Perfect (Lams)

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Trigger Warning: Anxiety

Alex entered his and John's apartment and shrugged his backpack off, using his hand to massage his shoulder as his textbooks hurt his back and arms more than he'd ever admit. All his extra classes took a toll on his health but he forced himself to bear with it because he had one shot to get his degrees and majors as he didn't have enough to pay tuition again.

"Alex?" A sleepy John asked, emerging from the bedroom with a blanket around his shoulders while he rubbed his eyes, he was wearing only a tank top and turtle boxers.

"John, babe," Alex went over and hugged the taller man while trying to shake his stress away, "Were you asleep? I tried to be quiet when I came in, I'm sorry if I woke you up. He kissed John's cheek, John was one of the few people who could calm him down just by being there, he didn't even have to do anything, he just had a calming aura.

John shook his head, "I couldn't sleep without you." He admitted shyly, "So I was just laying down and waiting for you to come home..."

Alex blushed, "Well I-I'm home now." He said, "So let's go to sleep?" He really wasn't tired. Sure it was around midnight but he was too stressed over the upcoming projects and homework assignments as well as the fact that soon there would be more to stress about so he stressed about it now...but he didn't want to be the reason John was sleep deprived and can't make it to his classes in the morning.

John nodded and turned back, going to their bedroom. Alex followed and once inside he took his clothing off except his boxers and found a white t-shirt which he threw on, crawling into bed beside John and laying down with a sigh as John cuddled up to him.

He stared at the ceiling for half an hour thinking John was asleep until he heard and felt John shift making him look down at him, "We're both still awake." John said quietly and Alex nodded, holding back a sarcastic comment about pointing out the obvious, "You wanna go make pasta?" John asked randomly, "We're both awake so we might as well do something and I doubt you've eaten all day."

Alex chuckled and then nodded, kissing John's forehead, "Alright, pasta it is. You like curly noodles, right?" He could bring up the embarrassing memory John shared with him about curly noodles but he decided not to. Basically, John has had a preference to curly noodles after his mother noted that his hair and the noodles were both curly and beautiful and now he loved them more than straight noodles which were probably foreshadowing his sexuality.

John led Alex to the kitchen and got the noodles out, "Alright I'm heating the skillet my dude." John said and put a large skillet over the stove, putting it up to medium heat, "Crumble the beef and I'll find the vegetables!"

Alex chuckled, "Okay, babe, okay." He said quietly and got the meat tenderizer, crumbling the meat as John mixed the vegetables into a pot. He found the noodles and broke them apart slightly before adding them to the vegetable pot and stirring them together as he brought the pot to boil. Alex then drained the grease and slowly added the beef to John's noodles and vegetables, "All done."

John put the heat to simmer and set a timer for 10 minutes, "Okay now we just need one more thing." John said and smiled at Alex, "Get the salt we just need a pinch of it."

He didn't know why but for some reason his stress and anxiety boiled over as he got the salt down, "J-John there's no-no measurement for a pinch!" His outburst shocked John, "We can't finish it, it'll never be finished, it can't be perfect, I-I-"

John took Alex's hands in his, wrapping them around his as well as the salt, "Alex it's okay, it's okay." He kissed the back of Alex's hand and then got the salt from his clutch, "Look, Lexi." Alexander did watch as John put a little bit of salt on his hand and then dropped it into the pot, stirring it, "All done. See? It'll be perfect."

Alex sighed and looked down, "Sorry...I-I just-my and it-it-"

"-Alexander," John interrupted and kissed the back of his hands again, "You don't need to explain to me what's going on, I understand perfectly and it's okay, it's going to be okay." He sat John down and the two just hugged until the stove dinged, "I'll get the pasta and also coffee but without caffeine, so we can still go to sleep later." Alex nodded silently and John got up to get the things.

After a few minutes John came back with two plates on his outstretched arms and a mug in each hand, putting the mugs of coffee down first and then sliding the plates into each man's spot, he was adept at carrying multiple plates and cups at once as he has a part-time job as a waiter to help pay off his student loans while he was still attending the college.

"It smells good, doesn't it?" John asked, watching Alex spin his fork in a circle on the plate, "Taste it, Alex, it tastes absolutely perfect like I said it would. You helped make it and it is amazing just like everything else you do." He pecked Alex's cheek and Alex smiled lightly, "I love you, Mr. Hamilton."

"I love you too Mr. Laurens," Alex replied and put the pasta in his mouth before widening his eyes and gorging himself when he realized how amazing it tasted. John laughed and Alex grinned as he looked over at him, "You're too good for me and one day I'm going to make you Mr. Hamilton as well." John blushed intensely and Alex kissed him, wrapping his arms around John. When they separating Alex smiled even wider, "You're absolutely perfect."

"No, I'm not..." John said modestly, "I do a lot of things wrong I just...know when you're upset and I want to fix it if I can." He blushed even harder making his freckles become highlighted.

"You're perfect for me." Alex decided and kissed John's nose, "Now let's hurry up and eat I'm...I'm really tired all of a sudden." He blamed the minor anxiety episode he had had but didn't say anything about it. John agreed and the two quickly ate the pasta and drank their coffee, not too fast as they were enjoying it, but not too slowly because they had grown exhausted.

When they were done the two silently picked their dishes up and stood side by side as they cleaned them, stealing glances at the other sometimes, before going to the bedroom hand in hand and flopping onto the bed, "Ugh late nights are over glorified in movies I want to die." Alex said.

"Same," John replied and snuggled into Alex again, grinning when Alex held him securely, "But it's always perfect with you~"

"Shut up and go to sleep, nerd." Alex replied and laughed when John smacked his chest, "You're my nerd though." He looked down when he said that but found John had already fallen asleep, he kissed John's curls, "And soon you'll be my forever nerd." He glanced at his jacket for tomorrow hanging on its hanger, a slight bulge in the pocket that was created by a black box he had recently purchased. It was only a matter of time.

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