Six Years (Jeggy)

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"Get out!" Peggy screamed and threw John's coat at him, "My own fucking birthday?! Goddamn bowling?!" She cried and slammed her hands on the table, they'd graduated in May and right on her birthday, September 19th, John left her at her own birthday party to go bowling.

"Well excuse me!" John yelled back, pulling his coat on, "I wanted to do something close to entertaining!" The both of them were crying as they knew what was coming up with this much fighting.

John threw his hands up, "I don't even understand you anymore!" He pointed at her, "Let's fucking break up!" He shouted.

In the heat of the moment, neither of them thought about it in depth so Peggy just shouted back, "Fine! Get out of my house!" And he did, leaving in a hurry, the next day he moved to South Carolina...away from her.

Nine months later she's a gal in trouble but she was too headstrong and proud to go to him so for six years she struggled with their beautiful daughter, Jasmine Margaret Laurens, even though John's name wasn't on the birth certificate she still gave their child his last name because no matter what she respected him.

Aged 25 Peggy sat behind her daughter who sported a yellow sweater, braiding her hair while Jasmine told her all about her dream, "And there was a spaceship!" She was saying, "But instead of ugly mean aliens there was puppies! I like puppies!" Peggy worked at a pet sanctuary for abused and neglected animals and Jasmine was around them constantly as her work let her take her daughter and so instead of leaving her in daycare Peggy taught her about animals, "There was beagles! And poodles! And mutts! And pit bulls!"

"Sounds exciting," Peggy said, finishing the braids and patting Jasmine's back so she knew. Jasmine turned around and hugged Peggy who smiled softly, not regretting anything in her life except throwing John out...she still loved him even after all these years and he showed up so much in Jasmine, "You ready to go? Miss. Luck said we've got new animals today who need help." Miss. Luck's actual name was a long and complicated European name so everybody just called her Miss. Luck.

"I'm ready!" Jasmine said and got up, doing a spin in her pants and sweater, her pants were tucked inside her little yellow boots, "Can I sit in the front this time?" She asked, bouncing with excitement.

Peggy shook her head, "That's dangerous for kids as little as you." She told her as she pulled her converse on, "But when you're older I promise you'll get to sit up front all the time." She said and got up, holding her hand out to Jasmine who held it tightly, swinging their interlocked hands as Peggy led them to her car, unlocking it and making sure Jasmine's booster seat was in correctly and then her seat belt before she got into the driver's seat.

"Mommy," Jasmine said about two minutes into their drive which lasted about fifteen. Peggy made a noise to show she was listening, "What was daddy like?" Peggy's eyes widened and she glanced at her daughter who was perked with curiosity before she yelled, "Mommy look out!"

Peggy looked just in time to see a car swerving straight at her and she hit the gas, narrowly avoiding a head-on collision at about 50 miles per hour. She pulled over to calm her beating heart, that could've been bad, "Mommy are you okay?" Jasmine asked.

Peggy nodded, "Just-Just give m-me a moment, baby." She replied and made sure the car was in park before she stepped out to get fresh air, she glanced over when a car pulled over behind her but shook it off.

"Hey," Her head snapped to the man who owned that voice, "I saw that back there and I-Peggy?" He was here, her John, he was right here. They stared at each other and then John manned up and walked forward a little bit, "I-I was looking for you." He said, "They said you worked as some animal place and I was going there and-wow..." A few moments later he furrowed his brows, "You could've just died! If I ever find out who th-"

"-Mommy I have to go pee," Of all the times. Peggy nervously looked at Jasmine who had opened the car door and then hopped out of the car with a triumphant grin before she looked at John who looked equally as nervous as her mother, "Who's this?"

Peggy bit her lip, "Jasmine go back to your seat I'll find a gas station soon baby." Jasmine nodded and climbed back into the car, shutting the door.

Peggy waited a few moments before looking up at John in shame, "Is she mine?" John asked with obvious fear in his eyes, "She-She looks like she's the right age and-and-oh my God she's mine isn't she?" Still ashamed Peggy nodded and let her eyes fall to the ground again, "Oh my God why didn't you tell me?!" He reached for her hesitantly but it got too much and he pulled her to his chest.

"Because..." Peggy sighed and let him hold her though she didn't think she had the right to return the embrace, "I didn't think you wanted anything to do with me after I blew up like that but I-um-I gave her your last name." She hoped maybe that made up for it, "Her name is Jasmine Margaret Laurens." John's breath became uneven and Peggy looked up at him in concern, "No-No John please don't cry." She put her hands over his cheeks and tries to brush the tears away with her thumbs.

John took her hands in his own and looked down, "Six years..." He whispered and kissed the back of her hands, "I ran away from you like a coward because I knew the minute I saw your face I'd fall in love again and-and I have but I can't believe I-I can't believe I have a child."

"I'm sor-"

"-No don't say that," John interrupted, "Don't be did what you thought was right and I respect that but Peggy I will never not want anything to do with you." He said sincerely, "I know we can't just go back to where we were but I-I want to try again and I want to be there for Jasmine. Please."

Peggy sniffed and nodded, "She's your daughter yo have a right to her and-and, of course, you can put your name on her birth certificate but I-um..." She sighs, "We'll have to work on us individually."

John nodded, "That's fair...that's fair." He said and hesitantly kissed Peggy's forehead, "Six years..." He repeated in disbelief.

"I should've told you," Peggy said and closed her eyes, "I really I should've...I'm so sorry I'm-I'm terrible."

John shook his head, "I should've been a proper boyfriend and celebrated your birthday with you...God, I regret bowling. I hate it now, funnily enough, I absolutely hate it because it's the reason I'm not with you."

Peggy blushed and shakily kissed his cheek, "I need to get to work." She said, "And Jasmine needs to pee."

John nodded and chuckled a little at the last one, "She does-yeah. She's gorgeous-absolutely gorgeous. She looks just like her mother." He kissed her cheek and scribbled something on a paper before handing it over, "My new phone number."

Peggy nodded, "I get off at four." They swapped a few more things before they parted ways, Peggy barely missed an accident with Jasmine for putting her bathroom break off for so much time but she was far more than happy that whole day. She had John back.

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