Break (Mullete)

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of Bullying

Hercules balled up on his shell bed, holding his tail tightly. He didn't really like his friends, they were assholes, complete assholes. One of them had twisted his tail at an awkward angle and it still felt sore, they, of course, played it off as a joke and called him sensitive for being upset about it.

He finally sat up and looked at his wrist, they had 'accidentally' crammed a shell into it so it was bleeding slightly. He just wanted to get out now so he got off his bed and swam to the window, opening it and sneaking out. His parents didn't like him leaving the house after eight but he had to have a break or his mind might actually break.

He went to the only place he knew he would be understood, Lafayette's. He knocked on the window even though it was reaching midnight and saw the merman come to him before opening the door, "Hercules? What's up?" He swam from the window and noticed Herc's expression, "Are you tired?"

Hercules shook his head and sighed, "I'm just...I need a break." He told him, wanting a hug but not sure if it was awkward to ask for one.

Laf's eyebrows furrowed slightly and he looked away for a moment before asking, "From me?" He looked back at him.

Hercules shook his head quickly, "No...Laf," He smiled shakily, "When I need a break all I need is you." He kissed Laf's forehead, the two have been dating for months, "I know you'll bend over forwards for me."

Laf tilted his head to the side, "I think you mean bend over backwards, 'ercules." He wasn't sure though.

Hercules winked, "Whatever you say, daddy." Laf smacked his shoulder as he burst into laughter, "Aw come on! It was hilarious!"

"You're such a weirdo," Laf told him and then took his hand, "Come on. Let's get out of 'ere and go to your arm bleeding?" Hercules stiffened and Laf looked at his puncture mark before sighing, "Let's get you patched up."

Laf swam back into his room and Hercules watched from the window as Laf looked around before swimming out again with what looked like a scarf. He started wrapping it around Hercules's injury but Herc pulled back, "I couldn't get your things all busted up and dirty and raggedy and shit." He said.

Laf grabbed his arm and forced it back, "I will tie you down and put this on you for your own good." He told him and did his scarf up a bit forcefully, "And you will love it." He added, "Since it's pink."

Hercules blinked, "You remembered?" Herc's favorite color was pink, always has been and always will be. However since pink was seen as a girly color he often got made fun of for it.

Laf nodded and tied the scarf patting it before setting his hands down with a smile, "I couldn't forget, especially since your tail is pink too." He poked Herc's tail but that made Herc flinch back, it was still sore. Laf looked at him, "Are you okay? What else 'appened?" Herc shrugged so Laf sighed, "Look if somebody ever tried to stab you again just say 'I 'ave too much swagger for this dagger' and they will leave you alone." He grinned and Hercules laughed gently.

"When you get stabbed," Hercules started, "I'm going to show up to your funeral, point at you, and laugh at the fact that you were so fucking stupid and tell everybody about how you said this." He then thought about it and giggled, "Those would be terrible last words."

Laf nodded and held his hand, "But I would get stabbed a million times just for you." He said and kissed Herc's cheek.

Herc blushed slightly before shaking his head, "Don't ever get stabbed, okay? Promise me that you won't ever die." He frowned deeply.

Laf furrowed his eyebrows again, "I can't promise that because we all die eventually but I can promise to live as long as is physically possible for me but I can only promise that if you promise to do the same. I do not know if I could actually live on without you."

Hercules blushed harder and nodded, "I promise." He barely heard Laf promise as well before he took his hand, "But you also have to promise to be with me and to live with me until we're both old, gray, and ugly."

Laf chuckled and nodded, "Of course I promise that but I don't think you could ever become ugly. You are far too attractive for that." He then hugged Hercules tightly, "But you can always come to me. I promise. I'll always be here for you as I am right now."

Slowly Hercules hugged back and he nodded, "Okay...I just-when I need somebody I come to you instantly so..." He moved his tail back and forth before wrapping it around Laf's, something only couples did.

Laf smiled, a pink hue dusting his cheeks, "I am glad for that. I will come to you as well." He then, finally, kissed Hercules. The two became attached to each other and kissed the other lovingly, holding the other close to their chest. Their love was unobtainable by anybody but themselves and it easily boiled over, especially in moments of PDA. Laf parted first, "Let's get you 'ome and to bed."

Herc nodded and yawned, letting Laf pull him on as he led him home. His head drooped and he kept mumbling phrases of affection for Laf who returned them instantly. Soon, far sooner than he wanted, Hercules arrived home with Laf tucking him into bed.

Laf kissed his forehead and whispered to an almost asleep Herc, "If you ever have another rough night then don't do anything regrettable...just cuddle with some blankets and get a smelly bath bomb and play some feel-good music that won't make you feel bad things. I love you a lot." He kissed Hercules's forehead and left quicker than Herc's tired mind could process what he said.

Before he fell asleep Hercules managed to mumble, "I love you too."

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