Pneumonia (JeffBurrMads)

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James coughed which woke him up, he stared at the ceiling in dismay. He was probably the most unlucky person in the world or one of the most unlucky ones. It didn't matter what he did, what he ate, how much he went outside, he always found himself in the hospital. It's not like he could stay inside and away from invisible enemies that tried to kill him every time he took a breathe because even now he felt the emptiness of the missing shape on his wrist.

See, every person born into this room has an incomplete shape that when they meet their soulmate becomes complete. James just had a straight line, it was too long and straight to be an accident, there was no way a line could be that significant but it was what he had. He wanted to meet his soulmate, to know them, but all he saw was white rooms and white sheets.

The door cracked open and he looked as his nurse entered, a bald man with skin similar in tone to James's, "Hello." He said, his name tag read Aaron Burr, "I'll be your morning nurse." He said and went to James's drip bags and adjusted them.

"Hi..." James said quietly and just watched him. The man checked his vitals and looked some sheets over quietly.

Aaron finally turned to James, "You don't feel uncomfortable in any way, do you? IVs feeling alright?" He asked and but James got distracted and glanced at his wrist, it looked like an acute angle.

It took a moment before he shook his head to refocus, "No I don't feel like that at all." He said quickly and fidgeted, "Just pneumonia, I've dealt with it before. I'm fine."

Aaron nodded, "You have quite the medical record." He pulled a paper off of the clipboard and held the top so it unfolded all the way to the floor, "These are just from this hospital. Even your shots are up to date, it really puzzles me."

"Yeah..." James chuckled softly and scratched his arm subconsciously, "I get sick a lot. Always have. My parents never did, neither did my siblings, guess I'm just a strange one." He said and shrugged, "I almost got kicked out of school for my grades dropping because I was always sick. It's kind of a mess." He admitted quietly.

Aaron nodded, "Makes sense. Hey, so, mind if I ask something?" He asked and James shrugged, "You haven't found your soulmate yet, right? Looks like just a line." He pointed at James's wrist.

"No, not really..." James mumbled and ran a thumb over his wrist, "I've been too sick to get out there. I don't even know what shape a straight line could make. Perhaps a half circle?" He sighed quietly, "You haven't met your soulmate yet either, right? Looks like it'll be a triangle." He pointed at Aaron's wrist.

"Well, the thing is..." Aaron chuckled and ran his hand over the bottom line, "This is what I started out with and I met Thomas and I got this one." He ran his hand over the other line, "So we're one of the people who get more than one. Pretty lucky, right?" He grinned with pride.

James nodded, ignoring his pang of jealousy, "Thomas eh? Sounds like you like him. How long have you been together?" He asked and tilted his head.

"Freshman year of college," Aaron answered, "He works at the hospital too. I'm just some nurse but he's a surgeon. I'm real proud of him, you know? I mean he's about four years older than me but that's fine." He had a smile on his face from start to finish.

James nodded before he put a balled fist in front of his mouth and coughed heavily, his chest crackling in protest. He'd felt it before, he was prepared, the pain didn't hurt as much as it would if it was a surprise.

Aaron patted his back softly, "Let it out. It'll be better after, better out than in right?" He asked softly and James slowly stopped coughing, "What the..."

James looked at him in confusion before feeling a tingling sensation in his wrist. Quickly he looked at it as his small line became an angle, similar to Aaron's but like it was mirrored. He looked at his wrist and then Aaron, James was right! It was a triangle.

"I-uh-I'll go get Thomas," Aaron said, absolutely flustered, and he ran from the room. James sighed and looked at his lines, who'd of thought he'd find his soulmate-or soulmates inside the place he hated? Of course, his soulmates were a doctor and a nurse, it was only fitting.

A man in a lab coat walked in, his hair was everywhere, "I hear you're my other soulmate, wanna test it?" He asked as Aaron entered behind him.

"I assume you're Thomas," James said and held his hand out. Thomas walked over and shook his hand causing both of their shapes to fill in slowly.

"Yep," He said and moved his hand back and forth as he looked at his wrist, "And I'm Thomas Jefferson. I'm pretty great at surgery. So, you got a name to match that pretty face?" Seems he was the flirtatious type.

James nodded to throw his flirt off entirely, "James Madison, a pleas-" He broke off into another coughing fit which he knew left Thomas worried but Aaron just patted his back and mumbled words of encouragement.

"Oh yeah, he's a patient, I forgot." Thomas chuckled and watched Aaron work as James calmed down, "What's he got? A lung thing I'm sure but he's not in intensive care so it's common hmmm..."

Aaron laughed, "Pneumonia. Should be clear in a week or two." He said and adjusted a bag, "I'll increase the antibiotics, seems I was right but nobody would listen when I said you needed more but noooooobody listens to the newbie."

"He talks to himself," Thomas said with a laugh as Aaron blushed and they began bickering. James laughed at them, he was glad they were his soulmates, he knew he'd fit right in.

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