Fans and Haters (Pharia)

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Maria fell onto the couch and relaxed, closing her eyes gently. She had been asleep since noon but she was still tired, she was always tired, if she could take a light coma she definitely would. She had no idea why she was so sleepy and tired all the time.

She heard talking from the other room and opened her eyes, Philip. He was a YouTuber, somebody who made money off of videos they upload to the video website by the same name, YouTube. He made quite a lot of money from it as well.

She got up and peeked inside to see he was playing a VR horror game. She had a sudden idea and snuck up behind him as he couldn't see or hear her, she bent down and winked at the camera so they'd see her and then grabbed Philip's shoulders and violently shook him while screaming making Philip also scream and consequentially die in the game.

He took his headset off and looked at Maria with an unamused look, "I was almost at my high score!" He whined.

Maria laughed, "Sucks to be you!" Philip grabbed her and pulled her into his lap where he tickled her and she flailed while screaming, "Nooooo!"

"This's what you get!" He said and she screamed while laughing some more, "Whoa!" He stopped when she almost ended up kicking his set up, "Okay, well, that was intense." He laughed.

"Shouldn't have tickled me," Maria replied and stuck her tongue out at him. She then looked at the camera, "See what he does to me? Absolutely abusive. What a hoe." She looked at Philip again and he rolled his eyes.

He then looked at the camera, "Well, that'll actually be our episode." He said and set his headset down on the desk, hugging Maria closer, "I'll be doing a live stream later today at seven sharp so be there! Right, Maria?"

He ticked her again and she screamed into laughter and nodded, "Yes! I said yes stop!" He then stopped and she sighed, "Dick."

Philip laughed and kissed her cheek gently, "Yeah I may be that but you love me, don't you?" He asked.

Maria huffed and crossed her arms, "You're damn lucky I do." She told him and looked at him, "Now hurry up and finish this video. I'm making spaghetti for dinner."

She got up and left the room to Philip screaming, "Spaghetti!" As loud as he could making her laugh again.

She went to the kitchen and put a pot on the stove, filling it with water and bringing it to boil. She got the cans for the sauce open and put the noodles in before getting on her phone and absently stirring the pot. She got a notification that Philip had uploaded, his YouTube name was FreckledGamer, so she clicked on it. She matched it as she made the spaghetti, she could hear Phil starting his stream in the other room and rolled her eyes before an idea hit her.

She added the sauce to the pot as she finished his video and then she scrolled to the comments which she instantly realized she shouldn't have done, the entire comment section was picking apart her insecurities, her looks, and calling her multiple names. She sighed and finished the spaghetti, putting it on two separate plates. She put a fork in Philip's and put hers in the microwave for later, carrying Phil's to him.

She knocked on the door and entered silently, "Maria!" Philip grinned but she just set the plate down, "Babe is something wrong?" He glanced at the screen and read something but Maria just left before he could say anything.

She heard him say something to the stream before he got up and ran out of the room to Maria who he hugged tightly, "What's wrong hun?" He asked, kissing her forehead gently.

"It's just..." Maria sighed and looked up at him, "I was listening to the hate comments even though you told me not to." She told him, putting her head against his chest, "It's not fair..." She mumbled and handed him her phone which was on the hate comments.

Philip read through them before growling a low, "Fuck them." He took Maria's hand and walked back into the room, sitting down and pulling her onto his lap again even though there was a second chair, "Listen up motherfuckers, this is my beautiful girlfriend, Maria Lewis." She slid onto the chair beside him and read the comments flooding in, "And I won't stand for any of you being rude to her anymore. If I see a hate comment from somebody directed at this beautiful woman then I will block them, if you could find it in your heart to be that cruel to somebody you don't even know and who hasn't hurt anybody then you aren't a fan of mine and I don't want you here." He tilted Maria's face to him and kissed her passionately. She hugged him and he held her close before he turned to the camera again and said, "Even if you're being mean thinking it'll make her end it with me, doing that makes me want to date you even less since it means you're a despicable and I actually have standards. The only person in the whole wide world who I want to date is Maria so if you can't handle that then fuck off."

Maria leaned into him and smiled, whispering a soft, "Thank you, Philip. I love you so much." She looked up at him.

"I love you too," He pulled her to him again and they kissed gently. She smiled against him, feeling happy again as she pushed the hate comments and general bullying aside. She had Philip and if she had somebody so loving, so perfect, so beautiful then she couldn't be all that bad.

When they separated Maria looked at the comments from the stream and smiled at the support, "Thank you-everybody with the support messages. Thank you so much, it really does mean the world to me." She leaned into Philip again and he wrapped his arms around her.

"Ignore the haters and let's focus on the fans."

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