Risk (Pharia)

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Trigger Warning: Abuse

There was a special rule in the world Maria existed in, one that made her feel guilty and nervous at the same time. It was special, very special, a bond between two people that couldn't be broken. Soulmates. Whenever one person got an injury the other suffered it too, thankfully, it had a limit as life-threatening wounds just came up as a huge bruise or cut and broken bones only appear as a bruise as well, this was so one's death wouldn't cause the other's and broken bones could be very troublesome.

Maria felt guilty and nervous because she suffered injuries almost hourly from the man she was forced to marry for money, to feed her poor family. James Reynolds probably saw her as less of a human, he hit her for nothing and for everything. If she was walking loud he hit her, if she fell down he hit her, if he was stressed he hit her, if he didn't like her dress he hit her, if work was hard he hit her, if she woke up after him he hit her, if she woke up before him he hit her, if they woke up together he hit her, he just liked hitting her. With each new beating, she became more upset, not for her but for her soulmate who suffered as well.

Maria sighed and got up, she had woken up and James wasn't in the bed so she knew what was coming for her. She went to the bathroom and teased her hair gently before pulling her pajamas off and her regular red dress on. Maria's dress was long sleeved for a reason as her arms were covered in sickly bruises, she looked in the mirror and put a hand on a bruise directly over her heart, great. Last night James had thrown a vase directly at her chest though thankfully it didn't break and cause more injuries, it was only a circular bruise.

She thought about pulling her hair into a ponytail but decided against it as her hair would probably fall out of it since it was crazy and curly and unpredictable. She did her makeup as she always did, and made sure to take as long as she could to try and delay having to see James. Of course, it was inevitable though so she eventually made her way downstairs.

"Maria!" She knew he had heard her walking down the stairs to Maria walked in and looked at James silently, "I woke up today and guess what I didn't have made?" He grabbed her hair, something he always did and shoved her into the kitchen.

"Sorry," She said quietly and looked up, "I-"

"-Shut the fuck up and just fucking make it!" He stormed out and Maria rolled her eyes and made faces at his back before turning around and beginning to make breakfast for him. She hated him but she didn't have a choice in being his wife so she just muttered about him under her breath, flipped his back off, made faces when he wasn't looking, and rolled her eyes when he wasn't watching.

She finished making eggs and carried it to the dining room, "James I made you breakfast." She said and waited for James to walk in.

When he sat down he looked at Maria, "Fucking finally. Now get the fuck out, you're blocking the light." It was then Maria realized she was in front of the window. She looked at the window but felt a sharp pain in her arm making her yelp and hold her arm, "I said get the fuck out!"

"Sorry!" She hurried from the room and then looked at her arm, seems he had stabbed her with his fork making it bleed, "Fucking dick." She growled lowly before walking out of the house for air.

Maria kept rubbing her arm, it had stopped bleeding by now since it wasn't serious but it still hurt and had created a tear in her favorite dress but she knew she could mend it. She didn't realize how much she was focusing on her dress until she ran right into somebody, she would've fallen had the man not grabbed her hands and kept her upright.

Maria stared at the man before immediately realizing she was in the wrong, "I'm so sorry, sir. I wasn't paying attention. Are you okay?" She asked and brushed her dress off quickly while forcing a smile.

The man shook his head and smiled genuinely, "I'm fine really I...I um it's okay for-my name is Philip Ham-Hamilton...by the way..." His words were quiet and small and he kept stuttering so Maria grew concerned.

"I'm Maria but are you sure you're okay?" She looked him over for injury, "I mean you-you're acting like you're not so if I did something then please tell me if I did." She didn't want to leave him if she had caused something.

Philip sighed and pointed at her chest making her color red for a moment before he quickly added, "No-I mean-the bruise." He said. Maria looked at the spot over her heart and then back to Philip to see him undoing the buttons of his vest and shirt until she could see the exact same bruise on his chest as well as a few more dotting his stomach.

"O-Oh..." So this was her soulmate. She looked around and then looked back at him, "I-I'm married." She saw the shock on his face and she knew he was wondering why she got married if she hadn't found her actual soulmate yet, "For money." She sighed for probably the hundredth time that day, "My family was poor and basically sold me for money and if I leave him then I'll probably be on the streets and my family will stop benefiting from him and-"

"-Maria." He grabbed her hands again making her face color again as she looked at their hands, "Is he the reason you're always covered in bruises? My mom kept suggesting that you were just clumsy but I didn't have these bruises when we were growing up so..." He sighed, "My pops is coming up with this thing called a National Bank and your family can use it." He looked into her eyes, "He's in the government so we have money. You-You can benefit from me."

Maria shook her head, "I just met you though. I-I don't know..." She didn't even know why she was objecting and she knew she could most likely trust him as they were connected as soulmates, "It seems risky." She quickly redid his buttons for him.

"What's riskier?" He asked and felt her hands tighter, "Moving in with me while you get back on your feet or staying with a man who could one day go too far and end your life?" He asked seriously.

Maria's breathing sped up, that was something she was scared about, James killing her. She finally nodded, "Okay. Lets um...can I see...where do you live?" She asked quietly.

"I live with my parents for now," Philip told her, "They'd be happy to let you in though. My mother has been waiting to meet my soulmate since I showed interest in meeting mine. I'll try and make sure you never have any more bruises again, okay?"

Maria nodded and took the hand he offered her, "Okay. Let's go."

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