Sexual Tension (Lams)

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Alexander grumbled as he marched down the street towards the Liberty Bar, the bar he and his best friends would hang out in. He had a lot to rant about today! Charles fucking Lee, that asshat! Thinks he's all that when really he's a hot steaming pile of a spoiled brat.

He opens the pub door and spotted his friends, hurrying over and slamming his hands on the table, "Guess the fuck what?!" Alex shouted as he sat down and probably scared the shit out of the other three men sat at the table, especially John as he squeaked in surprise, 'Charles Lee tried to tell me how to do my job once more. Laf, the human body is made up of 60 to 70% water, yeah?" He asked as he sat down.

"Oui mon amie, that is correct," Laf responded, trying to hide his own amusement at Alex being so riled up.

"WELL!" He grabbed John's drink and downed it as the freckled boy made a noise to show he did not appreciate that, "I'll be damned if some walking water monster tells me what to do." He said.

"You didn't have to take my drink though," John grumbled and stared into the empty mug longingly, "I needed that." He looked to Alex, "I'm gonna lick your face now as payment and punishment."

"What?" Alex asked and then had to fend John off, "No John! Don't lick me!" Alex cried out as John kept attempting to lick him. Then, John sat down and turned away from Alex while messing with his hair, "What're you doing?"

John turned back around with a grin and his hair pulled under his chin and ponytailed there like a beard, "Look I'm you!" He declared.

"John I..." Alex didn't know how to respond so he turned to his #1 wingman Lafayette who made a motion to his knee and so he naturally jumped into his pickup line, "Help me! Oh, help me!" Alex said and held his knee as John grew concerned, "I'm injured, I'm in horribly agonizing pain. I've love with your beautiful eyes!" He looked at John who was a mix of confused and amazed, "Gotchu."

John rolled his eyes, "You're lucky I love you even when you're being a little monstrous." He then quickly added, "As a friend...I'm not gay."

"Yes you are," Hercules broke into the conversation and as John tried to make flustered excuses he said, "Whatever you say, man, I'm just saying, it's not true."

"There is one thing 'erc and I 'ave decided," Laf said and looked at Hercules who nodded, "We may not be smart enough to do everything but we are dumb enough to try anything!" Herc then grabbed both John and Alex and smashed their lips together.

Alex sat there, stunned, before relaxing and putting his hand on John's cheek which slowly coaxed the taller man to kiss back. The two of them would have kept kissing if Hercules hadn't said, "Jesus finally! The sexual tension got so thick I could cut it with a knife!"

"Oh shut the hell up, horse fucker!" Alex yelled before attacking John's lips again because he wasn't done with him yet.

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