Let's Go (Jamilton)

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Trigger Warning: Abuse

Alex picked himself off of the ground, massaging his bruised jaw, wondering what debt he was paying off from a previous life. He must've been a pretty shitty person in his past life to deserve this, coming home to be shown 'love' by his ever-caring father, he always ended up blacking out on the ground.

He checked the time to see he was late to school, extremely late. He sighed and grabbed his backpack, hoping to make it to school before lunch began. He knew there was no reason to try and hide the bruise, he'd just say he got in a fight, something he often did, and that would also be his reason for being late.

As he rode to school as fast as he could on his bicycle he thought back to the previous night, to the words and names thrown around and to his feudal attempts to defend himself from the bat being swung at him. It's a miracle he hadn't suffered any broken bones.

Alex rode up to the school and tied his bike to the rack, running inside to find the office empty, everything was empty. Confused, he made his way around school until he heard noise from the auditorium, he slid in and listened. When he realized what the assembly was about he was properly surprised, some girl named Sally was apparently shot by her parents who'd been abusing her for months and the school was prompting everybody to come forward if they or a friend was in a similar situation.

Alex bit his lip and looked down, he related too much, quietly he slipped out of the large room and stood outside, attempting to quell his panic attack. He started counting numbers in his head out of order, something he did to cope.

"Hamilton?" He stiffened and tried to hide his forming tears and bruise as Thomas Jefferson sauntered up, they disagreed on a lot of things and fought often but even though Alexander said he hated him to everybody including himself, a part of him had to have him. "Whoa, are you crying?" He asked, sounding surprisingly concerned. Alex shook his head and Thomas sighed, wrapping his arms around Alex who relaxed against him and sobbed onto his shoulder, not caring how this would return to mess with him in the future, "Head up, Alexander, you're strong and worth more than you think." Thomas said quietly, a few moments later he added, "I believe in you."

Alex heard the assembly being dismissed so he pushed Thomas away and scratched his tears away, "Whatever." He hurried off to find his friends, unaware that Thomas had caught sight of the ugly bruise on his jaw.

Alex found his friends and ran to them, "Hey!" He yelled, gaining their attention as he joined them, "Sorry for being so fuckin' late but I got into another fight...some fake tanned dude with the tiniest hands ever said Puerto Ricans were lazy so I fucked him up good!" The lie came off of him too easily.

"Bruh, your fists are always ready to fight aren't they?" Herc asked, laughing with the others as Alex agreed, "Whoever said that is a poor excuse of a man." He added, everybody agreed to that one.

"If I didn't know you I'd call you crazy," John said and nodded before adding, "But I do know you, and I know you are most certainly the craziest bitch I've ever known, man." He laughed and Alex messed with his hair, nodding.

"Anyway, what did I miss? I mean I heard the assembly but what else?" Alex asked as they all headed to the cafeteria, curious if anything had happened and feeling disappointed that he'd blacked out for about eighteen hours.

"Nothing really," Laf answered, "Do not worry mon amie, nothing you cannot make up in terms of schoolwork and nothing else important on a school-wide scale." He elaborated as they sat at their usual table, Alex hurrying off to get his tray as he didn't have time to pack a lunch before leaving earlier home.

Later that day, after school, Alex got his things from his locker and headed out in the swarm of students who were also leaving. He'd just gotten to his bike when a hand grabbed his arm, his first instinct was to punch whoever it was but he suppressed that and looked to find Thomas, "Are you okay, Alexander?" He asked, his eyes boring into Alex's.

Alex ripped his arm back, "Don't touch me, Jefferdick." He growled, "I'm fine. Fuck off." He took his bike by the handlebars and ripped it from the bike rack, tossing a glare at Thomas, before riding home as fast as he could, completely unaware he'd been followed.

"Fucking macaroni fucker," Alex mumbled as he walked inside his house, his bike abandoned on its side in his front yard, he could still feel Thomas's hand on his arm and it made him feel giddy though he'd never admit it.

"What did you just say?" He turned in fear as a large man stood in his doorway, salt and pepper hair with a failed comb-over and dark brown eyes staring straight at Alex, "Did you just curse under my roof?!" He asked as Alex shook his head, backing up until he was flat against the front door, "I pay the bills, I feed you, I house you, and you repay me by breaking my rules over and over?!" The fist was too fast to dodge, Alex bent over and held his eye in a failed attempt to make it stop hurting.

He was grabbed by the hair and thrown into the kitchen, hitting the ground with a thud as he curled up, keeping his hands over his eye as he heard the scrapping on the floor that indicated his father had retrieved his favorite metal bat.

He hit Alex, who released a scream each time, about three or four times, mostly on his arm and chest, before a crashing noise made Alex look up from being curled in a ball for protection. He looked to see his father's bat had rolled away and his favorite cheese enthusiast was punching the shit out of his father's face.

"Thomas!" He yelled in shock, only now registering that his nose was dripping now when he saw it on the tiled floor. If Thomas heard him he didn't show it as he kept beating the man under him until his head lolled to the side, only then did he turn to Alex before rushing over and throwing his arms around him.

"I thought he'd killed you!" Thomas yelled, tangling his hands in Alex's hair, "I-I-Jesus, Alexander." He pulled back to look Alex over, studying his face as Alex felt uncertainty wash over him, "Black eye, bloody nose, bruised jaw, possibly fractured shoulder..." Thomas mumbled, listing Alexander's injuries.

Having Thomas this close was too much and Alex felt his heart beat out of his chest up into his throat, his hands became clammy, and he could only focus on the facial perfection of Thomas Jefferson. With very little thought he decided it was now or never, "Thomas I think I love you." He confessed, closing his eyes so he couldn't see the man's reaction.

"Good," Thomas said making Alex open his eyes in surprise, "Or else this would be real awkward." Alex didn't know what he meant until he felt lips on his own. Obviously, he kissed back though a bit nervously as he didn't want to do bad on a kiss with Thomas. When they separated Thomas put his hand on the side of Alex's face, softly, as he didn't want to hurt him with the new bruises and all, "My brain is telling me to let go but my heart is telling me 'oh no' but I've seen every Disney movie there is and if I've learned one thing it's that your heart is always smarter. Do you want me to stay or should I go?"

Alex looked over at his father and shook his head, "I want to go with you. I can't stay here, not this house, I can't anymore, not another day. Don't make me stay here." He said desperately, holding onto Thomas tightly.

"Alright, love. Let's go."

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