Christmas Miracle (HamLiza)

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Alexander sat at work, his stomach building in apprehension. Yes, he was working on Christmas day and no he didn't have a choice. He got off around four and he was able to stay long enough to see his six little rugrats open their presents but he had to leave soon after. All his children were two years apart actually and Eliza was pregnant again!

Now one might be wondering why Alexander had this pit in his stomach and the truth was he just found out his father worked at the same company he was in, actually, his father was the owner of it...and he wanted to meet Alexander. His father who has never been in his life, left when he was about ten.

Alex was finally called up to the office of his father and he sent Eliza a quick text to try and get support. Eliza was his support network, she was always his support network, whenever he needed somebody he knew she was there.

Alexander: Meeting the father now. I'm slightly anxious.

Eliza <3: Imagine if Philip or Angelica or Junior or James or John was meeting you for the first time. How would you feel? I'm sure he just wants to be in your life like you'd want to be in your child's.

Alex sighed, she was right, as she always was. He sent her a thank you text and then steeled his nerves, going up to the office of his father whom he hadn't laid eyes on for over two decades. He raised his fist and knocked tensely before being told he could come in.

Alex sighed and entered, "Mr Hamilton?" He looked at the man who had made him. He hadn't seen this man for over half his life now but he could definitely see guilt in his eyes though he tried to ignore it.

"Alexander..." His father sighed and sat down, "I know you won't ever call me father again. Let me try and make up for've never met your half-brother." Alex stared at him in shock, brother?! His father nodded, "Yes I have another son and so I um he's younger than you." That sentence made Alex's stomach drop, younger? That meant his father left him and decided Alex was a mistake and made a new one.

The door opened and Alex looked as another man walked in, he looked to be in his early twenties still and his eyes were bright blue instead of brown like Alex and his father though his hair was the same dark brown and his skin was tanned.

"Uh..." He laughed awkwardly and Alex shuffled awkwardly, "So my names-er my name is James but I go by Jay." He was just as tense as Alex which slightly reassured him.

"I'm Alexander but I go by Alex," He stuck his hand out and shook Jay's hand securely, "Don't be so tense." Alex teased lightly.

"Says you," Jay mumbled, "Your neck hairs are straighter than my sexuality." He added and Alex burst into laughter making Jay slowly laugh with him.

They then looked at each other with a mutual thought that they would be good friends, brothers even. Alex then looked back at his father and decided he could either let the relationships in this room crash and burn or help build them, "Would you like to come over for dinner? My wife and children would love to meet you."

He saw surprise flash across his father's features and knew Jay had the same expression, "Wife?" He asked and then shakily added, "Children? I'm a...grandfather?" Guilt flooded the man's eyes again.

Alex nodded and looked at Jay before back at his father, "Would you like to meet them? Eliza's the same age as me and she's actually pregnant again. I have five children already, four boys and one girl, my eldest is ten and they're all two years apart which is actually coincidental believe it or not." He kept talking from the nerves eating at his insides.

Jay was the first to speak, "I want to meet them. My sister-in-law and my niece and nephews. I really do and we don't have anything planned." Alex looked back to his father after Jay was finished to hear what he wanted to do.

His father soon got over the shock and nodded, "Well then we should get going, shouldn't we?" He asked and Alex nodded.

Alexander probably should have texted Eliza or warned her but he forgot as he got into his car and led them to his house. He just couldn't believe he had his father in his life and a brother! He had a brother.

He parked and got out, leading his father and brother to the door and opening it, he heard a chorus of, "Daddy!" And, "Daddy's home!" Before he had children scampering about his legs making him smile.

"Guys come on," He laughed and tried to trudge inside, "Let me in. We have guests." Soon his children did back up as their mother walked in and scolded them lightly for trampling their father. Alex smiled and kissed Eliza gently, "How's the baby?"

"Troublesome," Eliza replied bluntly making Alex laugh before Eliza caught sight of the other two men and looked back to Alex with a scowl in a silent scolding way. She then smiled and looked at the men, "Why hello. I'm Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, Eliza is fine, and I don't have the pleasure of knowing you, unfortunately."

Soon introductions were taken care of and Alexander sat in in the living room with his family, Angelica on his lap as she was a complete daddy's girl. He could already pick out similarities between his father and his children now that he saw them side by side.

Suddenly little John exclaimed, "I went poop!" And Eliza colored instantly, picking the two-year-old up and leaving the room as the other children rioted at the words.

Angelica then looked up and said, "Daddy?" He looked down and hummed to show he was listening to the curly haired girl, "Hi."

Alex kissed her forehead and looked up at his father again, "Merry Christmas, dad." Again, shock flew across the man's face.

"Merry Christmas, Alexander, " He smiled gently, "And you Philip, Angelica, Alexander Jr, and James."

The children let out, "Merry Christmas!" Though it wasn't in sync so it sounded like a broken video replaying sound.

Eliza came back soon after and sat next to Alex before holding her stomach, setting John next to her, "Ah he's kicking." She groaned.

"Do you have a name picked out?" Jay asked excitedly as Alex rubbed his wife's shoulders to try and help her tenseness.

Eliza nodded, "We're naming him William." She answered, ignoring Angelica's pleas to feel the baby kicking because she was a bit too uncomfortable for her stomach to be touched.

The Christmas day after that went far smoother than Alexander could have ever wanted or expected. Eliza got alone with Jay and his father exceedingly well though that wasn't a surprise because she got along with everybody she got into contact with. They stayed past the children's bedtimes and when they left they gave Alex and Eliza their contact information and asked to become a family once more.

In short, Alexander has never before experienced a Christmas Miracle but he did today.

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