Nursing Position (JohnLiza Smut)

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Requested by _Shimiie_

Eliza glanced at the letter again, knowing her husband would kill her for the thought of what she was thinking about doing. She knew it was risky and also rather stupid to even think about what she wanted to do but she also knew it was the only way to help out. She could stay home, be a housewife, never do anything for the war, but she was better than that.

Eliza grabbed the letter and went to her room, changing into a tan dress and pinning her hair out of her face. Eliza put on a coat to guard herself against the cold as she folded the letter and carefully put it in her pocket, sighing as she knew the moment John found out he would be furious.

Eliza went to the small stables of the estate she and John called home and found her horse, saddling him up. She apologized for the long ride before climbing on and flicking the reigns and taking off, her hair flying out behind her from the inertia.

The ride took about seven hours to complete and Eliza hadn't eaten or drunk anything all day so she didn't have to stop. Although the ride was uncomfortable on her and hurt a bit she prevailed with the knowledge she needed to get there as soon as she could.

When Eliza reached Washington's current position for the continental army she got off of her horse and handed him off to somebody else to take to the stables as she tried to sneak to Washington's tent to accept his offer to be a nurse for the soldiers. She had heard of women becoming medics inside the camps for the soldiers and she had been offered the position of one. John had told her countless times not to get involved in the war but she was, he was going to be pissed.

"Eliza?" She felt her heart leap to her throat when she heard John's voice and she shakily turned to him and bit her lip. John jogged over with a happy expression until it turned suspicious, "What are you doing here?" He then noticed the letter, Eliza had taken it from her pocket and held it tightly in front of her chest, "...Eliza?"

She sighed and handed the note over, " it." She shifted nervously as John's eyes scanned the parchment, "As you could tell, I've accepted." She told him, she wasn't able to reach his eyes.

"What?!" John's head snapped to her, then the parchment and then to her again, "You-I-But I-" He shook his head and took her wrist, leading her away. For a moment Eliza stumbled over her feet but soon she was following John.

He led her to his tent and then rounded on her, "When were you going to tell me? There's no way in Hell you can do this!" He ran a hand through his hair, stressing his ponytail before dropping his curls from his fingers.

Eliza bit her lip before crossing her arms and managing to let herself grow confident: "You can't tell me what I can and can't do." She told him, trying not to feel bad for being harsh in her tone.

The two of them kept at it, arguing back and forth against each other. They didn't yell or scream, that was one thing they both agreed not to do no matter how angry they got. They wound up face to face with John trying to persuade her to go home and Eliza insisting she wasn't going to.

"John, I'm being serious," Eliza stated, ignoring the utter lack of distance between them as they fought with their lips almost touching and their eyes blazing, "I'm not going to stay home all day every day with you and most everybody I know in the war fighting with their lives on the line."

"Eliza I..." John trailed off and looked down at her before snapping his eyes back up. He tried to fix their distance problem by maneuvering around her but his foot slipped under his other making him fall, grabbing onto the nearest surface to try and stop but it only made that surface land on him...Eliza being the surface.

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