A Dream is a Wish (Heggy Smut)

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Peggy crosses her arms on the table and puts her head down on it while remembering her dream with Herc under her, moaning her name. "Fucking hell, Pegs." She blurted out, not believing she'd had such a graphic dream about the man she was planning to spend the rest of her life with.

"Peggy?" She heard Herc call from some distant room making her stiffen and burn redder, staying in her seat at the dining room table. She heard some walking until the door to the room she was in opened, "Oh hi. Good morning? I don't even know what time it is." He'd been sleeping basically all day.

Peggy looks at him with her extremely red face, "I-um-yeah-good-good morning."

She guessed Herc noticed her demeanor as he moved to run his hand through her hair, something he did to calm her down whenever she was even slightly distressed, "You okay?"

She nods, "Y-Yeah definitely just um-just had an uh-a dream." She didn't know whether to explain her dream or not.

"Ah Okay...was it a good dream? I can't tell by your face right now if it was or not." He chuckles, a sound she loved to hear, as Peggy tried to figure out how to word her response.

She nods, "It-It wasn't bad." She eventually decided on.

Herc nods too and smiles with a small kiss to her head, "I'm glad." He said quietly. She bites her lip and crosses and then recrosses her legs, she felt slightly uncomfortable down there considering...it wasn't exactly dry. Herc attempted to make conversation again, "Sleep well?"

She nods, "I-I did." She didn't know what else to say about it.

"Why are you acting so funny? The only time you do that is when you're nervous." Herc asked slightly concerned.

Peggy looked everywhere but her fiance, "Um w-well I-uh-" He raises his brows a little bit and listens, a trait she values a lot in him, his ability to listen. "..my dream......" She put her hands over her face so he couldn't see her intense blush, "In-involved um-it-uh so-uh I-we-um-"

Herc bites his lip, slowly catching on to what she was referring to, "Woahhhhhh.." The couple hadn't done that or even gotten close yet.

She blushes even more, "And so-I-yeah. I-I-" She uncrosses and recrosses her legs again, feeling awkward.

"Damn Peggy." He says straightforwardly with his eyes wide, looking at the table as he couldn't look at her. She almost laughs at that and knows she probably should change her underwear soon. "That was not the thing I expected to think about as soon as I got up...but it's not a bad thing to think about." He shrugs.

She felt a sudden burst of need and confident causing her to get up and kiss him with her arms wrapping around him. He wraps his arms around her waist like he always did and kisses her back gently, she tilted her head to the side and deepened the kiss. He rubs her sides and back lightly, smiling as he kissed her.

Peggy shivers and separates from him to look at his face with hazy eyes as her thought process left her completely. "Wow...Peggy..." He whispers in a mix of shock and surprise. "You just went for it...I loved that." She kisses him again without replying though now she was beginning to feel the oncoming wave of embarrassment.

He, of course, returns it and kisses slightly deeper than before as Peggy shyly licks his bottom lip, becoming hotter. He smiles and lightly meets her tongue with his own making her squeak. Herc pulls back slightly with a chuckle, "Alright, love?" He asked teasingly. She nodded as embarrassment consumed her, "You're so beautiful...and hot." He says softly, trying to alleviate her feelings.

"I-I um...thank you." She replies softly as her bush turned from embarrassment to flattered.

"You're welcome." He says and kisses her again, she decided to test the waters and bites his lip very gently, Herc smiles and lets her experiment.

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