Ideological Blood (Mullete)

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There were many ideas, many stupid ideas too. But ideas and inspiration and thoughts spanned galaxies and years, staying alive throughout it all. Lafayette, however, may have just discovered the absolute worst idea to have ever been concocted inside a sane individual...or maybe he wasn't sane at all? His idiotic idea probably proves he's the most idiotic individual to step foot on the planet Exalon.

Lafayette has lived his whole life on Exalon and recently his planet discovered another, Earth, they found said planet after encountering robots made by the inhabitants though these inhabitants were extremely far behind on the grid of intelligence. Laf didn't agree with what the government had decided to do, first they kidnapped a man and then they took over the planet. The man was used to figure out parts of the planet and understand their culture and past if he didn't comply they just tortured him physically. Years have passed and Laf's brilliant brain has watched this man in the machine telling tales of their existence almost every day and a part of him fell in love, and all of him wish he could know him.

Hercules Mulligan, oh how that name made him giddy. How could he not imagine those strong arms wrapped around him? How could he not imagine those chapped lips kissing his? How could he not imagine pulling him closer as they both fell into bed together? His imagination was all well and good but it was impossible without committing treason and...that's exactly what he was going to do.

"I don't know why you're such dicks..." Hercules whispered as Laf walked into the room, taking his usual seat. "We spent hundreds of years looking up at the same stars you did and we wondered 'is anybody out there' and we hoped, prayed, guessed, imagined, some of us even prayed for you!" Laf could tell he was getting angry so he hoped the person in charge of the physical pain would hold off because he wanted to hear what Hercules was saying and where he was going from here. "Because we as a species were so lonely! We wanted friends so badly, we wanted to meet other species and we wanted to talk to them and we wanted to learn from them and to stop being the only people in the universe and we started realizing that things were maybe not going so good for us...we were breaking out planet permanently. We got scared that in a hundred years we were all going to be dead and gone and even if there were other people out there, we were scared we'd never get to meet them." He stopped for a moment and then screamed as an electric current was forced through him, making his body jolt. Hercules, however, persisted and kept talking through the pain, "And we built robots! We gave them names and we gave them brains made out of silicon and we pretended they were people and we told them 'hey you should go exploring' and so they did because we had made them in our own image because maybe in a hundred years we wouldn't be around anymore. We thought that our planet would be a mess, we'd all be dead, so if you came we wouldn't be around to say 'hi how are you? We're people too! You're not alone anymore!' because we will have been gone. We built robots who have beat-up hulls and metal brains and who have names. We thought you would ask 'who were your people? What were they like' we would have wanted our robots to say 'When they made us, they called us discover; they called us curiosity; they called us explorer; they called us spirit. They must have thought that was important and they told us to tell you hello.' It wasn't supposed to be like this..." Laf could tell the voltage was being increased the more Hercules talked and finally the man he loved from so far away broke off as he screamed in pain.

Laf bit his lip before he snapped, he wouldn't let Hercules suffer like this anymore. He grabbed the opening mechanism and swiped the badge he had that opened it, he ran inside and sideswiped the wires attached to Hercules, breaking them. Laf ignored his own kind muttering and screaming at him, he just grabbed the confused Hercules's wrist and ran down a hallway. He passed the sign that stated this was a Velociraptor free workplace with Steve's picture next to it in black and white as Steve was no longer here with them.

"Where are we going?!" Hercules finally yelled, confusion and fear in his voice as he ran behind Laf. Not that he had a choice, Laf was physically stronger than Hercules simply because he was an Exalonian while Hercules was an, he was a Human, "Who are you?!"

"My name is Lafayette, leader of Exalon's elite research team and I'm saving you." Laf told him, smiling back at Hercules and saying, "My name is discover; my name is curiosity; my name is explorer; my name is spirit." Hercule's eyes widened and Laf shoved him into his space pod, climbing in after him. "Uninhabited planet..." He mumbled as he took off, the sound of alarms going off in the building he had just run from.

"Why'd you save me?" Hercules asked, looking as the planet became smaller as Laf hit the gas on his vehicle, it had been modded to be one of the fastest on Exalon. He hit light speed before he meant to which made him laugh at Hercules's face.

"Because I took an interest in you," Laf mumbled as he navigated expertly far away from Exalon and Earth, "And I couldn't just leave you inside that torture chamber when I knew I could help. Unlike them, I, apparently, am the only one with morals on that entire planet." He added, keeping his eyes on the space he was navigating as he knew one glance at Hercules would distract him.

Laf felt Hercules's lips on his cheek and he felt himself blush at the contact, "Man, you guys blush purple?!" Hercules asked while laughing.

"Well-yeah!" Laf argued, "Blushing is blood rushing to your cheeks and blood is purple so therefore we blush purple. What color do you blush then?"

"Red," Hercules replied with a laugh still in his voice, "Because our blood is red and not weird." He added.

"Your blood is weird," Laf muttered in argument again.

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