The Phanling (MarLiza)

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Eliza was perhaps an interesting addition to the population of Earth. She wasn't a human, no, not really. She was from a different planet named Phaniona but after meeting with and befriending a small group of Earthlings she decided to abandon her mission and pretend to be human. Her mission was to spy for her planet and find weaknesses in Earth but she couldn't do that to her friends and told her planet's people the humans were terrifying and she was going to take her life from horror; all of which was a lie, she has just found happiness.

Eliza sat in a car with the human she harbored foreign romantic feelings for, Maria Lewis. A part of her still thought the small group of friends she had made thought she was a freak for her race but she always felt at ease with Maria, it was like nothing could go wrong when she was with Maria.

Eliza looked to her left as a bell sound went off and tilted her head as she spoke in her heavy Phanling accent, "What's the word for that infestation of tiny creatures over there?" She asked as the tiny creatures started screaming at each other, nothing, and everything.

Maria looked over and looked at Eliza weirdly before saying, "Those are children. That's a school. It's just a building children go to and learn inside of." She explained.

"Children?" Eliza asked. She knew what a school was and she knew what an education and learning were but she had no idea what children were. Eliza furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Maria, "What is a children?" She asked, "Can we have children?" She asked curiously.

Maria's face heated up and she shook her head, "I-uh-well usually couples have children together when they uh-well when they are together...romantically or just sexually I-I mean it's not like...wait do you not have children on Phaniona?" Maria asked, her embarrassment leaving as she was filled with curiosity.

Eliza shook her head, "By your description...sexually...they are offspring of your race?" She asked, piecing together what those were. She turned back to the children, "They look like smaller humans so it makes sense."

Maria nodded though Eliza didn't see it, "That's exactly what they are. Offspring of humans who are smaller humans until they grow up." She tilted her head, "Do you not have families on Phaniona then?" She asked, "Most children are raised in a family though that's not always the case because of different's mostly what's expected though."

Eliza turned back from the children to Maria, her curiosity leaving the children entirely, "What's a family?" She asked quietly.

Maria sighed sadly, that was one of the saddest questions she's ever been asked by this extraterrestrial. She closed her eyes and looked at Eliza, "It's the people who raise you. Usually, there's a mom and dad-I mean it can be a mom and mom or dad and dad or just one mom or one day and some children grow up with neither-but for the sake of simplicity lets just generalize, okay?" Eliza nodded in understanding, "So the mom is the female and the dad is the male. They come together and love each other, I mean children can be born out of love, but again, generalizing." Eliza nodded again so Maria felt she was explaining maybe semi-decently, "And when they love each other they have-well they-they procreate." A blush crept on her face again, "And they raise that child together in a loving home as a family with the three of them because they love each other. There's no limit on how many kids somebody can have of course and please remember that was a really generalized and stereotypical explanation because it's much more complex than that." She didn't want Eliza to think that was the only way to have a family and the only right way but it was just how she explained it when she was put on the spot, "You didn't have that on Phaniona I guess so how were you raised?"

Eliza shrugged, "Everybody who was my age was lumped together in their age groups and we grew up in the human equivalent of a school though it had differences they don't matter right now. Every year on the Day of Testing we are tested on our skills and redivided into groups with people who have the same level of skills as us. This keeps going until the Day of Fate when we, you would say, graduate. The last Day of Testing is the most stressful because the five groups who are below the other ten are terminated so the next generation is strong and then we go to find out Fate. We procreate only when we need to sustain the world's population, not for love or emotions. In this way I think humans are superior, they care for one another." She didn't dare look at Maria's face but when she did look she was not surprised to see a sort of horror behind her brown eyes, "I used to think this was normal but now I see that life on Phaniona is not desirable and life on Earth is even though some humans do not understand the warming of the globe." She played with her hair absently.

Maria shook her head, "No-no Eliza don't feel ashamed because of it." She said and reached across the center console of the car to hug Eliza. They pulled over to find directions on their phones but now they couldn't even remember that as Eliza leaned into the hug. Maria sighed, "I was just surprised you had to live through that, it wasn't your fault."

"You said families form because two people love each other?" Eliza asked looked up at Maria who nodded, "And children are made from that love-well they are made from procreation but you know what I mean."

"Yah-Yeah I do," Maria said with a smile to try and make Eliza feel less nervous about whatever she was trying to say.

"Then do you want to have children with me?" Eliza asked and tilted her head with a grin, "I have been feeling this tug in my heart since I met you and when I told John he told me it was a sort of romantic attraction and now I have the courage to act upon it." She told her.

Maria blushed and nodded, "Maybe we should...wait on the children bit until a bit later but we can definitely give this romance thing a try." She said and hesitated twice before kissing Eliza.

Eliza sat there with her eyes wide open, she had no idea what was happening or what to do. She felt Maria massaging her cheek and her lips moving against her lips so she tried to copy her which made Maria giggle and separate from her, "We have to work on your kissing."

"That is what that was called?" Eliza asked and touched her fingertips to her bottom lip and Maria confirmed it was, "I liked that..."

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