Dancing (Philodosia)

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Theodosia sat bored out of her mind at some party she was forced to go to simply because her father was Aaron Burr, the current senator of New York though he was stressing he wouldn't get reelected as he wasn't prepared for the position at all and Philip Schuyler was on the rise. In her mind Theo knew he wasn't going to get elected, she's known for awhile but to his face, she told him not to worry.

She heard somebody clear their throat next to her and she looked over to see a boy with crazy curly hair and scattered freckles along with deep-set intelligent brown eyes. She raised an eyebrow to show the boy she was listening, "Theodosia Burr?" He asked.

Theo held in a disappointed sigh, another man after her for political gain as well as wealth, "That's me." She said, driving her actual emotions from her voice as she'd been taught by her father, forcing herself to sound pleased to meet this man.

"I-I'm Philip Hamilton," He told her and awkwardly sat down next to her as she perked up a little bit as she realized he of all people wouldn't come to her for any gain considering their fathers were locked in a sort of political duel at the moment and them starting a relationship would be gossip and controversial, "Sorry you were just really pretty and I asked my dad who you were and he told me and so I-yeah-sorry." He shifted a little bit.

Theo felt herself blush even though she knew she shouldn't, "Thank you...really I-okay. Your dad is Alexander Hamilton, yes?" She looked at Philip quickly and saw him nod, "Mines Aaron Burr, I think you know.." He nodded again and she looked down, "So..."

"Do you wanna dance?" He asked quickly as soon as the music started up again, she looked at him in shock and saw he was blushing hard himself, "Sorry I didn't mean to just throw that out I just-"

"-No-no it's fine, let's dance." She got up and brushed her green skirt off, pulling on her white sleeves which had ridden up from not being used, she fluffed her green bow and smiled at him, "Give our families a heart attack." She smirked.

Philip giggled and nodded, standing up and offering her his hand, "My father's going to have a red face of anger just you wait." Theo rolled her eyes at one of her father's many catchphrases and Philip laughed, leading her onto the dance floor with a flourish.

"Seems you didn't throw away your shot," Theo said and let Philip take the lead in their formal waltz. Philip groaned at her using his father's catchphrase and she started laughing, "Hey!" She yelled when he dipped her quickly and unexpectedly.

"Just dancing~" Philip teased. When Theo came up she had that fire in her eyes and Philip sweated as she forced him to relinquish his position as the one leading the dance, "Hey I'm the man here!" He whined.

"Man?" Theo asked and looked around the entire room before getting on her tiptoes and whispering in his ear, "I don't see any men here...like, at all." Philip grumbled something and Theo spoke again, "Speak up boy I know your mother taught you better she, at least, is somebody I can respect."

Philip nodded, "Yeah my mom is pretty okay," Then he added, "But anyway I asked if there are no men then who or what are you dancing with?" He asked and tilted his head.

"I little boy who thinks he's a man~" Theo replied and kissed his nose lightly making Philip blush intensely, "Don't get too attached, it would be way too hard to court me and way to hard for me to court you considering who we are."

"Well...the truth is," Philip said as he took the lead on their dancing again, "None of us are easy to be with, deal with, or please all the time. We have our vices, attitudes, and way of doing things that make us who we are. You won't like everything about somebody, it's impossible. This is life and it isn't about finding the perfect story to tell, it's about finding something you're willing to work for, somebody who's willing to work with you. That simple. I want to find someone who has a heart for me and I'll never stop fighting for them." Theo stared at him with her mouth agape and Philip tried to cover himself up, "Sorry I'm a Philip I-I-shit I mean I'm a poet I-sorry...we just met that probably-"

"No-No that's-it's way more than okay," Theo said and shrugged, "But I think I've become so apathetic to the point of not caring, I'm a woman so my options have always been limited. I want to learn a new language, a new instrument, get in better shape. I want to do better in my schooling, hell, I want to write a book! But I won't because I'm just...unmotivated to make my life better I guess."

Philip led her off of the dance floor while mumbling about how dancing was stupid anyway and soon he had led her out of the building and into a garden, she began to think she'd said something wrong or upset him but Philip just hugged her, "I really...I don't know I just-I like you a lot." He said quietly, "I just met you and I like you a lot."

Theo blushed, "I like you too, Philip," She said honestly and he separated to look at her. He leaned in to kiss her but she put her hand in the way so he stopped, "I'm not sure...where to go from here. We can see each other, of that, I'm sure. But a relationship? It's scary...it's daunting, I don't know how ready for that I am. We can try but it'll have to be in secret and I...I just don't want to move too fast."

Philip nodded, "Okay...I understand I'll just hug you then." And he held her close, she snuggled into him and they stayed like that until Philip said, "Guess I'll have to wait for it." And she smacked him lightly while laughing, "Do you wanna dance some more?"

"I thought you said dancing was stupid," Theodosia responded with a smirk and a teasing glint in her eyes as Philip rolled his.

"Nothing is stupid with you by my side~"

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