Restart My Heart (HamLiza)

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Alexander looked at George Washington, his General and begrudgingly his father figure, they had stopped outside a house and tears filled his eyes, "Is he-"

"-Go." George interrupted and that was all it took for Alexander to be out of the carriage and run inside.

"Eliza?!" He called as soon as he entered, needing to see his wife as soon as he could as he knew she was close to giving birth, he ran around into every single room and then outside into the garden where his heart stopped for a moment before the small bundle in Eliza's arms restarted it, "O-Oh my God."

Eliza turned around and smiled softly at him, "Look around look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now." She said as Alex crossed the garden and looked at their son in disbelief before looking at her as if he needed confirmation, "Meet your son, Alexander." She whispered.

"This is really happening," Alex whispered as he slowly and carefully picked the baby up, making sure to support his head, "This is really-oh my God." He kissed the small child's forehead, "What's his name?" They never had time to discuss it.

"Philip," Eliza replied, circling around him so she could hug him from behind and gaze at their creation, "Named after my father, Philip Hamilton. Your son, my son, our son." She said and kissed his cheek.

"Hi Philip," Alexander said as tears leaked from his eyes, "Oh you're such an amazing child." Philip sneezed and he turned to Eliza, "Did you see that?! Did you?! Oh my God that was amazing! He's amazing!"

Eliza giggled and nodded, "I saw. All he did was sneeze, Alex." She replied happily, "But he is an amazing child."

"He is! I'm going to show him to everybody!" Alex said happily as he gazed at the boy's freckles, "I'll show Laf and Hercules and Washington and John when he gets back from South Carolina," For just a moment empathy and sadness crossed Eliza's features at the mention of John but she stifled it too quickly for Alex to notice as he was too enthralled in emotions regarding their son, "I'll even show that pussy Charles Lee to piss him off! Oh, and I have to show Aaron Burr! Maybe I can meet his daughter while I'm at it-he's got a child now too. Everything is changing now."

Eliza nodded, "Everything is changing but it's changing for the better." She said and backed up at just look at them, her breathing speeding up, "Seeing him in your arms..." She smiled wider, "I-I never thought I'd get to see it I was so worried-I swear you stopped my heart in worry more than once."

Alex crossed the distance between them again, "And now I've restarted your heart as Philip did mine." He said and kissed her gently, disappointed in himself for forgetting to do that. She'd given birth alone and he hadn't seen her in months how could he forget to kiss her?! She deserves all the kisses. When they separated he asked a quiet, "Did you eat today? I just wanna make sure you're healthy and stuff oh and Angelica said you outgrew your dresses because of the pregnancy so I had Hercules make you more, did you get them? If not I'm going to kill the postal men."

Eliza smiled and nodded again, "I've eaten, I had eggs, and I got the dresses. Thank you, you're so thoughtful. I love you."

"I love you too and man now that this war is over for once I can't wait to do nothing all day!" He had been working nonstop and if he was asked to he'd do it again but for now, he wanted to sit back and relax with his family.

"All day?" Eliza asked a bit skeptically, "Don't you have things to do? You always have things to do." She had known the man long enough and married him too, she knew he always had things to do.

"Nope!" He pecked her lips and then Philip's cheek, "Today is the day I just got back and all I want to do is hug, snuggle, and appreciate my beautiful wife and also our absolutely gorgeous son."

Eliza blushed a little bit, "I was going to get you a present-a coming come present but I, well, honestly, I just forgot."

"Hey," He put an arm around her, "You've already given me two of the best things and two of the only things any man should ask for or want." He told her and she looked up at him a bit confused, "A son and a lifetime supply of unconditional love." He held her tightly, "I missed you so much. When I told Laf he said that if you love somebody you have to let them go and if they return they were always yours but if they don't they never were, however, I told him straight up only a fool would let go of you. We met in dire times but it's all over now, we can be together again, like a proper family." He then remembered he had to do something and groaned, "I have to write a letter to Congress actually but my hands feel like I've dragged them through sharp ass rocks."

"Then let me write it," Eliza said instantly as she knew she needed to help him as his ever-loving wife, "I mean I don't know how to word it like you, obviously, but you can tell me what to write and I can write it. Okay? That way you can hold Philip and bond with him and relax your hands, you work so hard anyway so you deserve a break."

Alex grinned and led her inside while calling her an angel sent directly from God above and she blushed harder. Eventually, they found themselves on the couch, Alexander laying down with his head in her lap and Philip asleep on his chest as Eliza used the armrest to write whatever he told her to though she made mistakes she tried her best, just happy that Alexander was home and with her again.

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