That Would Be Enough Reprise (HamLiza)

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Eliza has noticed recently that Alexander was distant. She was pregnant and fast approaching her due date and he'd come home from the war after a dispute with General Charles Lee as well as an argument with George Washington himself. At first, Eliza thought it was her fault, after all, being at home with your pregnant wife isn't as exciting as being at the forefront of a war to decide an entire country's fate.

She went looking for him and finally saw him in the living room, approaching him carefully, "Alexander...what's wrong?" She asked and put her hands gently on his shoulders, "You've just been I dunno...acting different since you got back."

Alex looked back at her and put a hand on the back of one of hers, "It's nothing Eliza don't worry about it." He said but she shook her head and gave him the look to show she wasn't going to give up. He sighed and looked up at her before handing her a few letters, "Don't get upset I-I haven't responded."

Confused and a bit concerned Eliza opened the first letter and sat next to him, putting the others in chronological order in her lap as she read through them.

In the late summer Lafayette returned to France and when he came back he brought more guns and ships, shifting the balance of the war entirely. We rendezvoused at Rochambeau, consolidated their gifts. It was then we all came to realize one thing; we can end this war at Yorktown by cutting them off at sea but for us to do this there is someone else we need. You. Lafayette says you know what to do in a trench and you're Ingenuitive, plus being fluent in French doesn't hurt with a French General leading the change. I always knew I was going to have to use you eventually even though I wanted to put you on a bench. Not a single person has more resilience or matched Lafayette's practical tactical brilliance. If we want to fight for our land's freedom, we're going to need my right-hand man back, the sooner the better.
G. Washington

Eliza put that letter down and glanced at Alexander to see he looked conflicted. She grew uncertain as she set that letter aside and picked the next one up, it was a little bit shorter.

Alexander Hamilton,
Troops are waiting in the field for you

If you join us right now, together we can turn the tide
Alexander Hamilton

I have soldiers that will yield for you
If we manage to get this right
They'll surrender by early light
The world will never be the same, Alexander.
G. Washington 

She sighed and picked the next one up, trying to fight the emotions building up in her chest as she slowly came to terms with the contents.

I was younger than you are now, when I was given my first command. I led my men straight into a massacre, I witnessed their deaths firsthand. I made every mistake and felt the shame rise in me and even now I lie awake knowing history has its eyes on me. Let me tell you what I wish I'd known when I was young and dreamed of glory you have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story. I know that we can win, I know that greatness lies in you, but remember from here on in; history has its eyes on you
G. Washington

"You want to go, don't you?" Eliza asked and turned to her husband sadly. He nodded and she bit her lip realizing she couldn't make him stay, he wanted to go. No, he needed to go. She closed her eyes and then took his hands in her own, "Look around, look around at how lucky you are to be alive right now." He looked up in shock and she smiled, "Look around, look around. Alexander, you should have told me."

"Eliza...I'm sorry." He said and she shook her head with her smile being glued to her face as she didn't want him to feel sorry, "The general wrote to me some weeks ago..."

"I begged him to send you home," Eliza reminded him, "But I know you'll fight until the war is won." She took his hand and lead it to her protruding stomach, "I thought you deserved a chance to meet your son...look around look around at how lucky you are to be alive right now." She kissed him gently, "I'll always relish being your wife. Look around, look around...look at where you're going, look at where you started. The fact that you're alive is a miracle just stay alive, that would be enough." He kissed her stomach and she smiled wider, "I've said if this child shares a fraction of your smile or a fragment of your mind...that would be enough. I won't pretend to know the challenges you're facing. But I'm not afraid of them, I know who I married. As long as you come home at the end of this war, that would be enough." He looked at her, again, with shock and she shook her head, "You're building our legacy, you're making us money. But I don't need that-I want to grant you peace of mine-you've let me inside your heart, let me be apart of this narrative, of this story historians will rant about someday. Let these moments be small footnotes, you don't have to decide to stay. As long as I'm enough, we're enough, that would be enough."

Tears had been leaving Alexander's eyes for awhile and when she finished he cupped her face and kissed her gently, not believing she would let him go so easily but glad she gave him the confidence. When they separated he held her close, "My life will always be fine with you in it." He whispered.

"Make sure you meet your son," Eliza whispered, feeling the need to be quiet since they were so close to each other.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Alex said and bend down to talk to the unborn child inside, "Daddy'll be back for you and you can show him all sorts of things but he has to go for now so look after mommy for him. She can be a bit odd but she's a strong woman and quite loving. She loved you and I love you." He kissed her stomach again and then her, "I have to leave."

"Come back to me, Alexander." She said and he promised he would. She sat with the letters in the garden and didn't let herself cry until she was sure he'd left.

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