Apologies (Mulletggy)

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Peggy straightened her dress, clipping it over her breasts and tightening the corset so it held her bust in check. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed, she felt a bit frumpy. She did love this new dress, a front zone dress, this was her only one.

"Pegs come on!" Angelica called from down the stairs. Quickly, Peggy ran to join them, all of them got front zone dresses specifically for this event, "You sure did take your time." Angie said once she'd come down the stairs, she responded by hitting her sister's arm which made her laugh, "Chillax, Peggeroni."

"Can we go nowwwwww?" She whined making her sister's laugh at her. Peggy rolled her eyes and went to the ballroom without them, entering first and regretting it because everybody turned to look at her as she was the first of the hosting family to enter the room.

She gave a quick wave and felt her family step into the ballroom so she picked her dress up and hurried away to put the attention on them as she got a drink from a waiter carrying a tray and quickly downed it, letting the liquid slide down her throat soothingly and waiting for the alcohol to take affect on her nerves.

She bumped into a man and instantly apologized but he waved them off, "It is okay, mon cher," So he was French. He looked respectable and his facial hair was neatly trimmed, his hair pulled back into a ponytail, "Ah you are one of the Schuylers, no?"

She nodded, "Margarita Schuyler, Philip Schuyler's youngest daughter, most people call me Peggy though," She smoothed out her dress subconsciously, "Are you one of the soldiers?" The ball was being held to honor the revolutionaries.

Oui," The man replied with a flash of a toothy smile "Mon nom est Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette." Peggy stared at him in utter confusion before he took pity on her, "I am called Laf or Lafayette by my friends and fellow comrades as well as commanders and bosses."

"Oh! I've heard about you!" Peggy said and smiled as the man bushed, "You're called The Hero of the Two Worlds! I-I mean I just heard it ones because the girls I knit with were talking about you and said you helped men from both sides of the war sometimes because you're just that nice and it makes me wonder about you." She kept talking until she realized she'd probably said too much.

"Wonder?" Laf tilted his head, intrigued, "What do you wonder about? I am right here so now it the perfect time to find out these things that you wonder about."

"Well..." Peggy bit her lip and shifted from side to side, "Okay, well, why would you help the people who've hurt you and your friends and comrades?" She asked and then quickly elaborated, "Don't you want to make them suffer for...all that?" She tilted her head.

Laf shrugged, "Of course I want to but what good would that do?" She looked at him, intrigued as well, "You think just because there are bad people out there that there are no good ones either? That they were just on the wrong side and just listen to propaganda? I used to think what most Americans do for awhile but there's always different situations we 'ave got to think about before passing judgment. In the 'eat of battle, it is not as important but after it is all over what is the point it continuing to draw lines and end lives?"

"Wow..." Peggy pinched the fabric of the dress between her fingers, "That's so well thought out, I hadn't thought of it like that but...I'm starting to feel a bit sorry for everybody in the war." The more she thought about it the more she realized all soldiers didn't deserve to be fighting for their lives and the lives of every single individual in their country. Sure they signed up and knew the risks but it didn't make it any less of a self-sacrifice for something so big while their name will fade from history.

"Ah! 'ercules!" Laf put his arm around a man who had walked over a bit drunk and Peggy smiled politely, "Miss. Schuyler this is my friend and lover, 'ercules Mulligan." Laf said casually as Peggy choked on air.

After a moment she recovered, "Lover?" He and Hercules nodded. Peggy mulled it over in her mind before deciding what the hell, as Laf said, people believe things, not by their own morals but how they were raised and what they've seen so why can't two men love each other? She didn't have a solid reason, "Well, I mean, okay."

"You're...okay with it?" Laf asked carefully, making sure Hercules didn't faceplant into the floor in his drunken stupor.

Peggy nodded, "I mean I don't really care." Hercules and Lafayette seemed to brighten to her and for the rest of the evening, they spoke animatedly about many things. Soon the conversation turned to art and Peggy just exploded, "So! When I was like five daddy put money down for a drawing room and I got it but my sisters and parents didn't actually find an interest in art but I most certainly did! I started by learning to shade and tried to make all sorts of art but soon realized I needed to study anatomy so I did and I switched from acrylics to watercolors and got a better aisle. Angelica helped me get a name for myself as a small artist and I began to sell my work when I turned twelve and-" She caught herself and blushed from embarrassment, "Sorry I got a little excited..." She avoided eye contact after she apologized, she knew her tutors and nurses would tell her that proper ladies are seen not heard.

"Bro," Hercules slurred, getting her and Laf's attention, "I don't like it when a cutie is talking about something they like and they light up and just start babbling over their words and then all of a sudden they just stop and apologise because like it makes you think about what asshole in their life told them to shut up or that nobody cares and now they can't talk about the thing without being sorry for some stupid reason like girl you is find and your voice is divine."

Peggy blushed and spoke hesitantly and thoughtfully as she didn't want to seem like she was just trying to get attention from the two men, "I-I just feel like somethings....myself included are unimportant, like, you shouldn't really expect much from people but it hurts when they come to you when they need something. I'm not remembered for myself or my passions or the things I, as you said, babble about, I'm remembered because through me there's a lot to gain in wealth and political power." She didn't know why she was unloading onto these men but soon she found herself in their arms.

"Miss. Peggy, it will be okay, 'ercules and I do not see you as a gain," Laf said into her hair as he hugged her.

"Yeah dude," Hercules said, his arms also securely around her, "And if you want we could like write to you and shit. You're hot and smart and can draw so you're just like perfect."

Peggy blushed even more but giggled and said, "You can write to me." Making both Laf and Hercules cheer.

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