Scared and Relaxed (Tharia)

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Trigger Warning: Robbery

Maria stretched as she got off of the city bus, sitting for two hours really did a number on her! She had gone to visit her family for a week and now she was back, pulling her suitcase behind her as she made her journey home. She only lived a few blocks from the bus stop and her husband, Thomas Jefferson, was busy at work but promised to bring home pizza for dinner for her return. He'd been sending her messaged nonstop throughout her trip because he said he couldn't stand being alone.

Maria smiled as she thought of Thomas, it was a bit of a surprise and accident they had met but she was grateful. In college she walked into the wrong classroom and he bumped into her, he helped her pick her stuff up and they'd been inseparable almost since that moment. They got married last summer so she was still buzzing from the honeymoon. Just as she went to grab her phone to text him about her bus getting to their town it buzzed so she picked it up.

Fuzzy: Hey just wanted to check in :)

HoneyBear: I was just about to text you actually. Just got off the bus ^^ I can't wait to see you again.

Fuzzy: Great! I just got off so I'll be home in about thirty minutes, stopping at the grocery store and then going to grab some Domino's for us <3

HoneyBear: Pizza!

Fuzzy: Yes, pizza~

Fuzzy: Also Hamilton was an idiot today so I have a lot to rant about

HoneyBear: I'll be here to listen

Fuzzy: Finally

HoneyBear: I know I know xD

HoneyBear: Okay I'm gonna grab a snack from the kitchen. Just got home. Talk to you later?

Fuzzy: Of course. Be home soon. I love you xx

HoneyBear: I love you too <3

Maria jogged up the steps to the house she and Thomas owned, it wasn't small, wasn't average, it had two separate balconies and three floors. She never thought she'd be in the upper class but Thomas was rich so when she married him it happened. Some people she used to call friends started to call her a gold digger, one even went to the wedding and tried to convince Thomas she was only with him for the money. Thankfully Thomas's best friend, James Madison, threw the bitch out. She was a bit sad but she was happier that she wasn't with such fake people who would turn on her when she had something they didn't. She loved Thomas and hit money was just a bonus, she'd still have married him if he was a homeless beggar.

Maria reached the oak doors of the building and fished her set of keys to the house out of her dress pocket to open the door. The first thing she did when she entered was hit the light to the foyer, it had no windows so it was always dark as hell. She put her bags next to the door and shut it, she knew Thomas would take care of her baggage because he always did these small things for her and it made her happy because most people didn't bother.

She was about to head to the kitchen to grab a snack when she heard footsteps from upstairs and her heart skipped a beat in fear. Maria strained her ears as she heard whispered that slowly turned into men's voices, "Did the front door just open?" Was the first thing she heard and she crossed her fingers for luck they would forget about it.

"Maybe it's the asshole's bitch wife," A deeper voice suggested. She heard them heading to the stairs and she knew they were coming for her so she ran to the kitchen as fast as she could and hid inside the walk-in pantry which looked like part of the wooden wall, Thomas liked having hidden doors because it made him feel cool, like Batman even. She got her phone out and shakily texted Thomas as she kept one hand over her mouth and nose to silence herself.

HoneyBear: Thomas somebody's in the house they know I'm here and they're looking for me and I can't call 911 or they'll hear me please help.

HoneyBear: I'm really scared and they sound like they don't like you

HoneyBear: What if they hurt me?

She waited anxiously for Thomas to text back, she wanted to cry the entire time. She heard them tearing through her house and memories as if it was nothing and she felt so alone. It took them reaching the kitchen for her to burst into muffled tears as they ransacked the place.

"How fucking big do these bastards need a fucking house?" The man with the deeper voice asked and she heard a crash that made her jump, she heard glass break and knew he had thrown the fridge down onto the ground. Her phone lit up and she looked at it and cried harder.

Fuzzy: Where are you

HoneyBear: The pantry. They're in the kitchen now.

She didn't get a reply and her heart dropped, they were knocking on the wall. She scurried to hide behind some big bags of who knows what, "I think this is hallow behind it." The lighter voiced man said. He knocked on the wood a few more times.

"It's a door, idiot." The deeper man said and she could almost see the cogs turning in their brains.

HoneyBear: They found me

She had just hit enter when they opened the door. She locked the phone so they couldn't see she had been texting Thomas, "Well what do we have here?" The deeper voiced man asked as Maria slid her phone into a pop tart box behind her so they wouldn't see.

"You were right J-" The deeper man punched the other before he could say his name. Maria bit her lip in fear and backed up.

"Hello Mrs Jefferson," She was going to refer to him as J for now. He walked towards her and she flattened against the wall, "We're just gonna go on a trip." He told her and grabbed her wrist.

"N-No!" She cried and cried. J squeezed her wrist and she whimpered in pain. They dragged her from the pantry and she tripped over the mess, she couldn't believe this was her home.

J threw her onto her knees and she screamed as glass pierced her skin, "Oopsies." J said with a sadistic grin.

Maria put her hands over her face as she knew she was helpless in this situation. She heard a gunshot and screamed again only to find the man who threw her with a hole in his head. She covered her mouth and felt somebody pull her to their chest, she turned to look at them and felt relief flood her, "Th-Thomas?"

"Shh," He had a smoking gun in his hand and pointed it at the other man who had his hands up in surrender, "Did he hurt you too?" He asked quietly.

Maria shook her head, "N-No only that one did." She told him. Thomas nodded to show he heard and shot the other man in the knees making Maria scream each time she heard the gun.

Thomas carried her to the living room and put her on the sofa as he called the police and asked for an ambulance and explained what happened. He turned to Maria and pulled her to his chest, "Hey...hey I'm here now." He told her, "I love you."

"I love you too," Maria said and hugged him back, "I was really scared." She whispered and started crying again, "And-And my knees hurt."

Thomas separated and looked at her knees, "Sorry about that love...I should've been here sooner..." He went to pull a shard of glass out but stopped, "We should let the paramedics deal with that I don't wanna make it worse on accident."

Maria nodded, "Okay." She leaned against him and closed her eyes to try and relax, just relishing and relaxing from his touch alone.

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