Elegantly Wasted (Jeggy)

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John didn't expect today to be the day his life changed forever, he thought it would be a normal day as usual. Well, nobody goes outside and expects that day to be the one that their life changed forever, but still.

He was a fan of many musical genres but his all-time favorite singer was a girl who's style really couldn't be pinned. Sometimes she rapped, sometimes she sang, sometimes she broke out in opera belts, she was just so diverse and switched midsong sometimes it was great. He loved it, he loved her.

As John walked down the street with Peggy Schuyler's music blasting in his ears, making sure he kept his eyes peeled as his hearing was filled with the heavenly voice of the woman who he also had a sort of celebrity crush on.

As John turned onto the street that held his guilty pleasure of a cafe he saw a group of three or four men ganging up and beating up a smaller girl, maybe a few years younger than John, so he ran over and pulled them off, "What the ever living fuck?!" He yelled and positioned himself in front of the battered girl, "D-I-Fuck!"

They looked like they were going to advance on John and so John put his arms up like a T so guard himself but he didn't have to as each man was whacked over the head with a frying pan and consequently collapsed, "Fuck yeah bitches!" He almost laughed when he saw his friend, Alexander, standing there with his frying pan and his black shirt that said 'Don't Judge Me I've Been Dead Inside For Years'. Alex looked towards John's feet and furrowed his eyebrows, "Hey isn't she that one chick you're obsessed with?"

John felt confusion flood him as he looked to the girl who was sprawled out in a wasted yet still elegant pose. It took maybe .2 seconds for John to recognize her as Peggy Schuyler herself, "Oh shit dude!" He crouched down and carefully picked her up, "O-Okay um-hospital!"

"I'll get my car!" Alex ran across the street to an apartment complex and hopped into his hunk of junk convertible and drove it over. Carefully, John put Peggy in the back seat and closed the door before he hopped into the passenger seat.

Alex drove like a maniac to the hospital and as soon as he parked he ran inside to get a nurse or doctor while John picked his unconscious idol out from the backseat. He moved some of her hair from her face as her signature ponytail had gotten messed up in the assault but she still looked flawless, "You're going to be okay." He told her and held her until she was wheeled away by a team of people.

John followed with Alex until they were told they couldn't keep going. They got constant updates though halfway through the long wait Alex had to go because he couldn't miss a day of work or he wouldn't be able to pay rent.

From what he'd been told John knew Peggy had suffered broken ribs which led to double lung punctures on her right side, brain hemorrhaging, an abrasion on her left iris, and a broken ankle. He waited as patiently as he could until he was told she was out of surgery and was lead to her hospital room which he entered and stayed inside of awkwardly.

Peggy opened her eyes slowly after a little and tried to rub at her left eye which had a film type substance over it to protect her sight while her eye healed, John grabbed her hand though and she stared at him so he quickly spoke up, "I'm John Laurens I-well, I saw you when those men were hurting you so me and my friend fought them off and brought you here and...um, you could've died..?" He didn't really know what he was saying but he'd already said it so it was too late to go back now.

"Nuh uh," Peggy's voice sounded croaky, "I wasn't hurt that badly...the doctor said all of my bleeding was internal and that's where the blood is supposed to be." She cracked a smile and John couldn't help but chuckle a little, "What if Cinderella was a baking slave instead of a cleaning slave and her name was mozzarella?" She looked at John lazily and then blushed, "Oh geez I haven't even introduced myself and I went straight to being weird I-sorry-I'm Margarita Schuyler-well, Peggy works."

John nodded, "I know who you are, I-I'm a huge fan actually but I didn't know it was you until my friend Alex pointed it out after he knocked the men out." He sat next to her shyly as he didn't want to overstep his boundaries.

Peggy grinned, "Oh okay. I like my fans, they're good people, weird sometimes, but really good people overall." She blinked and then yawned, blinking again though her eyes didn't reopen as she fell asleep again.

John sighed and looked at her in disbelief that he was right there with her, and he stayed right there for weeks on end until she was recovered enough to go home. As soon as she got the news John got up to leave but Peggy's recovered voice asked, "Where are you going?"

"Oh-I..." John looked at her a bit confused, "I thought you just wanted me here because Angelica and Eliza couldn't make it." Peggy's sisters were in two different countries at the moment so flying to New York with no notice was impossible, "And now you can go home so...I should just leave you be, right?"

Peggy shook her head, "I-I want to keep in contact with you..." She sat up, "And I signed the papers to leave so-so maybe I can ride on your back and we can go check out the city? They told me not to stress my ankle so if...if you leave I have to just stay home all day every day until I heal all the way." She picked at her blanket nervously.

John smiled and went to the end of her bed, bending slightly so she could climb on and she did. He held her thighs and she held his shoulder with her hands as he walked out of the hospital, smiling like a goof as she pointed out everything they passed and telling him something about it.

He couldn't believe his luck but somehow he'd wormed his way into Peggy wanting to be near him so with crossed fingers he hoped the future held him and her in a more intimate instead of friendly relationship but only time know what will happen and time is not telling.

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