Foreign Affairs (Thomgelica Smut)

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Fun Fact: There's a cut verse from the end of Cabinet Battle #2 between Hamilton and Jefferson about Angelica and I've included it in here. Also, Angelica once bitch slapped Thomas so hard he became afraid of her and also Eliza.

Thomas caught up to Alexander Hamilton at the end of the last cabinet meeting, catching his arm, "Hamilton. Can you do me a favor?" He asked. If he wasn't asking what he was about to then he wouldn't be so polite in her tone of voice considering how Hamilton won the previous cabinet battle.

"Depends," Hamilton said, slightly smugly as he'd won the previous cabinet meeting right in front of the president and congress over such an important issue, "I can try."

Thomas bounced from one foot to the other awkwardly, "Can you tell Angelica Schuyler I said hi?" He asked finally. He'd missed the eldest Schuyler sister for awhile now having met her in France though their correspondence was brief and they left on rather brash terms.

Hamilton looked confused for a moment before he asked, "She's never mentioned you." He looked Thomas up and down with his eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

Thomas shrugged, "She's not the type who shares." He then remembered what the meeting was about and smirked, "But since you're so interested in foreign affairs..." He winked and Hamilton glared. Thomas took this as his cue to leave and so he did, regretting the coy remark as it meant Hamilton wasn't going to approach Angelica lightly about their familiarity with one another.

That night Thomas couldn't help thinking about his...'friendship' with Angelica. They're both married, in fact, they were both married in France too but that didn't stop anything from happening. It was...probably the best few months of his life as well as the only time he ever regretted insulting Hamilton.

It all began as any normal party did, Thomas was hosting it in France in celebration of some nobleman's birthday or something, he wasn't really paying attention. But as he was surveying the crowd he spotted a woman coming towards him, her hair done properly and her dress a beautiful crimson color, her eyes were sharp and set dead on him.

Thomas assumed a proud posture as she approached, "Are you Thomas Jefferson?" She asked, her posture showing the same amount of pride as Thomas's did as did her voice which was something he'd never come across before now in a woman.

"I am," Thomas said slightly shocked that she knew who he was, "Do we know each other? For I'm afraid I don't recognize you in the slightest though I'm sure I wouldn't forget a woman as beautiful as you~" The flattery had no effect on the woman though.

"You don't know me," The woman said, "Yet." That word interested Thomas, yet, "I'm Angelica Schuyler Church and I've got a bone to pick with you." She said, putting a hand on her hip. Thomas couldn't help looking her over but as his eyes traveled down her body she whistled, "Eyes up here, bud." He knew he would like this woman.

"I can't think of a reason for a woman such as yourself to have an issue with me." Thomas said, locking his eyes firmly with her brown ones, "Though I'm sure we can sort it out in one way or another~" Angelica visibly cringed and Thomas realized such flattery wouldn't work on her as it did other women he conversed with.

"How about giving women equal rights, Mr. Jefferson?"  Angelica replied, half-lidding her eyes testingly, "Or is that too hard to ask? As you are aware, the Constitution clearly states all men are created equal but what about women, hmm? We've got the same amount of rights and equality to be included in such important documents."  She placed her other hand on her other hip so she held her pose.

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