Public Binders (Jamilton)

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Trigger Warning: Transphobia

Alexander looked in the mirror at his binder, himself in swimming trunks. He felt nervous, incredibly nervous. Thomas, his longtime boyfriend, and self-proclaimed transition buddy had convinced him to go swimming with him and his friend James Madison as well as their mutual friend who had introduced them, Lafayette. This would be the first time Alex went anywhere with his binder showing.

Alex tied his hair up in the mirror, a halfway hairdo, and plopped his glasses on his face so he could see. He looked at Thomas as he walked in, he and Thomas were wearing matching outfits complete with Thomas wearing fake glasses though he had a headband type thing on to keep his mane out of his face.

"I'm nervous," Alex admitted and crossed his arms, "It's a public beach. I'm afraid of transphobia and-and I've never been anywhere with my binder out." Thomas was way more confident than he ever could be, wearing wife beaters that showed his binder and walking without a shirt in only pants.

Thomas held Alex's hands and smiled, "I know it's useless advice but if you do something or wear something confidently then nobody will question you." He kissed Alex's forehead, "But since I know you're going to stress anyway just know if anybody is mean to you I will fuck them up. Royally. For you."

Alex sighed and nodded. Usually, he was a hot head with an opinion and a take no shit attitude but when it came to his gender and even his sexuality he reverted to a nervous boy with no grasp of the real world.

He helped Thomas pack their beach bag and he strapped it to his back as Thomas carried the umbrella to the car, they both loaded it before Alex tossed Thomas the keys and got into the passenger seat.

"You're not going to drive?" Thomas asked as he climbed into the driver's seat. Alex rarely let Thomas drive when they were together because he felt very uncomfortable and sometimes scared when other people drove him anywhere and Thomas understood that. Alex simply shook his head, he didn't trust himself to drive safely while he was flooded with these emotions. "It's going to be okay, Lexi," Thomas said softly as he started up the car and took off.

There was sparse conversation on the two-hour drive to the beach and eventually, Thomas just turned on the radio, letting music drift between them instead of a forced conversation to try and relax Alex.

Finally, they reached the beach. Never before had Thomas been so relieved to end a car ride as he parked their car and got the backpack and the umbrella so Alex was unburdened, smiling at him.

Alex stuck to Thomas's arm and kept his head low in fear, he was still a bit scared, but Thomas walked confidently. Alex never understood Thomas's confident, it stayed forever and never faltered even when it seemed he may be losing something, he stayed as confident as when he began.

They set their stuff up and Alex forced Thomas to sit through him giving him sunscreen because he was always a ninny and was constantly afraid of either of them getting a sunburn or even skin cancer. He then sunblocked himself and had Thomas sunblock his back. Then, they went to find James and Lafayette.

As they passed a volleyball game Alex pulled on Thomas's arm, "Can we play?" He asked quietly and hopefully, volleyball was his game.

Thomas chuckled and nodded, leading them over and went to ask one of the men if they could play but stopped, wrapping an arm around Alex when he heard what they were saying, "They're trans, they had surgeries to look like men." They then noticed Thomas and Alex and said, "Oh we don't play with girls."

Thomas tightened his grip on Alex's waist and rolled his eyes, "Transphobia really is everywhere." He growled as Alex leaned into him for support.

"Why are trans people always so aggressive?" The man asked but Thomas had enough, quickly leaving with Alex.

"If I ever see people like that again it will have been too soon." He said and Alex silently agreed though he was a little surprised when Thomas stopped them and tilted Alex's chin up so he could look into his eyes, "You alright? You're alright, right? Nothing they said hurt or affected you, right?"

Alex shook his head, "One of them had a pedo-stache so I couldn't take them seriously if I tried." He said, his normal personality shining through as he smirked and got on his tiptoes to peck Thomas's lips, smiling as Thomas kissed back. "I couldn't do this without you," He said honestly, "I'd still be going by Alexandra if it weren't for you."

"The same is said for you. Thadia Jefferson deserved to stay dead alongside Alexandra Hamilton because Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton have too much to do and too little time to care about dead names," He said and looped their arms together, leading him to a bar that James and Laf were at, "Hey guys. We ran into a bit of a bump but we're here now."

"Bit of a bump?" Lafayette repeated in a way to convey his disbelief, "Almost an entire 'our? I think you two decided to just fuck and leave James and me." He said and Alex blushed intensely, "If I were a betting man I'd bet the bump was road 'ead."

"N-No Laf cmmon, that's dangerous. Come off it, we needed to sunblock and then some men were rude to Alex," He explained quickly and ordered some shots, "But we are here now so we should focus on that."

James turned away from them to cough into his elbow for a few minutes before turning back and clearing his throat, "Sorry, think I'm catching something again." He excused before saying, "But we should have something to toast to with all this alcohol. Any ideas, my friends?" He asked, tapping the outside of his beer bottle.

"I got promoted," Alex said and that satisfied them. Soon, they all began toasting to Alex's promotion happily and somehow in their celebration Alex forgot about his binder entirely.

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