In the Way (Pharia)

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Trigger Warning: Abuse and Death

Philip skipped to the nearest florist as his feeling of what he could only describe as love built up in his chest. He got the bouquet he ordered and attached a poem he'd written to the ribbon holding it together with Maria written across it in cursive golden letters. He smiled with a small blush and hurried to meet with her.

Philip hurried up the stairs to her house and knocked rapidly, waiting for his brown-haired red-clad beauty to answer. She did and he was taken aback by the swelling on her face, "Maria?" He reached for her cheek and she flinched back so he dropped his hand, "What happened? Who hurt you?" He walked in and sat the flowers on the nearest table before turning to the woman who had stolen his heart. He knew she was married but she always told him they were separate and he believed her because no male clothing was in the house and Susan never talked about her daddy, he also never saw a man around them.

"Well..." She put some hair behind her ear and walked closer to Philip prompting him to put his arms around her gently as she leaned into him, "My husband...James Reynolds he-the reason we're separate is because he-he's horrible." She sniffed and Philip tightened his arms around her, "He-He won't give me money for me and Susan unless I-I have sex with these other men and I don't want to so I don't and he got angry and came over last night and just-just hit me until I promised I would...I don't want to." She held her tears though.

Philip felt both heartbroken, scared, and angry at the same time. He picked Maria up and went to the living room where he sat down with her, massaging her feet as she managed to somewhat relax. Philip heard the door creak open and he turned to see a man walk in, "Is this the ever famous Philip you were telling me about?" He growled.

Philip jumped up, "James I presume." He said and glared as he heard Maria's breathing speed up, "What do you want?" James made a step towards Maria but Philip got in front of her, "You're talking to me not her."

"I want," James said and glanced at Maria, "My wife not to be pregnant with your bastard!" He yelled and pushed Philip's shoulders. Philip stumbled as a feeling of absolute shock drowned him completely, "Don't act stupid, boy!"

"He-He didn't know!" Maria shouted and got up herself, a hand over her stomach as she looked at James though she stayed behind Philip in fear, "He had no idea so leave him out of this." She sounded like she was pleading.

"Y-You're pregnant?" Philip asked quietly, shaking putting a hand over hers as he thought about a child, one with her, he would kill any man who tried to stop it from happening now that it was here. Maria nodded guiltily and for a moment Philip forgot about James and just kissed her as hard as he could, holding her tight as happy tears slipped from the corner of his eyes.

When their lips parted a small smile was visible on Maria's face which made him feel better until James's voice cut in again, "For that bastard I expect you to pay me in full. This is a disgrace, this is not what a man wants to find when he comes home. I expect full compensation or it's getting ripped from her."

Philip felt his head go hot with anger, "You're not going to get anything. You're going to turn around and leave, you're not going to speak to Maria or Susan again and you will never even look at our child." He said quietly.

"Oh yeah?" James crossed his arms, "Says who? The son of a know it all politician who can never shut his mouth? Imagine how having a bastard would hurt his career oh-wait...he's a bastard himself isn't he?" Maria gasped in shock, even she didn't think James would use that against the Hamiltons.

"You know what?" Philip's entire body shook in anger, "Sundown, Weehawken, I'll bring the guns." He said and grabbed Maria's wrist, "And she's staying with me because I can't trust an abusive asshole not to hurt her. Susan! Come here!" He called through the house.

Soon a little girl who looked almost identical to Maria ran in and saw James making her squeak and run straight for Philip who scooped the six-year-old up. James tipped his hat, "You've made a lot of mistakes but this one is going to be your last. See you in a few hours my boy."

Philip ignored him and carried Susan while pulling Maria to his house. At first, his mother was confused when he brought Maria in and sat her down in the parlor with her daughter until he explained it and then went to his father, "D-Dad." He said nervously and walked in.

"Philip?" Alexander turned instantly as he knew that tone of voice meant something was very obviously wrong, "What's wrong? What happened?" He asked.

"I-uh..." Philip sighed and sat down, "I got this girl I've been seeing pregnant but she's married with a child but her husband hurts her and he talked shit about you so I-I challenged him to a duel and he told me he was going to make it my last mistake." He said quickly, picking at his pants.

Alexander looked fearful for a moment before shaking it off, "Oh-Oh my um well...look, Philip." He took his guns out and found his personal one, "Once you get to ten make sure you swing the gun like this." He demonstrated, "And pull the trigger when it's at your hip. That spin will send it right into a grown man's chest." He handed the guns over, "Be smart, be safe, make us proud, son."

He nodded and looked out the window, "I have to go but if-if I don't make it please you gotta-you gotta get Maria divorced from him and look after our child." He said quietly, "I don't want to leave her with him I love her...she loves me and I love her daughter as if she was my own."

Alex nodded, "Philip, I'm going with you. I'll be your second, okay?" Philip agreed instantly and they went to the dueling grounds with the guns. James arrived with a man neither Philip or Alex knew as well as a doctor.

"Let's do this," James said, retrieving his gun from Alex.

Alex ruffled Philip's hair, "Remember, swing and pull the trigger. Think of Maria, think of Susan, think of the baby. I believe in you." He kissed Philip's forehead.

"I got this, pops, that bastard is gonna pay for what he did to my soon-to-be-wife." It had occurred to him that if he shot and killed James right here then Maria would be free to marry him. It was a win-win for him if he won and if not then at least Maria would be same from this monster.


It was normal to feel nervous, right? Even though it was just one step it felt like a parade march to doom.


Maria! He had to win this for Maria, she couldn't go on with a child inside her if Philip died here. He had to make it through, for her.


Susan as well...she looks nothing like her father, only got her mother's traits. When he first saw her Philip remembered being absolutely floored by her good manors and adorable outfit, he was going to be this girls father, not James Reynolds.


His child. He had a child! Susan was his, yes, but there was one being made right now as he took each of these steps. What would he name them? Well, Alexander, if they are a boy, is a good idea and Mya for a girl! He already loved them.


His mother wouldn't be able to handle it if he died here. He had to make sure she stayed on top of things and he liked to help her sew. She still helped him with the piano so he couldn't wait to get back and take more lessons.


Not to mention his father! He adored his father, that man was invincible! He was just so smart and way better at research than he thought possible. He always wanted to be like his father and even though he wasn't a carbon copy he could still remember being told he would blow everybody away and it was such a good motivator.


"Philip shoot now he's turning!" He heard his father yell so Philip did as he was told, turned, flung the gun, and fired the trigger with precision that he must have inherited from his father.

Philip looked at James, watching him go down...backwards. He had turned and was prepared to shoot Philip on seven if his father wasn't here he'd be a goner. He sighed in relief and then looked at Alex, "I won! Now, time to go marry Maria."

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