Finger Banging (MarLaurens Smut)

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Maria sighed and shifted her thighs slightly. John had taken her to some dinner party with his friends, he wanted to introduce her to his friends and family separately as they were far different people and he didn't want to mix them. They were at a club at the moment and Maria had been drinking while speaking with Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, and Hercules Mulligan for awhile but their blatant humor may have caused a problem between her legs.

Currently, John had gone to the bathroom and Maria had her third glass of wine against her lips while watching the three other men. Finally, she asked what she'd been thinking about, "Are all three of you single?"

Alex shook his head, "I'm not. I'm married." He told her and smiled slightly, "She's beautiful! Her name's Elizabeth Schuyler, I'll tell her you said hi! As John's girlfriend you're going to be seeing a lot of me and Eliza because I'm his best friend! Oh and Eliza's pregnant. I'm hoping for a boy! Eliza says if they're a boy then he'll be named Philip, after her father-"

"-Alright lover boy," Hercules interrupted and cuffed Alex who whined, "You're not the only one who's close to John. You'll be seeing a lot of all of us." He told Maria who nodded in understanding, "And to answer your question, Laf is in an arranged marriage and I'm married." He said.

Maria turned to the Frenchman of the group and asked, "Arranged marriage? Why? Isn't that a bit dated?"

Laf shrugged, "My family is rich and 'as a lot of governmental power so we've all been arranged a spouse. I'm lucky, I have fallen in love with my intended and she is beautiful.  Marie Adrienne Françoise de Noailles, she is soon to be Marquise de La Fayette, a French marquess, because I am a marquise. She is the daughter of Jean de Noailles, and Henriette Anne Louise d'Aguesseau, she is to, of course, marry me."

Maria stared at him as she processed the amount of information thrust at her until Hercules spoke up making her turn to look at him, "I also married a woman named Elizabeth. Elizabeth Sanders, she's quite the little minx." He slurred his words and Maria blushed, rubbing her thighs together again.

"'m back," John announced as he walked kissed Maria's cheek, she grinned and then felt his fingers around her thigh making her look up at him in shock. She was only greeted with a smirk and he took a seat beside her, a hand securely holding her inner thigh, "What've you guys been up to without me?" He asked.

"Talkin' 'bout our wives," Hercules answered, "And how insanely sexy mine is." He added as John's fingers inched up Maria's thigh so she looked down, her hair hiding her intense blush as she sipped her wine.

"You alright, Maria?" Alex asked and she nodded, "And anyway my wife is wayyyyy sexier! Even Charles Lee would agree that Elizabeth is the hottest." He said.

Maria felt John's hands slip into her underwear and she looked over at him just to see him giving her a smirk, "Yeah." Hercules said and rolled his eyes, "Elizabeth is the hottest. I just said that. My wife, Elizabeth."

Maria felt herself wanting to moan as John's finger teased her entrance and she spread her legs to either side of the chair and John chuckled and whispered a quiet, "Eager?" Maria just nodded and he laughed harder.

"Yeah right," Laf broke in finally. They were too busy in their argument to see Maria struggling not to burst into moans and kiss John roughly, her hips trying to push forward into John's hand. John kissed her cheek again and Laf continued talking, "Adrienne is the 'ottest because she is modest. She wears proper clothes and she is very polite. Elizabeth tried to fuck you on the table at the Christmas dinner party, 'ercules."

"Yeah! And that's why she's hot! So adventurous!" Hercules argued back and Maria whined softly, hating how John was slightly running a finger across her and touching her clit every now and then.

"My Elizabeth does that too, Laf!" Alex argued, "And she's so empathetic!" He added. It felt like forever before John finally inserted a finger into her, Maria let her head fall onto John's shoulder as he slowly pumped his finger.

"Please..." She whispered, keeping a wary eye on his friends as they kept bickering on who had the best wife. John grinned at her and suddenly his finger sped up, Maria quickly bit her knuckle to keep from moaning which would surely give them away.

"Plus! My Eliza can cook!" Alex yelled over Herc and Laf. Maria was actually glad their fight broke out, it distracted them from her face which would give everything away paired with John's all-knowing smirk.

Hercules laughed, "My Eliza can too! Or did you forget that huge Christmas dinner she made for you lot?" He said and then he and Alex turned to Laf.

Laf humphed, "Adrienne doesn't 'ave to cook because unlike you peasants we can afford chefs who are way better than anything a 'ousewife could ever make." He said and then smirked, "So there."

"Wow, classist much?" Alex mumbled and Hercules agreed with him. Maria would've given her own word had John not managed to slip two more fingers in.

Maria put her head on the table as John fingered her roughly, her eyes rolling back and she slipped her own hand down and rolled her clit. It was almost too much, John's fingers working her plus her own stimulation sent her spiraling until she put her entire side of her hand into her mouth as she moaned softly, her walls squeezing around John's fingers and her body shaking as she came. She saw white for a few minutes as she came down from her high, John's hand back on her inner thigh and rubbing small circles against it.

"Well," She could hear John saying though she felt like she was underwater, "Even if Maria and I aren't married yet I'd like to say my wife is the best because unlike Hercules we can hide when we're banging. If you don't believe me...I've been finger banging her this entire time."

Oh, he had Hell to pay when they got home.

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