Nice To Meet You (Mullete)

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Lafayette made his way around the camp he had set up, looking for his friend John Laurens. When he did he approached meaningfully and then cleared his throat to alert the man of his presence, he spun around when he heard it.

"Ah! Monsieur Lafayette!" He greeted with a grin, the two shook hands stiffly before laughing and hugging each other.

"And if I may ask, how have you been Monsieur Laurens?" The two had been drinking since they met up again, sitting on a bench in the middle of the encampment.

"Wonderful!" John smiled wistfully, "I've got a beautiful wife and-oh my daughter! I could brag about little Frances Eleanor for hours!"

"Oui, oui. Enfants are a joy." Laf nodded, "I have three!" He smirked, "And my wife Adrienne is Très belle."

A man, tan with deep set brown eyes and dark brown hair slicked back into a ponytail, joined them and John's grin seemed to grow tenfold, "Alexander!"

"Ah! Monsieur Hamilton, I have heard much about you." Laf said, shaking hands with the man.

"Oui  monsieur, de John?" He responded in perfect French which threw Laf off for a moment but he recovered soon enough.

"Oui, tu connais le français?" He asked even though it was obvious.

"Oui." Alexander replied smiling kindly.

"Je connais aussi le français!" John whined, not liking his exclusion from the conversation.

"Seeing as your first language is English I shall speak it." Laf reasoned to the two and they nodded in agreement.

"Man this is almost the full group!" John said loudly calling Laf's attention.

"Full group?" He asked, the Frenchman hadn't made that many friends seeing as he'd just arrived. His first impression on the soldiers wasn't that menacing...he arrived dressed as a woman.

John nodded, "All we need is Hercules and we've got it."

"Oh look there he is!" Alex yelled, pointing at a man walking towards them with a tense gait though he was obviously trying to make himself seem relaxed.

Laf got up and walked over to him, shaking his hand as warmly but firmly as he could manage, "Bonjour! I'm Lafayette. You must be John's friend, non? Hercules?"

The man, Hercules, managed a weak, "Mhm."

"You okay, man?" John asked, noticing his friend's tenseness.

"Yes..." He sat down stiffly, "It's just the alcohol."

Unbeknownst to Laf and Herc, Alexander leaned over to John and whispered, "Must be French alcohol if you know what I mean." To which John only nodded while trying not to laugh.

  Hercules didn't want to seem rude so he turned to Laf and said, "It's nice to meet you."  

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