Important Date (Lams)

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How could he have been this wrong? John's life hung in the balance and he had to be wrong about the date, what was wrong with him? This was a terrible, horrible, not at all thought through plan and he had messed it all up simply by mistaking the date Henry Laurens wrote in his letter.

Whatever, if he sat down and thought it through he could fix this.


Fuck that.

Alex grabbed his jacket and pulled it on, remembering not to forget his trusty pistol as he did. He was not going to let his John be kidnapped like this, he was not going to let his John be forced into a marriage like this, he would not let it happen even if his rushing in guns blazing plan ended in his death he would save the man known as John Laurens.

Alex climbed onto his horse and cried angry tears, he was so close to saving John and misreading a letter might be the reason it all fell through. He didn't know how he was going to get to South Carolina from New York on a horse, he just knew he had to do it in less than a month, and he didn't even know if that was physically possible but by God whenever somebody told him he couldn't do something he made extra sure he did the impossible and this would not be an exception if he had anything to say about it.

The first time he stopped it was because his horse was probably about to collapse and Alex really didn't want to die plus he had forced the poor beast to ride for 48 hours straight and had only just now remembered he couldn't let his only mode of transportation die. So they came to a stop at a creek, the horse drinking gratefully from it. Alex had actually never named his horse so as he looked him over it was as if a light bulb went off in his head, "John." He decided as he smiled at the horse, that would be this horse's name.

Alex camped out that night, he needed to sleep anyway and so did John the Horse. He fed John the Horse and tied him up near the creek so he could drink and Alex made sure his sleeping area was near John the Horse but not near the creek because he didn't want to wake up to wet clothes and equipment.

The next morning Alex decided to look around and see where he was, he climbed onto his horse again and let him go slowly as his own pace to rest some more as he rode around and took in his surroundings. He wasn't sure when, how, or why it hit him but suddenly he realized he had made it. He fist bumped and screamed in pure delight, South Carolina! Now he just needed to find John Laurens.

Alex began by asking all around if John was anywhere to be found. He received only the answer no which legitimately almost made him cry until he got a yes, finally. An old man told him about the Laurens plantation, the family had owned it for years and years as it passed from one generation to the next. Apparently Henry Laurens and his family, John included, had taken up residence inside their family plantation once more.

Alex thanked the old man and found a place in the near forest that he left John the Horse in, making sure John the Horse could get to food and water at his leisure. When Alex was sure John the Horse would be just fine he went to the plantation and got in before nightfall, he was sure a rich family would have the perimeter of the place patrolled by guards so he had to get in before the day ended.

Alex hid away until the sun left the sky and the moon rose. He then waited for the candles to be snuffed out from inside the house. Once he was sure there were no members of the household awake in these twilight hours, Alex stealthily made his way to a window which he found unlocked, "How fortunate." He whispered to himself as he slid the window open and entered the home.

So this was where John had grown up, it had quite the homey feel to it. Alex made sure to test his weight before taking a step to avoid making creaking noises which might alert anybody inside the house as to his presence. Alright, he was inside. Now to find John.

Alex found a staircase and decided to check the upstairs first, walking up the stairs slowly as anxiety set in from the thought of being caught. His chest filled with a sparkling feeling as he wrapped his hand around a doorknob to open and check inside. He prayed to whichever deity heard him as he opened the door.

Oh, God.

It was the room of Henry and his wife. Swiftly but not too much so as it might make a noise, Alex shut that door securely. A thousand times no. He liked life.

Alex crept to the door next to it and tried to turn the handle but it was locked, he thrust his weight against the door but it didn't budge. He knew, somehow he just knew this was the door John was being caged behind. He turned back to the door of the room in which Henry resided, there was only one room he would keep the key that held his prisoner inside.

Alex prayed even harder as his panic grew and so did his sweat. He opened the door slowly and slipped inside, trying to swallow the permanent rock-like lump in his throat as his piercing eyes scanned the room for a key. He then knew he was going to have to open drawers, the thought terrified him.

Alexander crept to Henry's nightstand and slipped his hands around the handle of the drawer while holding his breath until his eye spotted something. Underneath Henry's pillow sat a shiny key, and, Alex bet, that key was to the lock on John's door.

Oh Boy.

Alex crouched down so he wasn't coming in at an angle and slithered his arm like a snake, biting his lip and trying to think of himself as a messed up, manly, gay version of the Tooth Fairy...who was trying to save his boyfriend who had been abducted by his father and being forced into a marriage with a woman. Yeah, Tooth Fairy. He got his pinkie around the hole at the hilt of the key when Henry began to shift in his sleep. Alex froze. He froze! Now was not the time to freeze! He tried to rationalize himself, to rationalize everything happening, but he couldn't bring himself to move.

Then Alex thought about John, his John, being held against his will and crying for somebody to help him as he sat helplessly in a room to rot in for dishonoring his father. That thought pushed Alex to grab the key and slither from the room.

As he suspected, the key fit right in the doorknob to John's room. Alex opened the door and stared at the boy on the bed, or, it was more of a piece of wood on top of a bed frame with John's hands tied above his heads against the frame. Alex hurried over and took his pocket knife out, cutting at the rope around John's wrists as John woke from his slumber slowly.

"Alex...?" He asked quietly before closing his eyes again. Alex shook his head to clear it of the thought and truth that John was extremely malnourished and skinny, not a good combination at all. When the rope came undone he picked John up and hurried from the house, he wasn't as careful as he had been coming in, but if he was detected he didn't know.

He took John back to his camp and forced John the Horse up, reloading his stuff and then climbing on with John in front of him so he could hold him as John the Horse took off. He ignored his tears and tried to remind himself over and over that John was okay, John was safe, John was in his arms.

And to think, John was almost none of those things because Alex messed up a date on a paper explaining when Henry was to leave for South Carolina for the wedding.

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