Fight Me (Philodosia)

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Theodosia lay in her hospital bed sick with pneumonia which would thankfully clear in about a week. She'd been sick for months without knowing it, she just brushed it aside as a couch, thankfully it was caught in time and she was on the path to a speedy recovery. Now, her nurse was quite the cute one, his name tag read Philip Hamilton, and she was determined to make an impression.

Soon, she heard talking outside her door so she buried herself in pillows to hide because...why not? She heard the door open and peeked out of her pillow mountain to spot Nurse Hamilton coming to check her vitals so she yelled, "Fight me!" At him.

Philip chuckled and moved the pillows off of her body to check the things on her chest, "Maybe later." He said quietly as Theo pulled the best pout face she could manage. One look at her face and his face split into a grin again and soon the two were laughing with each other until Philip had to leave to check on his next patient.

Theo sat up and flipped through the TV channels of the crappy box-like TV stationed on the wall opposite of her. She got bored and rolled the movable table over, grabbing a paper and pen and soon she began practicing her name with the last name Hamilton for...reasons. Hey! She wasn't asking for a long-term relationship, she could have her fantasies and still respect the person.

"Are you practicing your signature with my last name?" She heard a voice ask and she threw her papers everywhere while screeching, embarrassed at being caught, to say the least. Philip started laughing and when she calmed down he smiled genuinely, "Well I guess we have to do icebreakers. I'm Philip and I have a fear of bears, why do I fear bears? Because bears can run thirty miles per hour and the New York Zoo is thirty miles away which means a bear can be outside our doors in an hour, why would a bear be here? Because they can smell fear and I fear them."

Theo thought about introducing herself after Phil's hilarious introduction but she stuck with her usual except it backfired, "Fight m-" She got cut off as a huge coughing fit came from her throat. She felt a hand on her back rubbing small circles and she relaxed when she realized it was Phil, she attempted to tell him to fight her again but she kept coughing.

Phil smiled, "I won't fight you yet because you'll win." He says and kisses her head as he leaves the room again leaving a flustered Theodosia.

With some struggle Theo located her phone as she was going to use it to try and unfluster herself, so, she began to scroll through her Instagram first as she hasn't been on for days, she soon found a message from a boy who had asked her out and was still waiting for an answer which Theo now knew would be no. She opened his message to see he had sent a picture of her which confused her until she read the text under it.

Joseph Alston: Why do you have cellulite on your legs? I hate it. and your stomach isn't how I like it. It's bothering me since I asked you out...I'm sorry, now I feel like an asshole.

Theodosia Burr: Good. Because you are. Goodnight.

Quickly she blocked him and rolled her eyes, the nerve of some people! But since she was on Instagram she decided she might as well make a post so she took a sneaky picture of a random nurse to use as the aesthetic image before writing her caption 'We all have a little but of "I want to save the world" in us. I want you to know it's okay if you only save one person and it's okay if that person is you <3' Instantly likes began pouring in because she...isn't exactly what you'd call average in terms of social status but that's mostly due to her father being really loaded, but, he hasn't had any time for her since he got remarried after her mother's death and began a family with the new woman who wanted nothing to do with her.

She looked up as the door opened and a different nurse came in which confused her until she spoke up, "I'm Frances Eleanor Laurens and I'll be your nurse now because Philip said he has a personal relationship with you so he can't legally be your nurse." Theo went to ask what she meant but Frances put her finger over her lips and set a coffee cup down that came from the gift shop before leaving.

Theo grabbed the coffee and noticed on the side there was writing so she tilted her head to read 'Fight me?' along with Philip's name and number. She giggled and added his number to her phone and thought about if she should message him instantly or if that would make her look desperate and clingy. She kept debating until she just sighed and typed out her quick message.

Theodosia Burr: Fight me

Philip Hamilton: I'd much rather kiss you

Theodosia Burr: Then do it nerd

Philip Hamilton: I will

Theodosia Burr: Fine

Philip Hamilton: Fine

She laughed and rested back against her bed, a grin set permanently on her face as she thought of Philip until her eyes grew heavy and she slowly fell into a deep sleep, wondering if and when she would get to fight him.

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