pulling her coat off and hanging it in the closet next to Thomas's. She looked to him, "How was work?" She asked, shutting the door.

Thomas shrugged, "It was work." He went to the kitchen and Angelica followed as he poured two glasses of wine, "We should go take a bath." He mumbled with a blush, he wasn't the one who usually initiated loving moments.

Angelica nodded, "With the wine though." She said and grabbed two glasses, running up the stairs with Thomas laughing behind her. She grinned at him and went to the bathroom, putting the wine next to the large bath they had and grabbed two towels which she hung on two bars.

Thomas entered with pajamas for both of them for when they were done, he set them on two shelves as Angelica started running the bath. Angelica looked at him and he grinned, "We should totally use a peppermint bath bomb." He then pulled one from his pocket.

Angelica looked at the bath bomb and then at him, "You bought that just for this, didn't you?" She asked and he nodded sheepishly, "You're so thoughtful." She grinned and kissed his cheek.

"Wine, peppermint, and a bath. What a lovely day." Thomas said and stopped the bath as it was now full. Angelica watched him drop the bath in and he laughed at her face, "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies."

"Oh shush you," Angelica rolled her eyes, "I like that it bubbles up and shit. It's like weirdly fascinating." Thomas went to comment but she just pulled her shirt off to shut him up with eye candy, "Like what you see?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

Thomas chuckled and nodded, "Very much so." He told her. He unbuttoned his shirt carefully and pulled it off. Angelica scanned her eyes over his impressive abs and he wiggled his eyebrows, "Like what you see?" He mocked.

"Fight me," Angelica mumbled, pulling her bra off and kissing Thomas softly before stripping and climbing into the bath, "Shit this feels fucking nice after being outside all day." She relaxed and sighed contently.

A few moments later Thomas entered the tub before he let out a satisfied sigh, "And a stressful day. I mean, he may technically be my brother-in-law now but Hamilton is fucking annoying. I don't know how you and your sister like him or how she found enough in him to become his wife and mother to his children."

"You know," Angelica grabbed her wine glass and handed Thomas his, "He says the exact same thing about you. I mean, except the mother part." As she and Thomas had just gotten married they didn't have any children as of yet though they were talking about having one in two years because Thomas was working for a promotion before they went for a family.

Thomas gasped before sarcastically saying, "Really?! I would've never known!" He sipped his wine as Angelica kicked him, "Oh come off it. I'll fight you." He replied.

Angelica laughed and sipped her own wine before saying, "I'd like to see you try and win a fight against somebody who's actually your equal." She had seen Thomas fight for real before and he was actually pretty good at it.

"I'll fight you in bed," Thomas replied but she just kicked him again making him laugh, "I like them feisty." Angelica began drinking her wine and raised her leg to show Thomas she was this close to kicking him again. He laughed again, "Cmmon. We can make up, hold my hand."

Angelica looked at her hands and shook her head instantly, "Noooo! They're all pruney and I hate that!" She whined.

Thomas tilted his head, "You know that's how your hands will be all the time when you're old, right?"

Angelica froze and stared at him as he burst into laughter again, "FUCK!"

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