Sleepy (HamLiza)

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Eliza yawns, "I'm tired." She told Alexander, resting her head on the armrest of the sofa.

Alex looked at his wife and smiled, glad the war was over so he could spend time with her, "We should go to bed then. Phil has been passed out for hours now, he's way ahead of us." He looked to his son and smiled, another reason to be glad that the war has ended.

"He passes out a lot, it seems." She says before kissing Alexander gently because she could, she'd missed that sensation. Alexander chuckled, kissing her back as his hands slowly found their way into her hair. Eliza pulls back and looks at him, "You make me really happy." She said sleepily, yawning again.

"I'm glad. You need more happiness than you've had." He smiles and kisses her forehead while knowing somewhere that some of her sadness came from their constant separation, "Now we should probably go to bed."

"Carry meeeee." She said and giggles at her antics, putting her arms around him lightly.

Alex laughs and picks her up bridal style, pecking the tip of her nose making her giggle again, "Anything for you, my love." He said as he carried her to their shared bedroom.

She smiles and looks at her wedding ring, "We're married..." She said quietly, Alex liked sleepy Eliza, she was so random.

He grins, "I know. We had such a beautiful wedding, didn't we?" He asked, setting her down on the bed gently and kissing the top of her head.

Eliza didn't answer she just quietly said, "You're my best friend." Before she fell fast asleep, something he knew she was about to do.

Alex chuckles again, "I'm thankful to be." He says despite her being asleep, he crawls into bed beside her, pulling her closer and holds her as he drifts off slowly to sleep beside her. Though they'd been married awhile this was one of the first times they'd fallen asleep together in months, something Alex missed heavily.

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