Arts & Crafts (JeffMads)

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"Thomas..." James coughed into his handkerchief as he sat in front of the television with Thomas, Ponyo playing absently in front of them though neither of them was actually watching it having both seen it so many times in the past.

Thomas made a noise to show he was listening to his boyfriend and snuggled deeper against his side, James had his arms around him, "I think I'm going to go for an art major instead of going to be a lawyer." James said after debating if he should say anything at all.

Thomas sat up and looked up at him, "Why?" It wasn't a judgmental question like his father would sound like when he told him, Thomas just wanted to know what was up. James was sure he'd understand, he always did.

James shrugged, "I never wanted to be a lawyer." He admitted. Thomas looked surprised as James had been working on his law major for almost a year now, "My dad wanted me to be one." He said and Thomas nodded understandingly, "But I like making things! Sure, constructing a sound defense for a client is kind of like that and it's a sort of art to twist a witness's words but it'll never beat releasing a creation from marble." James sighed, hoping he could soon perfect his art style with a proper education.

"Well, what're you gonna tell his royal highness?" Thomas asked, relaxing back against James, "I mean you know I'll support anything and everything you do in life but he doesn't." James sighed and Thomas held his hand, "I'll protect you from his royal butt sex." James slapped him and Thomas laughed, it had been a joke between them for the longest time, it was slightly upsetting, but James's father had been cheating for years with people of all genders. "The proof is in the anal, Jemmy," Thomas said and James smacked him again.

"Let's go," James said and got up, Thomas got up with him. James looked at him a bit nervously but Thomas took his hand and he felt a bit more reassured, leading the way out of their flat and towards the house in which he grew up in. House was a loose term as it could probably house four average sized houses but that's neither here nor there.

They walked in and requested to speak with James Madison Sr as James was given his name, it can get quite confusing. It took only a few moments as Mr. Madison was quite proud of James seeing as James was supposedly everything he'd ever wanted in a son, including the bit about him being gay as it meant Mr. Madison could put himself on morally higher ground compared to other people he associates with or whatever.

"Father," James said as he walked in, holding Thomas's hand tighter, "I've got something I need to tell you." He said cautiously and glanced at Thomas who smiled reassuringly.

"What is it, son?" Mr. Madison asked, smiling from behind his desk which was overflowing with papers written front to back and maps. Mr. Madison was a retired veteran of the US Army as well as a politician though his political moves were always as dirty as a toilet seat.

"I..." He looked to the ground and balled up the hand that wasn't holding Thomas's, "I'm not going to pursue a law major." He said and as Mr. Madison went to ask something he added, "I'm going to pursue an art degree."

"What?" Mr. Madison was struck with disbelief, "Are you joking, James? An art degree? Are you retarded?" James's head shot up quickly at that one, "A useless degree?! Do you know what artists do? They starve! They're freelancers who never get their money's worth. It's a terrible venture! Why do something that'll amount to nothing when you could become a successful lawyer? I've seen the way you work, you could go far in this business, kid!" He circled around his desk so he was in front of it, "My son should be smarter than this, come on James, tell your old man that you're just pulling his leg. I'm too old for this."

"I'm not," James said and looked down again, waiting for the verbal abuse to continue.

"James," Mr. Madison said calmly before yelling, "IS THIS HOW YOU REPAY ME?!" James took a step back and as Mr. Madison opened his mouth again Thomas spoke up.

"I hope you choke." Was all he said before dragging James out of the house by the hand. When they'd made it back to their apartment they sat down again and Thomas turned to James, "He sure is a dick, though, I guess you are what you eat." He kissed James's temple as James laughed before hugging him tightly.

"Thomas, please," James whined, embarrassed at the position they were in.

"I love you, James," Thomas said ignoring what James had, "And I won't let anybody hurt you in any way shape or form for as long as we live."

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