I'm Nine Years Old Today (HamLiza)

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Eliza sat with Philip in her garden, teaching the nine-year-old how to tend to a garden which he took to like a fish to water. It was Philip's birthday and since he expressed an interest in gardening, flowers, and life, in general, she knew she should teach him and it would be the best birthday present.

Eliza smiled happily as she watched her son tend to the plants as gentle as he could. He was such a good boy, watering the plants just enough so he didn't under water or over water them. "Perfect," She smiled and kissed his forehead, standing up and brushed her skirt off as Philip told the flowers to grow big and strong. She took his hand and they walked through the house she lived in with her family; her father, mother, unmarried sisters, and unmarried brothers. Eliza should technically be married as she had a child, a son, but he was born out of wedlock and she couldn't get into contact with the father, Alexander Hamilton.

Her Alexander...she was still in love with him and heard he had become Secretary in the government, her father refused to talk to him on her behalf because he referred to Alex as the man who turned Eliza into a slut. She didn't blame her father for calling her those names, women are supposed to be virgins until marriage and she wasn't. She was glad that her father did love her son, he was even almost honored she had named the child after him though he didn't hide his disgust at having a bastard named after him. Eliza never went public with Alex's child, she never told anybody outside of her family though as she didn't want to threaten Alexander's political career, she loved him too much for that.

"Mommy, can I get a hat?" Philip asked it was then Eliza realized they had walked into town and she smiled down at her son.

"Of course," She told him, going to a hat shop with him attached to her hand, "Go find a hat you like," Eliza told him and trailed behind Philip as he ran around the shop.

She apologized on Philip's behalf every time he ran into a patron until he ran into a man, a very familiar man. Her breath caught in her throat and she pulled Philip back to her side before he could run off again, his eyes locked on a top hat a few too many sizes too big. "Eliza?" Alexander asked, his own breath becoming harder to locate.

"Alexander..." She whispered, clutching her dress tightly between her fingers as she stared at the man who ran through her dreams almost every night. The man who held her heart, the man she was helplessly in love with.

"And Philip!" Philip yelled, throwing his hands over his head happily as a happy smile split his freckled, "I'm nine today!" He told Alex making Eliza wish she could disappear as she knew Alex would be able to figure out he was the father in the next few minutes.

As she predicted a look of dread reached Alex's features and he looked up at Eliza before pointing at himself, his mouth opening and closing. Eliza sighed and put a hand on Philip's head, "He's yours." She told him.

Alex let out a weird noise before he composed himself, trying to ignore the fact that he, a bastard, had made a bastard who suffered just as he did. He instead knew his next decision and he took Eliza's hands before getting on one knee, "Marry me." Eliza stared at him as a rare blush tainted her cheeks and Philip cheered though he didn't know exactly what was happening, "I-I really do regret leaving. I know it sounds stupid and weird and unbelievable but I shouldn't have walked out that door. I love you, I still love you, which is why after a decade I still want you and I haven't married. We made a son together, a child! It's all I want, to be your husband, to be Philip's father. I know your father won't approve, Hell, I asked him to see you and he almost clocked me with his cane...but I don't care, I just want to be there for you and Philip because I haven't been and that will be a sin I suffer with for the rest of my life. So...will you, Elizabeth Schuyler, marry me?"

Eliza put a hand on her cheek and was shocked to find tears. This was what she wanted, this is what she has been pining for, this is what she has prayed to happen for years. The man of her dreams, the man she couldn't love more if she tried, he was on one knee for her. She then felt a pressure on her back and turned to see Philip pushing on her back, "This is the part where you kiss!" He told her.

Eliza giggled with a blush and did exactly as Philip said, she took Alex's face in her hands and kissed him gently as he stood up and held her. She could feel his tears against her cheeks as she tilted her head and wrapped her arms around him.

They separated after a time and Alex left her to get to Philip level and smile as he put on glasses, when did he start needing glasses? They had a lot to catch up on. Philip blinked in confusion but Alex just smiled wider as he took in his son's features, "You're so perfect...God, you're everything I've ever wanted in a child. Philip...would you be alright with me being your daddy?" He asked, gently taking Philip's hands, "Because I'm your daddy, I made you alongside your mommy. That's why you're just...so perfect."

Philip glanced at Eliza who nodded with a smile which gave Philip the courage to hug Alex, "Okay daddy!" Alex held him tightly and let out a shuddered sigh of relief, "But you have to buy me a hat for my birthday!"

Alex blinked for a moment, "Huh?" It was then the puzzle pieces clicked together, "Oh right it's your birthday. Sorry, daddy can be a bit slow. Of course, I'll get you a hat, happy birthday son."

"Thanks, daddy," Alex stood up and put an arm around Eliza before taking Philip's hand as his heart felt it might burst, he had the family he wanted for years.

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