Young Marriage (Philodosia)

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Theo's hands shook as she did up the lace on the front of her wedding dress. She was nervous, that much was obvious, God she was nervous, but she was also so very excited. The dress she was wearing was special to her, it was the dress her mother had on when she married her father since her mother died when she was younger she felt like she could be with her in the form of the dress. Theo looked into the mirror and took a deep breath, teasing her hair slightly as she had tied it up and then went to the door and opened it.

Her father turned to her and smiled, "Ready?" He then noticed her nervous expression and grinned as he thought of a joke, "This is your last chance to run! We can escape through the window and just go, man."

Theo laughed tensely and smacked his shoulder lightly, "Come on. I'm ready." He offered his arm and she took it, "Thanks, dad." She held his hand as she held his arm, she needed his reassurance and he was giving it readily.

"No problem, I love you forever. You'll still always be my little girl though..." He smiled at her gently, "You look so much like your mother. She's proud of you, I know it." Theo teared up but forced it down, she just did her makeup and she was not about to ruin it. Aaron went to the door to the chapel and they stood there until the traditional song for the bride began, "That's our cue." Her dad said.

Theo took a deep breath and he opened the door. She locked eyes with Philip as she walked down the aisle with her father by her side. She laughed nervously and saw Philip tearing up himself making her sniff as she had to stay calm, why was he crying? They came to the altar and Philip stepped down to take Theo's hand. When her hand was in Philip's her father patted them and whispered, "Take care of her for me."

"I will, I promise." Philip smiled at Theo with a tear falling down his face and he helped her up to the altar as the priest started reading verses from the Bible.

"Why're you crying?" Theo asked and put a hand on the side of his face, wiping the stray tear off of his face.

"Because..." Philip blushed slightly and smiled at her shakily, putting his hand over hers which sat on his face still, "I love you so much and you're so beautiful and you're marrying me. I can't believe we're getting married." He laughed softly and took her hand off his face so they could hold them between themselves as is traditional.

Theo felt a blush crawl to her ears and she looked down with her smile spreading, "O-Oh." She looked back up at him and they smiled wider at each other.

The priest then said, "Present the rings." Which prompted Philip's best friend, Georges de Lafayette, to walk to the altar and hand Theo's ring to Philip and Philip's ring to Theo. Theo smiled at him and he winked at her making her giggle before Georges went back to the groomsmen.

Theo looked back at Philip and bit her lip as the priest spoke to Philip, "Do you, Philip Hamilton, take you, Theodosia Burr, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" He asked.

Philip nodded, "I do." He croaked it out and Theo could see he was about to start crying again which made her want to as well.

She then heard herself being addressed and listened intently, "Do you, Theodosia Burr, take you, Philip Hamilton, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" He asked her.

Theo took a shaky breath, "I-I do." She felt the heaviness of the words like a ton of bricks and she smiled at Philip as she finally started to cry.

Philip then took Theo's ring and held it up, "I, Philip Hamilton, take you, Theodosia Burr, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part...I take you to be my wife." He slid her ring onto her finger and she sniffed with a small giggle.

Theo then took his ring shakily and looked into his eyes as she spoke, "I cannot buy more than I have now. With you I own the stars, I own the world, and I own your heart as you own mine." She knew her vows weren't as ceremonious as Philip's but they were hers. She slid his ring onto his finger and he smiled at her softly.

"Then I now pronounce you man and wife," The priest said, he almost sounded proud, "You may now kiss your bride."

Philip put his hands on the side of her face and she tilted her head, her eyes fluttering closed as he kissed her gently. Their congregation of guests cheered loudly but Theo barely heard them, wrapping her arms around Philip. They separated after a few minutes but Philip kept them close enough for their noses to touch, " I can't believe we're married." He whispered.

Theo nodded, "Me either." She looked down the aisle, "We should go get showered with rice now." She whispered. Philip nodded and took her hand, smiling at her the entire time they walked down the aisle again, their guests throwing rice over them. Theo caught him staring and giggled, "What?"

"You're just so gorgeous...and beautiful...and mine," He told her and squeezed her hand as she blushed again. They made it to the venue for the reception and sat at the table for the wedding party together.

Theo glanced at the wedding cake and put her hands over her mouth when she saw a small portrait of her mother beside it. She looked at Philip and he kissed her again, her tears falling down her face and destroying her makeup as she kissed back. She couldn't believe she'd been able to marry this man but dammit she was grateful.

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