Morning After (Lams)

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Alex woke up slowly to sunlight streaming in through the curtains and birds chirping. He sat in the peace for a few moments until he realized there was a weight on his chest, he looked down and was surprised when his eyes met his best friend, coworker, and crush for years on his chest, that was when he noticed they were both nude. Slowly, feverish memories of last night flooded him, skin on skin contact after the work party and alcohol consumption. He...had sex with John Laurens?!

John groaned and Alex felt himself panic at John blinked his beautiful brown eyes open and looked into Alex's. They both opened their mouths at once and indecipherable nonsense came out as they separated awkwardly and sat up, "Sorry-"

"No, I am." John cut in. Alex glanced at him to see John was looking at him so he dropped his gaze again and they sat like that in silence before John spoke, "I-I don't regret it..." Alex looked at him in the hopes he would continue, "I mean...the only thing I regret is that I can't um-I don't remember it."

Alex looked down and blushed even more, "I um-me either." He replied as he played with the sheets in his hands, "Well I-I remember a little but not much..." He looked at John, "I um...I mean what better time to confess then this? I've liked you for a long time so this whole event is probably my fault, I'm so sorry." He didn't want to see John's reaction so he opted to look at the bed sheets again.

"Hey Alex it-it's fine," John said and nervously reached his hands out to hold onto Alex's, "I mean you were my first-"

"-Oh my God I took your virginity?" Alex gripped them tightly, "And you can't even remember it. Shit man I'm so sorry I didn't-I shouldn't have-holy shit I-I'm sorry. God, I'm just-just...fuck I don't even have a word for it." Alexander Hamilton at a lack of a word to describe a terrible person was quite a spectacle and sight to behold.

"Alexander look at me," John finally said sternly and Alex's head snapped up to look at him, "I, dude, I've had a crush on you since high school-it's kind of embarrassing actually." Alex opened his mouth but John gave him 'the look' to shut him up, "I-I've...touched myself and pretended it was you, I went on fruitless dates and wished it was you, Alexander, I have wanted you for so long and there's nobody else I'd rather have had my first time with." John's face had turned bright red by the end which highlighted his freckles.

Alex blush matched John's and he slowly leaned in, kissing John and pulling him closer, just holding him close as he closed his eyes and tilted his head to deepen the kiss. John let his hands wander into Alex's hair and Alex skimmed his fingertips over John's back so the taller boy arches his back embarrassingly.

When they separated John just stared at Alex until Alex asked, " you want to go out?" He scratched the back of his head and looked to the side before John tilted his head back and gently placed his lips on Alex's, "Is that a yes?" Alex mumbled around their kiss.

"Of course...what the hell do you think?" John replied and rolled his eyes before tackling Alex in a hug making the both of them fall back onto the bed and bounce with the crappy springs bounce as they laughed, "Oh by the way...where are we?"

Alex looked around and shrugged, "This isn't my place and I guess it's not your's." John shook his head slowly, "Guess I took you to some old motel? God were we really that drunk? I never go to motels for sex."

John ignored the fact that Alex had casual sex and cuddled up to his chest, "Whatever I'm just really happy." He said and looked up at Alex as he had positioned himself on Alex's chest, "I'm happy you want me and I'm glad it has finally happened."

"Me too," Alex said and played with John's curls, "You're something I've wanted for a really long time. I mean not that you're a 'something' but I-I've really liked you and stuff..."

"I get it," John said and kissed his chest, "I feel the exact same way." He closed his eyes as he snuggled against his new boyfriend or who he hoped was his new boyfriend, "I, John Laurens, love you, Alexander Hamilton."

Alex blushed again and rested his hand on John's back, "And I, Alexander Hamilton, am completely humbled by that and I can't-I really can't believe it but be sure that I love you, John Laurens."

They looked up at each other and started laughing really hard, hugging each other tighter and smiling, John pecked Alex for a moment and soon after Alex pecked him back. They calmed down and Alex kissed John's forehead as John closed his eyes and smiled happily, "I must be dreaming." he said quietly.

"That's what I've been telling myself this whole time," Alex admitted and held John a bit tighter, "I must be dreaming because not even in my wildest dreams did I ever think I was good enough for you in any way but here you are in my arms." He kissed the top of John's head softly. "This is the best morning after ever."

John nodded, "I want to take a nap for a bit..." He said between a yawn, "After what we apparently did and then all of these emotions and stuff I'm just drained...I'm so tired man." He closed his eyes and listened to Alex's heartbeat.

After a few moments, Alex mumbled, "I can't sleep though." For a moment John contemplating just not answering but Alex made a whining noise so he knew he had to despite wanting to just fall asleep and forget the world.

"Well I can so shut up and goodnight-or-well, it's morning but I'm taking a nap." He turned his face into Alex's chest so he wouldn't hear anymore and slowly fell asleep.

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