Wondrous Sleep (TheoBurr)

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of Death

Aaron smiled as he took his usual sleep meds. He loved to sleep, and yes, most people did but he loved it for a special reason. Each time his head hit the pillow his dreams were filled with the most beautiful woman and the most special place, he wasn't sure why but he saw her night after night but he didn't care. To say he had fallen deeply, madly, and truly in love with the woman in his dreams wasn't an exaggeration.

Speaking of, he plopped into bed and closed his eyes with a happy sigh. He needed to see her again, his love was starting to ache from the sheer volume of it. Aaron blinked his eyes open in his dream world and looked around expectantly.

"Hey!" He turned his head as Theodosia ran up with a wide grin, "Good evening, Aaron." She said and held her hand out. Aaron watched as a book appeared in her hand, see, this was a dream so normal limitations in the real world didn't matter here.

"Good evening to you too, Theo." He took the book and read the front, "The Adventures of Sinbad?" He looked up at her.

Theo nodded happily, "Yep! That's my new recommendation since you asked for once after you finished Pride & Prejudice so I uh...yeah." She smiled and put her hands behind her back.

Aaron flipped the book over and read the back for the summary, "Originally living in the Parthevia Empire with his father Badr, a war veteran and his mother Esra, Sinbad loses his father due to the war against the Reim Empire, and spends his youth helping the local villagers and tending to his ill mother until he meets and shelters the mysterious Yunan, unaware that he is a Magi." He furrowed his eyebrows and looked up at Theo, "That sounds amazing. You haven't given me a bad book yet so I trust you completely."

Theo nodded with a grin, "It's really enthralling! I cried a lot and also related to it as-OH! It's sort of a very loose retelling of Aladdin and Aladdin and Morgiana are my favorite characters but they actually don't come in until the sequel." She saw Aaron's confusion and smiled, two more books appearing in her hands, "That's the first book and if you liked it I was going to recommend the other two. This one is Labyrinth of Magic, it's the second book. Then this one, The Kingdom of Magic, is the third book." She turned to the backs and quickly read the summaries, "I'd tell you what these say but it contains massive spoilers for that one." The two books she had read disappeared and she looked back at Aaron with a smile.

Aaron nodded, "Well if you really liked them then I know I will too. You're really smart so I trust your judgement and you sound like you're in love with them so I know I will too." He put the book under his arm and then closed his eyes until he felt snow land on his face. He opened his eyes and saw Theo looking around, he had taken them to some mountains, "Do you know how to ski or snowboard?" He asked.

Theo nodded and purple skis appeared next to her as her clothing changed into padded winter clothes, Aaron noticed his did too. She held the poles and clicked her boots onto her skis, "My mother was a really good skier and taught me well. How about you?" She looked at him curiously.

Aaron let a blue snowboard appear and held it, "I snowboard." He told her, "I also surf and they're sort of similar though I'm self-taught since my father and mother thought sports were a waste of time."

"That's a shame," Theo told him and looked to the slope he had chosen, "Because they're really fun! Plus it's good for your physical health so it's just as important as studying, mental health and physical health are equally important." She planted her skis in an x shape, "Race to the bottom?" She asked and grinned at him.

Aaron nodded, "You're on. I'll count off." He positioned himself as he and Theo got ready, "On your mark..." He felt impatience built up in them both, "Get set-GO!" He pushed off as Theo did. He bent his knees and kept balanced as Theo used her ski poles to speed up faster and faster. He could see her right next to him the entire time so he got lower in order to go faster.

"Aaron watch out!" He saw what she was yelling a warning for but he didn't care. Instead, Aaron took it head on and used the rock as a ramp to launch himself off of. He held the bottom of his board and did a pose but he couldn't stick the landing and ended up hitting the ground and rolling with a yell of surprise.

When he stopped at the bottom of the mountain he was still seeing the world in a circle. He heard Theo ride up beside him and she started laughing, "Ah you're so stupid! Why'd you go and do that yah big idiot?" She asked between her laughs.

Aaron looked up at her with a foggy brain and mumbled, "I was kind of hoping you'd...y'know, fall in love with me?" He basically had his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he stared at the sky before realizing what he'd said.

Aaron blinked away his dizziness and stared at Theo who looked sheepish. In an instant, they were back at the field he had awoken here on, the book in his hands again. He looked at her in embarrassment until Theo sighed, "I um...I've been hiding something from you and when I tell you...you might change your mind on loving me." She told him. Aaron looked at her strangely and Theo sighed, "I'm not...alive." She told him, "I've been dead for over five years and...well, I saw you one day and decided to visit your dreams and I just-I just liked you so I kept coming back."

Aaron quirked an eyebrow and walked over to her after gently setting the book on the ground, he gently took Theo's hands, "I don't care who you are or were because...you're Theodosia and I love you for who you are, I don't care if you're dead." He kissed her cheek to cement that.

Theo smiled and hugged him, "You're about to wake up." She informed him, "But I-I think I...do you want me? We can do us. But I expect you not to cheat on me during the day, okay? I actually do watch you during the day so...I don't know if that's creepy to you but.."

"Theodosia I love you, okay? And I want to try us too." Aaron saw his arms start to fade, "I'm waking up but I'll obviously be back tomorrow, okay? We can talk about us then, okay? I don't care that you're dead, I love you."

"I love you too," Theo kissed him gently and he kissed back. Aaron closed his eyes and when he opened them he was back home making him sigh but he got up with a smile, he couldn't wait for the day to end and he had something to look forward to.

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