Day Six (Thomgelica)

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Requested by CezzDahPerson

Trigger Warning: Abuse

It wasn't supposed to be like wasn't. Angelica held her only glimpse into the outside world under her hands as she looked out over the fifth story balcony, holding the railing. It wasn't supposed to be like this, it wasn't. Her husband...that horrid man...he put on a fake act during their courtship and the wedding but the day after their marriage he locked her in a room and did unspeakable things to her.

Angelica looked across the landscape as tears left her eyes and she tilted her head before dropping it, "Six days." She mumbled as she sniffed, she had managed to get a letter sent with a hidden message to Thomas...Jefferson. She didn't know if he would even come for her, their relationship was cut off instantly when her father didn't approve and so she married John Church but it went to shit.

She looked inside the room and her breathing became erratic as she coughed, crying harder. She watched the knob moving as John opened the door. They made eye contact and she put a hand over her mouth before dropping her head and walking over to him when he beckoned her.

She knew Thomas had gotten her letter, the letter in which she called him 'my friend' which when they were courting he told her to call him if she was ever in danger, something he was anxious about since he was in the government. She's never had to use it before but John made her write to her friends and family saying how happy she was and she hadn't set anything like that up with anybody else so Thomas was her only hope.

John ripped her dress off and she let him, she could run she would but John was far more athletic than her and would get her. Not to mention this house had John's entire family in it so they'd grab her before she could get too far. Even if she did fight back there's no way she could overpower both John and his father, sure, she could take John by surprise but the noise would alert his father and even his mother and brother, she was trapped. Angelica hated it, she absolutely hated it, this was so not like her it hurt. For the first day she did fight, physically and verbally, but...John beat it out of her.

John looked her body over and she looked away, feeling his hands on her hips which made her flinch away as her hips were a sickly yellow color from the infected bruises that dotted her entire body. John wasn't pleased in the least at her flinching and he threw her to the floor, "Can't you not be a bitch for a day?!" He growled and sent a hard kick to her stomach making her ball up as she kept her want to cry in. As much as she wanted to scream, cry, and shout, she wasn't going to give him that satisfaction.

She put her arms over her head and kept her knees to her chest to protect herself, she knew she couldn't fight but she could protect herself. He kicked her over and over, it made him feel better she guessed. John got to her level and she looked up at him before he seized her neck and she croaked for a moment before realizing he was choking her. Angelica threw away the fact that she was forcing herself not to fight back, because if she didn't fight she would die.

Angelica could feel her breath burning, her lungs screaming, and her face turning redder. She grabbed his hands and dug her nails in making him yell something at her but she couldn't make it out in the chaos as she looked around frenetically before she located a shoe. It wasn't much but it was better than nothing so she grabbed the shoe and hit him over the head with it repeatedly as she burst into tears of fear.

John's grip loosened for just a moment and Angelica threw him off of her as she gasped for breath. She put a hand on her chest and John made a move for her which she dodged just as she heard his father coming down the hall. She looked to the balcony and galloping on a horse she saw magenta which made her breath stop again.

The door opened and she made her decision, she didn't stop to grab her missing shoe or dress as she ran to the balcony and launched herself over it as she screamed. Even if she landed on the ground and wound up extremely injured or possibly dead...she didn't care anymore, "Thomas!" She screamed and kept her hands over her eyes until she found herself in somebody else's arms.

"Angie," He sounded out of breath and broken. Slowly she opened her eyes and sighed in relief when she came eye to eye with him though the eye contact was broken as he scanned her body. Thomas took his coat off and wrapped it around her before he took off as Angelica realized they were on a horse. She looked to see John and his father leaving the estate and she grabbed Thomas's shirt, "They're not getting you, trust me, I won't let them." He growled as they galloped away from them.

Angelica slipped her arms through the sleeves of his coat and buttoned the coat up, "God I-I didn't know if you were still angry or if you didn't understand the letter." She told him and closed her eyes with a deep breath because she needed to remind herself she wasn't trapped, she could go back to how she was before the Church family now.

"Angelica..." Thomas sighed and pulled her closer with one arm as he still held the reigns, "You needed me, I came, just don't scare me like that again." He said quietly, rubbing her shoulder lightly before returning to holding the reigns.

Angelica nodded, "I won't." She told him and looked up at his face with a smile, "Because my next husband is you."

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