Always a Bridesmaid (Leggy)

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Peggy sat with Eliza and Angelica, discussing Eliza's upcoming wedding. They'd held Angelica's wedding the week before, she'd married John Church and was planning to move to London indefinitely which made both her sisters more than a little upset.

"You have to be my Maid of Honor, Angelica." Eliza said, taking Angie's hands with a smile, "This may be the last night I get to see you, it has to be special."

Angelica giggled and nodded, "Of course I'll be your Maid of Honor. Alex chose John Laurens as his Best Man, I'm fine with walking arm in arm with him." She then turned to Peggy and winked, "Which means you'll be walking with Lafayette." Peggy blushed and threw a pillow at her sister as her mind flooded with images of the man she loved and had been courting since basically the night she met him.

"Shut up," She mumbles making her sisters laugh, "I'll have to thank Alex for introducing us at you guy's wedding." She said as Eliza threw a pillow at her, "Oh please, Lizzy." Peggy said, rolling her eyes before throwing the pillow back at her sister.

"I'm glad you two have found men who love you," Angelica said, taking one of both her sister's hands, "It's truly wonderful." Both Peggy and Eliza smiled sadly knowing Angelica hadn't married for love even though they had a sense she wanted to and had her eye on somebody she always refused the idea of a loving marriage. Eliza and Peggy had tried to find out who Angelica was in love with and conspired together almost every night but they never could figure it out and after the wedding, they gave up.

Peggy hugged Ang before yawning, "I think I'm gonna head to bed." She said as it dawned on her how late it was and how tired she felt. Eliza and Angelica said a goodnight as Peggy climbed the stairs. As soon as she was inside the privacy of her bedroom she stripped and pulled her favorite nightgown on, laying down slowly on her rather large bed. She didn't understand why she and her sisters had beds big enough for about four people though she wouldn't complain.

The next morning she heard footsteps in her room so she looked quickly, afraid of an intruder, but she only saw Laf. She smiled at the love of her life and he smiled back. Peggy then snuggled deeper into the bed knowing nothing could remove her from the bed, she can't do it and she won't do it. She had no motivation for life at the moment and wanted to stay in bed all day.

Laf crossed the room to kiss her temple and say a quiet, "I love you, mon amour, have a great day." She was pretty sure he was just giving her motivation to get up and damn did it work. Peggy sat up on her bed full of determination for the day causing Laf to chuckle and say, "Nice hair, Pegs."

Peggy huffed, "I'm sure your hair is always perfect when you wake up," She retorted sarcastically before going to her vanity dresser to fix her terrible bed head.

"Non, my hair is always a mess." Laf replied as Peggy laughed at him while silently agreeing and relating to his problem, "I 'eard you are Eliza's bridesmaid." He said, changing the subject.

"Mhmm," Peggy hummed, pulling her hair into its usual ponytail, "I was Angelica's too. I'm always to be a bridesmaid, never a bride." She said a bit jealously. She turned around to see Laf on one knee making her freeze.

"Funny that..." Laf drawled as Peggy's heartbeat picked up when she realized what was happening, "I came 'ere to ask you to be my bride though you'd have to move to France with me. It's just...whenever I see your eyes I see my future, you are my future, will you marry me?"

Peggy nodded and jumped into his arms before he could pull the ring out of his coat pocket, she hugged him tightly and he chuckled as he hugged her back, "I love you, Laf." She said into his ear, swearing to herself that she wouldn't ever let go.

"I love you too, mon amour. Are you sure you want to marry me? I'll keep you safe, I promise." He said, silently doubting he had managed to get such a beautiful wife with such a wonderful personality.

Peggy nodded even more, "I most certainly want to marry you. It's the most certain I've been about anything in my life." She told him truthfully making him smile genuinely, glad he had no reason to fear her not loving him as much as he did her.

"That's a relief!" Eliza said as she and Angelica waltzed into the room, they had been listening behind the wooden door the entire time. Peggy separated from Laf as soon as she realized the two had made an appearance, a blush permanently on her face.

"Otherwise him asking father for permission to marry you would've been all for nothing," Angelica added as Eliza nodded in agreement, Peggy was surprised to learn he'd asked for permission before he asked her for her hand.

Peggy moved her gaze to Laf, "And my father gave permission?" She asked nervously knowing the man hadn't given Angelica and John Church permission or his blessing, he was still a bit disappointed the two had decided to be wed anyway.

"Oui, he did," Laf said with a smile making Peggy grin and kiss him gently, he kissed back just as gently as Eliza and Angelica made gagging noises behind them. If Peggy had pillows near her at the moment she'd throw every single one of them at her two annoyingly lovable sisters.

"Now I'll be a bride." She mused out loud when the two of them separated from their kiss, she loved the thought of wearing a beautiful gown and walking down the aisle with Laf waiting for her.

"Oui, my bride, my beautiful bride." He replied making her look down, flustered, but beyond happy, "Tu seras ma belle femme en blanc." He said in a flirtatious voice and though Peggy had no idea what he said it still made her feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

"So who's gonna be her bridesmaid?" Angelica asked making them all laugh rather loudly seeing as that title was what made Peggy so jealous just minutes before.

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