Whore (Thomgelica Smut)

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Requested by Melinmanuelmiranda

Angelica laughed as her sister told a joke about her child having the craziest hair, "With Thomas as a father you never know!" She replied and then put a hand on her stomach, "Oh they're kicking." She grabbed Peggy and Eliza's hand and put them on her stomach as her child kicked them.

"Oh!" Eliza let out and then a grin split her face, "They sure are active. An active baby is a healthy baby." She tells her with a grin and then looked down as a little freckles boy grabbed her shirt, "Mommy! Stephen took my bear!" he cried.

Eliza and Peggy shared a look before getting up to deal with their sons, Stephen being Peggy's son with her husband and Philip being Eliza's with her own husband. Angelica sighed and watched them, impatient for her own child to be born, she then felt somebody hug her from behind and looked at her stomach where their hands were rested and smiled, "Hello there, Thomas."

"Hey...the party's about to end," He told her and kissed her cheek, "The perfect baby shower, yeah? I can't believe we finally made one." He said and moved his thumb in a circular motion over her stomach.

"Me either..." Angelica said. Soon, she and Thomas said goodbye to their party goers as they left, thanking them for coming and for their gifts that they had brought her and the advice they gave her for her first child.

"Alrighty then, what now?" Thomas asked when the last person trickled out, looking around their vacant living room.

Angelica shrugs, "I don't mind." She said honestly, "We could do literally anything, I'm too happy to care."

He smiled, "You're sure?" He asked as he pulled her in for a hard kiss, letting her grab his hair as he slid his tongue into her mouth to turn their kiss French. Thomas broke the kiss to ask, "Should we fuck if you're pregnant?"

"It's healthy actually," She told him and pecked his lips quickly with a smile, "Pregnant women aren't fragile eggs, we can do more than you think." She said.

"Well, I know you can do more than any other woman," He said and pulled her top off, grabbing her ass and pulling her close while showering her neck in bites and kisses making her let out a low humming noise, "Damn. You fucking like that?" She nodded and he starts biting at her breasts, kissing and licking them so she moaned louder. He smirks and puts his fingers under her breasts and starts pinching her nipples so she moaned even louder, "I'm gonna fuck the shit outta you." He says tearing her dress off and looking at her.

She gasps as the fabric left her body before looking at him and humming again, "Eager aren't you?"

"Fucking maybe," He said put his hands around her neck to choke her while kissing her, massaging her breast with his other hand which sent her into a new world of feeling as she kissed back.

He gets up and takes his pants off with his boxers and starts jerking his dick as she lays down, He gets on top of her, putting her tits together and slid his dick between them and thrusting, groaning at the sensation.

Angelica chuckles and looks down, licking his head once as it came up, "Mmm such a nice sight." She said.

He thrusts a few more times, knowing he's in control which built his confidence. He then backed up away from her breasts and teased his length against her womanhood which still had her underwear on it, the friction made Angie gasp, "Tell me what you want." He smirked.

Angelica's reply was to roll her eyes as Thomas slowly and carefully takes her panties off, "You're so fucking wet, Ang." He says, looking her folds over.

She smirks, "Can you blame me?" She asked and gyrated her hips to show off.

He smiles and ran a finger over her making her shiver, "Well, I know you taste good, and I can't wait." He takes his fingers and starts to rub her clit in a circular motion, lifting and dropping it to tease her.

She moans, "Fuck....me, please..." She said slowly, needing more than just her clit played with, "I can be your whore." She said quietly

"Good girl's wait," Thomas replied making Angelica whine before he stuck two fingers in with no warning and set a pace with them making her clutch the couch and moan loudly. She felt herself building up as Thomas curled his fingers and hit certain places inside her to make her grow louder.

"Thomas I-I'm going to-" Just as she said that Thomas took his fingers out and licked up, down, and in between them as Angelica glared, "Hey I-I was close!" She complained.

Thomas smirked at her whining, "I'm gonna fuck you, lay down." Angelica tried to hide her grin as she lied down on her back, putting one hand over her stomach. Thomas jerked himself to reharden his dick before sliding it inside her as she let out an airy breath before he grips her ass while he thrusts, "Fuck...fuck...you get tighter every fucking time. It makes no sense but I love it."

She squeals moaning embarrassingly as he becomes more aggressive, throwing her hands onto his shoulders and squeezing them, "You're a good little whore," He says under his breath as sweat falls from his forehead.

"Yes, I am!" Angelica yelled and squeezed her walls around him as she built up more and more, "I'm your whore!" Her build-up was quick and soon she felt herself release around him, quivering.

"Shit!" He screams and thrusts a few more times as Angelica lost sense of reality, he rode her through her orgasm before he cums inside her, slowing down his thrusts slowly, "Fuck...fuck.." He kissed Angelica's forehead when he became less animistic, "You're such a good girl, that was really fucking amazing." He smiles

She tilts her head, "Yeah?" She asked and pecked his lips quickly, "I love you and yes, it was really good."

"I love you too," He said and kissed her while ignoring the fact that he was sweating. Angelica kissed him and he held her close, slowly falling asleep with her in his arms. Well, her and their future son and daughter, neither of them quite knew there was an extra bundle inside Angie.

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