Fools (Philodosia)

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Philip laughed as he spun around, his hands on Theodosia's hips as he spun her above him in a circle, her purple dress fluttering from the movement, Theo was nothing but giggles from these actions. Philip placed her down and put his hands on her cheeks, kissing her gently and moving his thumb in a circular pattern on her cheek.

Theo kissed back, her arms wrapping around Philip gleefully, "I love you." She said against his lips, before pulling back to look up at him with a grin.

"I love you too," Phil replied, moving his arms to around her waist to pull her closer, "Nobody knows just how much I love you." He said.

Philip went to kiss her again when a voice cut them off, "What the hell's going on here?" The two separated instantly and looked at Aaron Burr, fear flooded Phil. He and Theo didn't expect him to be back yet, he was out for some cabinet meeting or something, Phil's father was out for the same reason.

"Daddy I can explain." Theo started, trying to find a way around any sort of confrontation.

Aaron's eyes narrowed, "Then hurry up and do it. Why is Hamilton's kid here?" If only he had met Theo when they were younger, before a rift formed between Aaron and his father, then this wouldn't have been such an issue.

Theo looked at Philip who nodded for her to go ahead and tell the truth, "I-I...I've been courting Philip for the past few months, almost a whole year." She said as evenly as she could.

Aaron glared and grabbed Theo's wrist, pulling her to him, Phil's instincts told him to pull her back but he knew better than to fight with a man over his child, "Never," He hissed as Theo looked to Philip helplessly, "Never have I met such naive idiotic children. You." He pointed at Philip, "Stay the hell away from my daughter. Only fools believe they can get whatever they want in life. My daughter should've known better." He glared at Theo before storming off with her wrist securely in his grip.

Philip stood there in disbelief, he watched as the only woman he'd ever loved and ever will love was pulled away from him forever. After what was probably hours he managed to make his way home, his mother looked like she was about to scold him but when she saw his tear-stained face she just wrapped her arms around him without a question, managing to get him into a chair.

"Sh-She's g-g-gone," He sobbed into the blue fabric of her dress, letting himself basically go limp as emotions clouded his mind.

"Shhhh..." Eliza whispered and ran her hand up and down his back while her other stayed securely where it was, "Who's gone Pip?" She asked gently, rocking him back and force.

Philip hiccuped, "Th-Theod-do-dosia!" He remembered her purple dress fluttering, he felt like a rock getting pelted with waves over and over.

Eliza sighed, "Theodosia Burr?" Philip nodded slowly, "Y-You love her and now she's gone?" She asked to which Philip nodded again, "Why's she gone?"

"H-Her fath-ther." He replied shakily, wishing he could reverse time and tell his mother about it all and then convince Theo to run away with him and then they could elope, but it was too late now.

Eliza comforted Philip the best she could but it was to no avail, the teenager was slipping into a feeling of hopelessness. He didn't eat dinner that night, he stayed locked up in his room without any motivation to leave it.

Phil sat against his door and thought about what Aaron had said to him, feeling fresh tears prick his eyes as he whispered into a small portrait he had of the woman, "They say only fools fall for you...only fools." His voice broke, "So I must be a fool...for I-I fell for you." He held the small portrait to his chest and cried until he heard something hit his window. He got up confused when he saw what looked like a rock hit his window again.

Philip hurried over and opened his window to see curly hair, dark skin, and a purple dress. He stared in shock before running from his window and out the back door before he could ever get his shoes on. The moment he spotted Theodosia with her overcoat to protect her from the wind Philip ran and hugged her so hard the two fell to the ground, Theo's giggling filling him with happiness.

"Oh God, you're-you're here!" Philip peppered her face in kisses not believing she was real, "B-But your father!"

Theo rolled her eyes, "If he really wanted to keep me locked up he really needs to get new locks. I've known how to pick those since I was eight." Philip chuckled and kissed her happily, Theo wrapped her arms around his neck before asking, "So what shall us two fools do now?" She asked.

"Marry me." Philip blurted out causing Theo to blush heavily.

"R-Really?" She asked with wide eyes as she searched his face to try and figure out if he was joking.

Phil shook his head, "Let's elope, right now, please." He begged, if they got married right now then Aaron couldn't do anything to ruin their relationship, he knew he wanted to marry this woman.

Theo smiled and sat up, "Of course! I-I'll marry you!" They were about to run to the nearest courthouse when somebody clearing their throat made them turn around, in the light of the backdoor stood Alexander and Elizabeth Hamilton.

"I-uh-" Philip tried to explain himself and the situation but he couldn't find the words, he'd never be as brave of Theo was.

Alexander held up Philip's shoes as Eliza said, "You forgot these. Were you seriously going to get married without shoes on?" She raised an eyebrow as Theo giggled. Philip burned red and hurried over putting his shoes on. Eliza beckoned Theo over and hugged her, "He really loves you, come back here when you're done, we'll gladly house you until the two of you get on your feet, I'd be honored to have you in my family."

"Thank you, Mrs. Hamilton." Theo smiled, hugging the woman back before looking shyly at Alexander.

Alex smiled softly and held his hand out, Theo took it and they shook hands as Alex said, "I can't wait to have you as a daughter-in-law. I've been in your shoes once, marrying somebody from a tight-knit family while mine was loose and disproving."

Theo nodded, "Thank you..thank you so much." Philip's heart felt like it might explode as his parents blessed their marriage.

"Now hurry up and come back as Theodosia Burr Hamilton. You can borrow our carriage since it's a bit chilly."

"Thank you!" Philip yelled and picked Theo up bridal style, hurrying off to get her into the carriage as Theo laughed.

"You're such a dork!" She yelled happily.

"I thought I was a fool~" Philip responded, placing her inside the carriage.

"Oh shut up."

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