Phone Call (Thomgelica)

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Requested by KTwritesshit

A/N: My attempt at a horror story (I should never write horror tbh)

Angelica sat in her summer vacation home missing her husband, Thomas Jefferson, as she had a blast with her family. While thinking back to their agreement that Thomas couldn't make the trip with her because of business her phone started ringing. She picked it up and looked at the caller I.D to see her husband, she smiled and pressed the green button but slowly that smile disappeared, "I-I don't know-I saw something, Angelica, I just woke up and saw a man outside, he looks like he's hurt but also dangerous." Thomas's voice sounded panicky.

Angelica's heart dropped and she went into protection mode, "Where are you in the house?" She asked but felt even more scared when she was met with silence, "Thomas? Are you still there?" She asked, getting up from her chair to pace from her nerves, she felt absolutely helpless in this situation.

Thomas's voice came through a few minutes later which sent relief through her, "Yes um ya um...what the hell?" He didn't sound scared, just extremely shocked. Angelica bit her lip and then realized they'd grown into another silence.

"Thomas is everything okay?" She asked quickly, "Where are you?" She needed to know what room he was in so she could advise him on what to do in that moment based on what was closest.

Thomas's voice reverted back to panic, "Oh my God, he just got up. H-His face is-what the fuck?!" Thomas's breath became heavier as his fear increased.

Angelica felt her heartache at his fear but she had to be the strong one between the two of them, " Thomas, check all around the house and make sure all the windows and doors are locked. Please stay on the phone, please, don't look away from him. He might sneak up on you, yeah? You said he's dangerous?"

Thomas only made a noise of agreement and Angie soon heard small clicks that indicated he was locking everything down, "Okay everything's locked." He said after about two minutes or so.

Angelica sighed at the moment of what seemed to be peace, "Good, now go to the bathroom in the basement, it doesn't have a window. Go in there, lock the door, and call the police. Can you do that?" She said, forcing her voice to sound calm so Thomas didn't flip his shit.

What came next was not expected and shattered he faux peace that had settled between them, "What the fuck! Oh my God what is that?!" Thomas cried.

Angelica felt panic rise all the way to her throat, "Thomas what's happening?!" She asked fearfully, not wanting Thomas to be hurt in any way shape or form.

Thomas began sobbing, something he never did, "H-His face i-it's right on the window and-and he-he's smiling." He said through tears that made Angelica's own start to drip down her face from his voice alone.

After taking a deep breath she asked, "What does his face look like?" Mentally she prepared herself to remember whatever Thomas said though no amount of preparation could prepare her for what was going to occur in the next minute.

Thomas's strangled voice came through as he tried to explain, "His teeth sharp and his smile th-the smile holy shit it's getting-" There was a noise causing Thomas to cut out before a faint tapping began to come through the line, "He-He's tapping on the window, he wants to get in. Oh no no no..." He trailed off into hushed sobbing.

Angelica felt terror instead of fear, "Thomas-Thomas, please. You need to get to the downstairs bathroom, get away from him, lock the door, get the razors and break them as a weapon. Then, call the po-" She stopped when she heard a crashing noise and then Thomas scream before the call was dropped, no amount of yelling his name brought Thomas back.

Angelica called the police and returned home the next day to find that the crash was, in fact, the window as she had suspected and while she had prepared herself in case it came back that Thomas was dead, she was even more disturbed to find that not only was he missing but the entire house lacked any evidence of him ever living there. No clothes, no fingerprints, nothing, it's as if he was never inside the house, the only evidence that anybody had was some black fur near the window and the phone call he and Angelica shared.

He was never found.

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